Psychology > QUESTIONS & ANSWERS > Washington State University - PSYCH 230 Section 3. 100% Grade (All)

Washington State University - PSYCH 230 Section 3. 100% Grade

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Emergency contraception works by causing a fertilized egg to dissolve back into the body. - If a couple wants to prevent pregnancy and avoid STIs, what is the most reliable choice? - Will and ... Haley are married. They and their best friends, Mark and Loren, belong to a group of 5 other couples who all engage in comarital sex. What label would be given to Will and Haley? Who is more likely to eventually get married? - A civil union performed in one state is typically not recognized in other states, even if the state has civil or domestic partnership laws. - What is a factor related to why older men are more likely than older women to remarry after the death of a spouse? What statement best describes common findings related to comarital sex? Which of the following couples are more likely to divorce? Related to sex outside of marriage, how does the United States compare to other countries? - On a survey, who is likely to report the lowest level of overall happiness? According to the Defense of Marriage Act, what defines a "spouse"? Couples who were already engaged prior to living together have the same chance of divorce as couple who marry without living together first. - Related to research on sex within marriages, what has been found? - What statement best describes a covenant marriage? If you want to cohabitate with your couple and be given similar rights as married couples, you would then want to live in Which of the following is true about cohabitating couple in the U.S.? All of the following are reasons "dating" on college campuses has declined EXCEPT? - Comparing divorce rates within the first 10 years of marriage, what is true regarding divorce rates of couples married in the 1970s and couples married in the 1990s? Between 1990 and 2008, births increased in which group? - Current research indicates that high school graduates are more likely to marry than those with college degrees. - A recent study found that woman initiate 2/3 of all divorces. Compared to a generation ago, those who get married in the early 21st century are more likely: The number of cohabitating couples has decreased slightly over the last 10 years What does the "half-age-plus-seven rule" says it indicates? Related to racial/ethnic trends and mixed-race marriage rates, which of the following statements is true While men traditionally receive more benefits from marriage than women, which of the following benefits does recent research show now applies equally to married men and married women? - What percent of heterosexual couples in the U.S. live together before marriage? - If a woman is clearly sexually aroused and the clitoris has pulled behind the clitoral hood, what stage of the sexual response cycle is she most likely in? What culture is known for being the first to teach men how to achieve multiple orgasms by delaying or withholding ejaculation? Transudation is another word for erection. What does the term tumescence refer to? - During what phase of the sexual response cycle is a man most likely to experience drops of pre-ejaculatory fluid? - . What does ejaculatory inevitability refer to? What is true about men and women's sexual fantasies? What position for sexual intercourse do sex therapists often recommend for couples who are experiencing difficulties with early ejaculation or lack of female orgasm If a woman is experiencing sex flush, vasocongestion, and transudation, what stage of the sexual response cycle is she most likely in? - According to your textbook, all of the following refer to forms of safe sex EXCEPT: - What best describes the role of testosterone in sexual behavior? What does the term transudation refer to? What does tenting refer to? The triphasic model of sexual response includes: Masters and Johnson's model of the sexual response cycle has been criticized for being too much based on a medical model. - . What is the most prevalent sexual behavior among men and women of all ages? Compared to the other models of sexual response, David Reed's model is more based on: - What is the name for an increase in blood flow to the genitals during the first phase of the sexual response cycle? What is cunnilingus? Why do some researchers, such as Beverly Whipple, criticize the Kaplan model as being based on a male model of sexual function? - During what phase of the sexual response cycle are erections most likely to develop? - Which of the following sexual fantasies are reportedly more common among men than women? - If a woman fantasizes about the use of force in sexual relationships, one can conclude that: - What influences our sexual behaviors Lesbian women are more likely to report being sexually satisfied compared to reports of sexual satisfaction among heterosexual women. - What is sequential bisexuality? - According to the six-stage model of gay and lesbian identity formation, what is the last stage in which the individual becomes fully comfortable with his or her sexual orientation and considers all aspects of his or her personality? - Which theory would contend that homosexuality is the result of various reinforcements and punishments? Lesbian relationships have been found to have which of the following characteristics in comparison to heterosexual relationships? Low family acceptance during the coming out process is related to increased risk of: In the Sambian culture, males practice sequential homosexuality primarily through what sexual activity? What is the largest and best-known