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AHIST_1401_AY2020_T2_Discussion_3_2020 | AHIST 1401 Art History - Term 2, 2019-2020

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HOME CONTACT US RESOURCES LINKS FACULTY MY COURSES MENU       AHIST 1401 Art History - Term 2, 2019-2020 Search forums Discussion 3 by Alison Binger (Instructor) - Wednesday, 1... 3 November 2019, 10:42 AM Virtually all of the world’s cultures have deÕned sacred spaces for religious purposes. Choose one place of worship that you are familiar with (it can be from any faith). What do you think is the relationship between the appearance and layout of the space and its religious uses? Include in your discussion a description of the space’s unique structures and characteristics. Please include a picture, if possible. 67 words Permalink | Reply Re: Discussion 3 by Osman Bawa - Thursday, 28 November 2019, 5:59 AM Discussion Assignment Unit 3 AHIST 1401 Art History University of the People/ A place of worship that comes into my mind which I am familiar with is a Mosque. A Mosque as many of us know is a temple or place of worship for Muslims. A Mosque can be said to be just like a Church (a worship place for Christians). Actually, there is now a speciÕc design structure a Mosque should be built but there are some feature separating a Mosque from any other buildings based on the traditions and teachings of Islam. I will try to add a picture in this post which will show the exterior and interior of a Mosque (Çamlıca Mosque). Çamlıca Mosque is a Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey, the largest Mosque in Turkey design to hold 63,000 people including a museum, art gallery, library, conference hall, and underground parking lot for about 3,500 vehicles. There clearly four main features of a Mosque separating it from other kinds of buildings which include mihrab (niche), minaret (tower), qubba (dome), and sahn (courtyard). Çamlıca Mosque has a dome height of 72 m (236 ft). architectural style: Neoclassical architecture, Ottoman. Let’s look at a brief description of the activities that take place in a Mosque. First of all, every Mosque should have a leader call the Imam and maybe their assistant who leads other Muslims in prayers. Many Mosques have devices (speaker systems) used by the muezzin (the person who calls for prayers). The call for prayer is said in every prayer through the Õve daily prayers. As some of us might have observed, inside the Mosque is a wide empty expanse. Muslims pray by prostrating on the Öoor facing the direction of Makkah (Masjid-AlHaram). The niche in every Mosque indicates this direction. Another great feature found in a Mosque is the Minbar (pulpit where the imam stands when delivering speech especially on Friday prayers. Despite being a sacred place, many Mosques use the art of calligraphy to decorate and adorn the holy places. Modern Mosques contain glass stained windows, marble, design, cloth wall hanging and many other diàerent art forms to beautify Mosques./ Reference Onum, N. K., & Alyanak, C. (2019, March 7). Turkey's largest mosque opens for worship in Istanbul. Retrieved November 28, 2019, from istanbul/1411788. 387 words Permalink | Show parent | Reply Re: Discussion 3 by Earl Montgomery - Friday, 29 November 2019, 8:33 AM Osman, Wow, that structure (of worship) is very beautiful. Your mentioning of the dimensions made me remember that I did not add dimensions for my worship/prayer space which is the mind, which is endless. Thank you for your submission. 40 words Permalink | Show parent | Reply Re: Discussion 3 by Osman Bawa - Saturday, 30 November 2019, 8:47 AM Thank you, Early. 3 words Permalink | Show parent | Reply Re: Discussion 3 by Alison Binger (Instructor) - Friday, 29 November 2019, 11:46 AM Beautiful, beautiful structure Osman. Thank you for introducing us to it. Your writing is at a scholarly level. You have answered all the questions, you have included references, your paragraphs are organized and accurate, wonderful, wonderful job. Dr. Binger 39 words Permalink | Show parent | Reply Re: Discussion 3 by Osman Bawa - Saturday, 30 November 2019, 8:48 AM Thank you, Professor, Alison, I really appreciate your words of encouragement. 