magazine dedicated to gay and lesbian issues? Similar to many Latin American countries, many Middle Eastern countries do not view the active, penetrating male sexual partner as homosexual. In addition to incorporating seven dimensions of sexual orientation into his model of sexual orientation, what else does Klein include as an important factor? When people's behavior and beliefs about their sexual orientation are in conflict, social scientists usually define them by their: If you wanted to find a religious denomination that is the most accepting of homosexuality, you would most likely become a member of which congregation? Today's teens are coming out at earlier ages than during other times in history. Who would be more likely to hold a NEGATIVE view of homosexuals? What percent of variance in sexual orientation does current evidence suggest that genes account for? Which of the following is an example of heterosexism? Which theory would contend that homosexuality is the result of various reinforcements and punishments? Lesbian relationships have been found to have which of the following characteristics in comparison to heterosexual relationships? Low family acceptance during the coming out process is related to increased risk of: Similar to many Latin American countries, many Middle Eastern countries do not view the active, penetrating male sexual partner as homosexual. In addition to incorporating seven dimensions of sexual orientation into his model of sexual orientation, what else does Klein include as an important factor When people's behavior and beliefs about their sexual orientation are in conflict, social scientists usually define them by their: Today's teens are coming out at earlier ages than during other times in history What statement is TRUE related to the rates of homosexuality among males and females? -. Heterosexism is typically a very active form of discrimination. The Defense of Marriage Act provides support for equality in marriage rights for all regardless of sexual orientation. What is the acronym for the organization that provides specific support to relatives with family members who are homosexual? - Which of the following describes hate crimes? Which statement below is TRUE regarding lesbian, gay and bisexual seniors? The conceptualization of homosexuality is consistent across cultures What has been found related to birth order and sexual orientation? How was homosexuality viewed in the 19th and early 20th century? Who would likely be most at-risk for physical and emotional health issues? At what point during the pregnancy do many women report an increased sex drive? A mother breastfeeds her infant exclusively through the first 6 months and then continues breast-feeding until the child is 2. Whose recommendation is she following? Related to sexuality after childbirth, which of the following is true? Women are most likely to feel the best during the second trimester of pregnancy. About how long does an ovum live in the female reproductive tract? Fertilization normally takes place in the uterus. If a baby is born 24-weeks premature, what are its chances for survival? What is one of the reasons a mother who is Rh incompatible with her fetus is given the drug RhoGAM after delivery or after an amniocentesis, miscarriage or abortion? Which vitamin supplement are pregnant women often advised to take? Statistically speaking, during what time of the year are women most likely to get pregnant? - What percent of all diagnosed pregnancies end in miscarriage? How much does the average full-term baby weigh at birth? There are medical procedures available that can be used for sex selection What statement regarding sex during pregnancy is TRUE? At 4 weeks after conception, How many weeks is a typical full-term pregnancy? Related to the birth process, what does engagement refer to? What is an explanation for cross-cultural food aversions that commonly develop during pregnancy Miranda did not realize she could be pregnant until she was already 14 weeks along; however, when she took a home pregnancy test it was negative. What is one explanation for this? - By day 28 the embryo, A pregnant woman begins to feel fetal movement, has more energy and less morning sickness. What stage of pregnancy is she in? All of the following statements about labor induction are true EXCEPT When two ova are released and both are fertilized by sperm, what type of twins result? - Drinking alcohol during the first trimester of pregnancy has not been found to be harmful, although drinking during the second or third trimester is associated with higher rates of birth defect Births to unmarried women are lowest among what group According to the Defense of Marriage Act, what defines a "spouse"? - sex . Which of the following is true about cohabitating couple in the U.S.? According to your text, what can the strong history of protection of heterosexual marriage in the United States be tied to? Between 1990 and 2008, births increased in which group? There is a higher percentage of married men than women who are over 65. While men traditionally receive more benefits from marriage than women, which of the following benefits does recent research show now applies equally to married men and married women? Related to research on sex within marriages, what has been found?. The number of cohabitating couples has decreased slightly over the last 10 years On average, married couples in which of the following conditions report the lowest levels of marital satisfaction? Legal marriage offers the same rights same-sex couples as both domestic partnerships and civil unions What percent of heterosexual couples in the U.S. live together before marriage? - Gays and lesbians are twice as likely to be in a mixed race relationship compared to straight men and women. Related to the overall impact on marital relationships, what type of affair has been found to have the LEAST affect? A higher-than-usual divorce rate occurs among couples who: B) Married at a young age C) Had children quickly after marriage Couples who were already engaged prior to living together have the same chance of divorce as couple who marry without living together first. Over the last few years, what correlation was found related to cohabitation rates and financial status? Comparing divorce rates within the first 10 years of marriage, what is true regarding divorce rates of couples married in the 1970s and couples married in the 1990s? What are some possible explanations for the lower reports of sexual activity among lesbian women? - A) Women are less likely to initiate sex. B) Women tend to have a lower sex drive. What state was the first to legalize same-sex civil unions? Ten years following a divorce, who is more likely to say their divorce was the right decision? What are same-sex couples more likely to report in their relationships than other-sex couples? What is the most frequent sexual technique reported among gay males? A prescription is required to get a dental dam. Which of the following can affect the sexual response cycle in women? B) Previous childbearing C) Menstrual cycle ----> D) All of these What is the term for the physical caressing of the genitals during solo or partner masturbation? Lesbian women are more likely to report being sexually satisfied compared to reports of sexual satisfaction among heterosexual women - What is the name for an increase in blood flow to the genitals during the first phase of the sexual response cycle? What does the term transudation refer to? - What is the entrance to the vagina called? What is true about men and women's sexual fantasies? What does ejaculatory inevitability refer to? Masturbation is unique to humans - Blood is leaving the genitals, the erection subsides, muscles relax, and breathing and heart rate return to normal. Which stage of the sexual response cycle does this describe? - Research on men's and women's fantasies show that gender differences are decreasing related to sexual fantasies. Masturbation rates remain constant over the lifespan. Which of the following has NOT been found to be a physiological benefit of male ejaculation into the vaginal canal? Which of the following is true about sexual behavior in the later years? If a woman is experiencing sex flush, vasocongestion, and transudation, what stage of the sexual response cycle is she most likely in? What is cunnilingus? Similar to a condom, what can also be used to cover the vulva or anus during oral sex to prevent the transmission of STIs? - What does the term tumescence refer to According to the sexual response cycle proposed by Masters and Johnson, when do men and women experience the four phases of physiological arousal? What is a possible explanation for both why it takes women longer to become aroused and why they experience orgasmic contractions for longer than men? What statement is TRUE related to the rates of homosexuality among males and females? - All of the following are true of psychoanalytic theory and sexual orientation EXCEPT: - What can be concluded about reparative therapy? The conceptualization of homosexuality is consistent across cultures. What is the term for the idea that all standards of correct behavior are determined by one's own cultural background? As of 2011, Facebook relationship status options included "in a civil union" and "in a domestic partnership." When someone wants to "come out", who are they most likely to disclose their sexual orientation to first Sexual orientation refers to the gender that a person is attracted to: - B) Physically C) Sexually What is the role of Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) in middle schools and high schools across the country? All of the following statements about same-sex sexual relations and Asian countries are true EXCEPT: Today's teens are coming out at earlier ages than during other times in history. Physiological research related to sexual orientation has focused on: - What has been found related to birth order and sexual orientation? Similar to many Latin American countries, many Middle Eastern countries do not view the active, penetrating male sexual partner as homosexual. . Which president did not support the Defense of Marriage Act? - What is contemporaneous bisexuality? Rates of victimization from hate crimes are higher for boys than girls. - What percent of variance in sexual orientation does current evidence suggest that genes account for? - People who experiment with same-sex sexual contact in the early teenage years are most likely to go on to identify as homosexual. What is sequential bisexuality? When people's behavior and beliefs about their sexual orientation are in conflict, social scientists usually define them by their: - Your campus is required to report all hate crimes thanks to the: Prior to birth, the birth canal is too small for the baby to emerge. What happens to allow the baby to exit its mother? What is the procedure called when sperm are collected via masturbation from the partner or from a sperm donor and then deposited in the vagina, cervix, uterus, or Fallopian tubes to assist with fertilization What is the term given to the idea that something is wrong with a woman if she doesn't give birth to and care for children? Which statement is most descriptive of problems during childbirth? What percent of babies worldwide are born at