11 words Permalink | Show parent | Reply/ Re: Discussion 3 by Ajibola Okubanjo - Saturday, 30 November 2019, 9:28 AM Hi Osman, what a beautiful and spectacular building the Çamlıca Mosque is, such beautiful towers and high windows, your description of it is on point. Thanks for bringing this to the class, would not have know about it. 38 words Permalink | Show parent | Reply Re: Discussion 3 by Kay Davids - Sunday, 1 December 2019, 10:39 PM Hello Osman, What a great example. I've always loved Islamic architecture because it's mostly functional. The domes are beautiful but also help sound to travel within the building. The decorated tiles and numerous arches are often highly detailed with Arabic words and patterns. Your essay is also well written and organized. Good job. 53 words Permalink | Show parent | Reply Re: Discussion 3 by Osman Bawa - Monday, 2 December 2019, 8:31 AM Thank you, Kay, for your comment and your time going through my post. 13 words Permalink | Show parent | Reply Re: Discussion 3 by Giorgia Magliocchetti - Wednesday, 4 December 2019, 2:13 AM Dear Osama, your work is well done and well written and shows us a beautiful building in Instanbul. I visited many place like this, but I wish I could visit this great building in Turjey one day. Thank you for sharing with us. 43 words Permalink | Show parent | Reply/ Re: Discussion 3 by Martin Eshun - Wednesday, 4 December 2019, 9:54 AM wow this is beautiful. The world should have been a beautiful place if we all do truly worship as our buildings look. Thanks Mr. Bawa for your post. 28 words Permalink | Show parent | Reply Re: Discussion 3 by Xiaoling Chen - Wednesday, 4 December 2019, 2:11 PM Thank you for sharing your beautiful building. 7 words Permalink | Show parent | Reply Re: Discussion 3 by Victor Calixto Cantu - Wednesday, 4 December 2019, 11:55 PM Hello Osman, I liked reading your response and it gave me a new perspective on mosques. I had no idea they were built so wonderfully. I did hear that Muslims worship in the direction of Mecca which is what I got from your response se as well. 47 words Permalink | Show parent | Reply Re: Discussion 3 by Victor Calixto Cantu - Wednesday, 4 December 2019, 11:55 PM Hello Osman, I liked reading your response and it gave me a new perspective on mosques. I had no idea they were built so wonderfully. I did hear that Muslims worship in the direction of Mecca which is what I got from your response se as well. 47 words Permalink | Show parent | Reply Re: Discussion 3 by Syed Hyder - Thursday, 28 November 2019, 11:41 AM/ For this unit's discussion I choose to talk about Bait ul Haram also known as The Kaaba. It is located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is a holy place for the Muslims who unit there Õve times a day and face towards it to oàer prayers. The word Kaaba means cube in Arabic language, it is a square building covered with black silk cloth. The cover is embroidered with gold writings of some the verse from the holy Quran. The main purpose of the Kaaba is that it enables a Muslim to know in which direction they should pray from any part of the world. The Great Mosque of Mecca, also known as the Haram Mosque, is a very Sacred mosque that surrounds the Kaaba. It is the holiest place for the Muslims because It is a site of pilgrimage for the Hajj, which every Muslim must do at least once in their lives if able, and is also the main phase for the ‘Umrah, the lesser pilgrimage that can be undertaken any time of the year. The Kaaba was constructed by Prophet Abraham and his son, Ismail. Its appearance has been altered several times during the years. In the east wall of the Kaaba, Ḥajaru al-Aswad, the black stone is placed. The inside of the Kaaba is a squared room with few things in it, like a table where they put items like perfumes and the holy book, two lantern-type lamps hanging from the ceiling, curtain with the Kalima written on it, two pillars and walls and Öoors made of marble. The Mosque surrounding it was built during the reign of Caliph Omar Ibn al-Khattab and has expanded through the years. It can accommodate up to four million people. It covers 400,800 square metres (99 acres) and has outdoor and indoor praying spaces. Reference: Samana Siddiqui (November 28, 2019), The Kaba in Makkah: It's size and history. Retrieved from: 326 words Permalink | Show parent | Reply Re: Discussion 3 by Osman Bawa - Saturday, 30 November 2019, 8:58 AM/ Great work, Syed, it is my hope to visit the Kaaba one day. I am wondering how the inside look and I have listened to many Islamic scholars and one article from Khan Academy describing the beauty and virtue of this sacred place. Thanks for sharing. 46 words Permalink | Show parent | Reply Re: Discussion 3 by Ajibola Okubanjo - Saturday, 30 November 2019, 9:39 AM Hi Syed, Thanks for bringing this building up, as a Christian living in a country where we have about half the population as Muslims, I've always been fascinated by this building as I have friends and family members who are Muslims visit mecca on their hajj pilgrimage come back and talk about how important the Kaaba is. Would have been nice to provide more historical facts about it like the date its construction started and completed 76 words Permalink | Show parent | Reply Re: Discussion 3 by Syed Hyder - Monday, 2 December 2019, 11:42 AM Hi Ajibola, There is no accurate date for its construction as per my knowledge. 14 words Permalink | Show parent | Reply Re: Discussion 3 by Kay Davids - Sunday, 1 December 2019, 11:50 PM Hi Syed, Thank you for choosing this example. I've seen the picture numerous times but had no idea the size of the mosque was so vast. It can accommodate 4 million people - that's insane! I've also always wondered what was inside the little Kaaba. Your references need a bit of work. The correct APA format (please anyone correct me if I've wrong) should be: Siddiqui, S. (2018, May 14). The Kaba in Makkah: It's size and history. Retrieved November 28, 2019, from This was created using 96 words Permalink | Show parent | Reply Re: Discussion 3 by Alexis Cornmesser - Tuesday, 3 December 2019, 2:56 PM I didn't know about this at all! Thank you for bringing this important place to the discussion forum. I think it is really interesting how all religions have very unique styles of architectural styles for their places of worship. I Õnd it mind boggling that this accommodates 4 million people as the largest cathedral I have ever been in could only accommodate a few hundred! Thanks for sharing. 68 words Permalink | Show parent | Reply Re: Discussion 3 by Giorgia Magliocchetti - Wednesday, 4 December 2019, 2:17 AM Dear Syder, I read carefully your work and I found it very interesting. I knew something about it but I appreciated all this detailed information. This is one of the reason that makee me love the discussion forum, you can learn from your collegues everytime. Thank you for your work. 50 words Permalink | Show parent | Reply Re: Discussion 3 by Martin Eshun - Wednesday, 4 December 2019, 9:59 AM I have always had questions about the Kaaba but didn't read about it. Thanks for giving me more incite on this holy place. 23 words Permalink | Show parent | Reply Re: Discussion 3 by Earl Montgomery - Friday, 29 November 2019, 2:28 AM Running head: AHIST1401 ART HISTORY 1/ AHIST1401 Art History Discussion Assignment Unit 3 Earl Lamont Montgomery University of the People Virtually all of the world’s cultures have denied sacred spaces for religious purposes. Choose one place of worship that you are familiar with (it can be from any faith). What do you think is the relationship between the appearance and layout of the space and its religious uses? Include in your discussion a description of the space?s unique structures and characteristics. Please include a picture, if possible The preface to my space. I grew up in the Pentecostal church. I could not identify with it as a child and still cannot relate with it today. I do not believe there is some old man with a white beard up in the sky who needs me to be an obedient slave. I do not believe that God is a man nor does He have 2 legs and 2 feet (and INEZ EUDORA PERRY, 1920). I do believe in a higher power just not with that image. I then began to study the bible as a science book and it made more sense to me. The space is in the mind, not my mind but the mind which is like a world wide web. Jacob talks of the place in his dream where he falls asleep on a stone (coccyx or tailbone). He dreams he climbs a long ladder (spine), wrestled with the angels (angles of light), and saw God face to face and called the place peniel (Genesis 32:30) (the third eye, the penial gland). Three numbers related to Christ, 12, 30, and 33, in the temple at 12, started his ministry at 30 and lived to 33. Remember the body is the temple and the temple was not created with human hands (Acts 7:8 and Acts 17:24). The story talks of Jesus being in the temple at 12 ministering to the people (Mathew 21:12). Logically it makes not sense that at 12 he was ministering but did not start his ministry until 30? This is/ not logical, but I say he could be 12 and 30 at the same time because 12 x 30 = 360 as in degrees. Christ is an oil that emits from the pituitary gland (Mary). What about the 33? The oil that is Christ travels down the spine (33 vertabrae). Need more proof? Well to give life one needs FSH (follical stimulating hormones) that come from the brain (WebMD, 2005). Christ, by deÕnition, means "oil". Christos is to anoint, anoint is to rub oil (Harper, 2001) so the anointed is "the oil". To symbolize it the clergyman rubs olive oil on the forehead. What about the 33? It did not state that Jesus died at 33 but lived to 33. Communication from the bottom of the spine to the hypothalamus would be considered living to 33 (Dugan, 2018). [Show More]

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