home? How is the due date for a pregnancy typically calculated? How many weeks is a typical full-term pregnancy? Related to sexuality after childbirth, which of the following is true? - . Related to the birth process, what does engagement refer to? What is one of the reasons a mother who is Rh incompatible with her fetus is given the drug RhoGAM after delivery or after an amniocentesis, miscarriage or abortion? - The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breast-feeding for 6 months and continued breast-feeding for a minimum of one year. More babies are born before their due date rather than after their due date. According to the video, the fetus' heart starts to beat at __ days after conception Most fertility issues can be traced back to problems associated with just one of the partners. - When a zygote implants outside of the uterus it is called an ectopic pregnancy. Typically, how many weeks into pregnancy can the fetal heartbeat first be heard with a stethoscope? All of the following statements about labor induction are true EXCEPT: - About how long does an ovum live in the female reproductive tract? Miranda did not realize she could be pregnant until she was already 14 weeks along; however, when she took a home pregnancy test it was negative. What is one explanation for this? - A 40-year old woman could be diagnosed with infertility after having regular unprotected sex and not conceiving after how many months? The rate of C-section deliveries have been steadily declining over the past 20 years. There are medical procedures available that can be used for sex selection. - True The purpose of the placenta is to separate the mother's blood supply from that of the developing fetus. What is most likely to cause morning sickness? What medical procedure can be used for sex selection of an embryo? - A) Microsorting B) Genetic embryo testing C) Amniocentesis According to your text, what can the strong history of protection of heterosexual marriage in the United States be tied to? All of the following statements regarding arranged marriages are true EXCEPT: What statement best describes a covenant marriage? What is true related to extramarital sexual relations in the U.S.? What is found as one of the most important factors in how someone recovers from a break up? - Related to age at first marriage in the U.S. from 1970 until now: - In a 2010 CBS News Poll, what percentage of respondents indicated they were against legal recognition of any kind for same-sex couples? Related to the overall impact on marital relationships, what type of affair has been found to have the LEAST affect? When choosing someone to date, a person's race has been found to be more important than his or her religion According to the Defense of Marriage Act, what defines a "spouse"? Which group of adult children is LEAST likely to provide emotional, financial and practical help to their aging parents? On average, married couples in which of the following conditions report the lowest levels of marital satisfaction? - Longer cohabitation has been found to be associated with higher likelihood of divorce in heterosexual couples . The American term for "dating" seems to be a universal concept used cross-culturally. - What statement best describes common findings related to comarital sex? What statement best describes a trend related to the practice of "hooking up" on college campuses? Which of the following statements best describes a typical pattern related to interracial dating? - Related to racial/ethnic trends and mixed-race marriage rates, which of the following statements is true? What is a factor related to why older men are more likely than older women to remarry after the death of a spouse It is more likely for black females to be in mixed race marriages than black men, while the opposite gender difference is true for Asian men and women. - Related to sexuality in dating relationships, couples who wait to have sex in a relationship: - Who is most likely to report the highest level of marital happiness? Current research indicates that high school graduates are more likely to marry than those with college degrees. Some critics of Masters and Johnson's 4-phase model of the sexual response cycle believe that it focuses too much on: - According to the sexual response cycle proposed by Masters and Johnson, when do men and women experience the four phases of physiological arousal? - All of the following are reasons suggested for the increase in STIs among gay men over the past few years EXCEPT: - What is the period of time after orgasm during which a man cannot be restimulated to orgasm called? - Research on men's and women's fantasies show that gender differences are decreasing related to sexual fantasies. - Current researchers believe that sexual fantasies are experienced by sexually unsatisfied people. What are the stages of Masters and Johnson's sexual response cycle in order? What is the name for an increase in blood flow to the genitals during the first phase of the sexual response cycle? - A prescription is required to get a dental dam. What is the model of sexual response developed by David Reed which blends Masters and Johnson's and Kaplan's model into one that is described by four separate phases? - What change occurs in a woman's breast during sexual arousal? - If a woman is clearly sexually aroused and the clitoris has pulled behind the clitoral hood, what stage of the sexual response cycle is she most likely in? - What is true about anal intercourse? - . What culture is known for being the first to teach men how to achieve multiple orgasms by delaying or withholding ejaculation? - What influences our sexual behaviors? - A) Family B) Social class C) Hormones What greatly influenced the harsh attitude toward homosexuality in the early American colonies? - What statement best describes the Church's stance on homosexuality through the first 1,000 years of Christianity? - Similar to many Latin American countries, many Middle Eastern countries do not view the active, penetrating male sexual partner as homosexual. - The conceptualization of homosexuality is consistent across cultures. - Heterosexism is typically a very active form of discrimination. - What is the Harvey Milk School? - What is sequential bisexuality? - How has the frequency of same-sex behavior in the United States changed over the years? - What can be concluded about reparative therapy? - What is contemporaneous bisexuality? - How did many scientists during the 1930s and 1940s try to explain homosexuality? - What is a problem often faced by gay and lesbian parents? - A) B) Couples may have trouble gaining joint custody of a child. C) A nonbiological parent may not be granted parental leave. Evidence from studies of biological differences in sexual orientation is most likely to lead to what conclusion? - What is one criticism of the current theories that attempt to explain sexual orientation? - When people's behavior and beliefs about their sexual orientation are in conflict, social scientists usually define them by their: - Which statement below is TRUE regarding lesbian, gay and bisexual seniors? - Which of the following is an example of heterosexism? - Which theory would contend that homosexuality is the result of various reinforcements and punishments? What has been found related to birth order and sexual orientation? - New research in the area of prenatal and adult hormone levels is providing strong evidence for biological theories of sexual orientation. - All of the following are true of psychoanalytic theory and sexual orientation EXCEPT: - In India, there is more acceptance for lesbians than for gay men. What has been considered a victory for gay rights advocates during the Obama administration? What medical procedure can be used for sex selection of an embryo? - A) Microsorting B) Genetic embryo testing C) Amniocentesis -----> D) All of these Most states have structured and highly monitored laws regarding surrogate parenting. Related to sexuality after childbirth, which of the following is true? - Which vitamin supplement are pregnant women often advised to take? - A) Folic acid B) B6 C) Iron -----> D) All of these All of the following statements about labor induction are true EXCEPT: - What is the name for the intermittent, relatively painless contractions of the uterus after the third month of pregnancy? - Approximately how many women experience postpartum depression? - How much does the average full-term baby weigh at birth? - The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breast-feeding for 6 months and continued breast-feeding for a minimum of one year. At 26 weeks, the fetus is capable of tasting, can respond to light and sounds, and What medical term refers to what is commonly called a miscarriage? - Women are most likely to feel the best during the second trimester of pregnancy. 8 weeks is seen as a developmental milestone because - Data from 2009 showed that while the overall number of U.S. births declined, increases were found among what age group? - What is an explanation for cross-cultural food aversions that commonly develop during pregnancy? - Which of the following is NOT a process that facilitates conception? - . A 25-year old woman could be diagnosed with infertility after having regular unprotected sex and not conceiving after how many months? - Typically, how many weeks into pregnancy can the fetal heartbeat first be heard with a stethoscope? The use of fertility drugs increases the likelihood of multiple births. What is colostrum? - What happens during the final stage of labor? - How many weeks is a typical full-term pregnancy? At the moment of conception, - The American term for "dating" seems to be a universal concept used cross-culturally. - Most married adults report that over time their marital satisfaction and happiness gradually decline. - According to a current study, what was the primary reason that the majority of couples gave for moving in together? - Related to sex outside of marriage, how does the United States compare to other countries? - Comparing divorce rates within the first 10 years of marriage, what is true regarding divorce rates of couples married in the 1970s and couples married in the 1990s? - All of the following statements regarding arranged marriages are true EXCEPT: - What statement best describes a covenant marriage? - What statement best describes a trend related to the practice of "hooking up" on college campuses? - The number of cohabitating couples has decreased slightly over the last 10 years. - All of the following are reasons "dating" on college campuses has declined EXCEPT? - What is a typical characteristic of those who most often report being open to interracial dating? - According to John Gottman, what is the most important predictor of marital satisfaction for both men and women? Which of the following is true about cohabitating couple in the U.S.? - T Compared to a generation ago, those who get married in the early 21st century are more likely: Gays and lesbians are twice as likely to be in a mixed race relationship compared to straight men and women. - When choosing someone to date, a person's race has been found to be more important than his or her religion. - What are same-sex couples more likely to report in their relationships than other-sex couples? - Joe and Sharon have been married for 25 years, which of the last 5 they have chosen to no longer engage in sexual behaviors. What kind of marriage is this? What are some possible explanations for the lower reports of sexual activity among lesbian women? - Who is more likely to eventually get married? - Sexual satisfaction in short-term intimate relationships is a strong predictor of how happy a couple is in the relationship but it is not a predictor of happiness in long-term relationships. - Which of the following statements best describes a typical pattern related to interracial dating? - In a 2010 CBS News Poll, what percentage of respondents indicated they were against legal recognition of any kind for same-sex couples? Who is more likely to participate in sexual activities? Rank in order from most to least each group's rates of sexual behaviors: Current researchers believe that sexual fantasies are experienced by sexually unsatisfied people. - What is fellatio? - The length of the refractory period increases as men age. In both men and women, a series of contractions characterizes an orgasm. Which of the following has NOT been found to be a physiological benefit of male ejaculation into the vaginal canal? The most frequently reported sexual behavior among gay males is anal sex Lesbian women are more likely to report being sexually satisfied compared to reports of sexual satisfaction among heterosexual women. Most couples maintain eye contact during sexual intercourse and other sexual behaviors. - If someone says they choose to be abstinent, you can most likely assume they do not engage in: - During what phase of the sexual response cycle are erections most likely to develop? - High levels of religiosity are correlated with low levels of: - All of the following are reasons suggested for the increase in STIs among gay men over the past few years EXCEPT: - Why do some researchers, such as Beverly Whipple, criticize the Kaplan model as being based on a male model of sexual function? - What is true about men and women's sexual fantasies? - Masters and Johnson's model of the sexual response cycle has been criticized for being too much based on a medical model. - What best describes the role of testosterone in sexual behavior? Sexual experimentation is highly correlated with sexual orientation. According to your textbook, what is a practice used in South Africa to punish lesbian women? - New research in the area of prenatal and adult hormone levels is providing strong evidence for biological theories of sexual orientation. When people's behavior and beliefs about their sexual orientation are in conflict, social scientists usually define them by their: How did Kinsey conceptualize sexual orientation What is sequential bisexuality? - People who experiment with same-sex sexual contact in the early teenage years are most likely to go on to identify as homosexual. - What is the term for the practice of engaging in same-sex sexual behaviors while excluded from heterosexual encounters (such as in prison) with the plan to return to heterosexual relationships? - According to your text, homophobia is: According to Storm's developmental theory, there are more gay men than lesbians because the male sex drive emerges earlier than females. Research shows that women's sexual identity is more fluid than men's. - How did many scientists during the 1930s and 1940s try to explain homosexuality If you wanted to find a religious denomination that is the most accepting of homosexuality, you would most likely become a member of which congregation? - As of 2011, Facebook relationship status options included "in a civil union" and "in a domestic partnership The major organ systems are formed, the circulatory and urinary systems are operating and the fetus weighs about a half ounce. What stage of pregnancy are we talking about? - Using cryopreservation techniques, people can choose to collect, freeze and store ________ for later pregnancy attempts. - A) Sperm B) Ovum C) Embryos At the moment of conception, The use of fertility drugs increases the likelihood of multiple births. What is the primary role of the placenta? - A) Supply nutrients to the developing fetus B) Aid in respiratory and excretory functions of the fetus C) Secrete hormones necessary for the continuation of the pregnancy Most states have structured and highly monitored laws regarding surrogate parenting. By day 28 the embryo, - More babies are born before their due date rather than after their due date. The majority of births worldwide take place in hospitals. Which of the following is NOT a process that facilitates conception? - Which of the following has NOT been linked to cigarette use during pregnancy? All of the following statements about labor induction are true EXCEPT: What is an explanation for cross-cultural food aversions that commonly develop during pregnancy? - If a baby is born 24-weeks premature, what are its chances for survival? What is one of the reasons the number of ectopic pregnancies has been increasing in the U.S.? - Which of the following happens during stage one of labor? At 26 weeks, the fetus is capable of tasting, can respond to light and sounds, and What is the term given to the idea that something is wrong with a woman if she doesn't give birth to and care for children? - What is the procedure called when sperm are collected via masturbation from the partner or from a sperm donor and then deposited in the vagina, cervix, uterus, or Fallopian tubes to assist with fertilization? - According to the video, the fetus' heart starts to beat at When a zygote implants outside of the uterus it is called an ectopic pregnancy. When was the earliest someone could have legally engaged in interracial dating throughout the U.S.? Related to sexuality in dating relationships, couples who wait to have sex in a relationship: - What is true related to extramarital sexual relations in the U.S.? - On average, married couples in which of the following conditions report the lowest levels of marital satisfaction? - Longer cohabitation has been found to be associated with higher likelihood of divorce in heterosexual couples - Related to research on sex within marriages, what has been found? What percent of heterosexual couples in the U.S. live together before marriage? - Births to unmarried women are lowest among what group? What is a typical characteristic of those who most often report being open to interracial dating? Related to racial/ethnic trends and mixed-race marriage rates, which of the following statements is true? - Related to the overall impact on marital relationships, what type of affair has been found to have the LEAST affect? - On a survey, who is likely to report the lowest level of overall happiness? - . When choosing someone to date, a person's race has been found to be more important than his or her religion. All of the following are ways that heterosexual and homosexual couples become parents EXCEPT: - Which group of adult children is LEAST likely to provide emotional, financial and practical help to their aging parents? - Related to sex outside of marriage, how does the United States compare to other countries? - All of the following statements are true regarding divorce in other cultures EXCEPT? - What statement best describes common findings related to comarital sex? What is a factor related to why older men are more likely than older women to remarry after the death of a spouse? Who is more likely to initiate a divorce? - Who is most likely to report the highest level of marital happiness? - Will and Haley are married. They and their best friends, Mark and Loren, belong to a group of 5 other couples who all engage in comarital sex. What label would be given to Will and Haley? - Which of the following sexual fantasies are reportedly more common among men than women? - What position for sexual intercourse is suggested as the most effective for procreation? - Which of the following is true about sexual behavior in the later years? - Who is more likely to participate in sexual activities? Rank in order from most to least each group's rates of sexual behaviors: Some critics of Masters and Johnson's 4-phase model of the sexual response cycle believe that it focuses too much on Blood is leaving the genitals, the erection subsides, muscles relax, and breathing and heart rate return to normal. Which stage of the sexual response cycle does this describe? - If a woman is clearly sexually aroused and the clitoris has pulled behind the clitoral hood, what stage of the sexual response cycle is she most likely in? What is a possible explanation for both why it takes women longer to become aroused and why they experience orgasmic contractions for longer than men? The length of the refractory period increases as men age. Students from households with married parents and traditional family backgrounds are MORE likely to: Current researchers believe that sexual fantasies are experienced by sexually unsatisfied people. In both men and women, a series of contractions characterizes an orgasm. What best describes the role of testosterone in sexual behavior? If one's partner is free of sexually transmitted infections, it is safe to swallow the male ejaculate. Kaplan's model of sexual response differs from Masters and Johnson in that she believes sexual response starts with: - If someone says they choose to be abstinent, you can most likely assume they do not engage in: - Which of the following describes hate crimes? - A) Hate crimes include crimes motivated by hatred of religion, sex, race, and sexual orientation. B) According to the APA, hate crimes against homosexuals are the most socially acceptable crimes. C) Hate crimes are known as "message crimes." ----> D) All of these are true. Statistically speaking, which of the following individuals would be more likely to experience thoughts of suicide as well as higher levels of binge drinking? Rates of victimization from hate crimes are higher for boys than girls. What statement is TRUE related to the rates of homosexuality among males and females? - All of the following are true of bisexual sexual orientation and identity EXCEPT How has the frequency of same-sex behavior in the United States changed over the years? What statement best describes the Church's stance on homosexuality through the first 1,000 years of Christianity? - People who experiment with same-sex sexual contact in the early teenage years are most likely to go on to identify as homosexual. Reports of same-sex behavior among males have been increasing at a higher rate than reports of same-sex behavior among females. The Defense of Marriage Act provides support for equality in marriage rights for all regardless of sexual orientation Your campus is required to report all hate crimes thanks to the: - What is sequential bisexuality? What is one criticism of the current theories that attempt to explain sexual orientation? - What has been found related to birth order and sexual orientation? Sexual orientation refers to the gender that a person is attracted to: - A) Emotionally B) Physically C) Sexually ----> D) All of these In addition to incorporating seven dimensions of sexual orientation into his model of sexual orientation, what else does Klein include as an important factor? [Show More]

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