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Teas test prep 2-TESTBANK Which vitamin is synthesized within the human body? Trypsinogen, an enzyme secreted by the pancreas, is activated into t Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), which is responsi... ble for maturatio body? In a chemical reaction: Sulphuric Acid substance X = salt water A body is moving in a circle with constant speed. Which of the followi Which of the following organelles are found in the cytoplasm of plant c A molecule of fat is made up of which of the following? Fill in the blank: Enzymes are `____` that work best at `____` pH or te Which of the following statements regarding the process of fermentati Which of the following statements regarding the "oxygen debt" create Which of the following statements regarding facilitated diffusion acros Which of the following statements regarding photosynthesis and respi Phalanges are bones present in which parts of the body? Which satement regarding ball and socket joints is true? Ball and socket joints, pivot joints, plane joints, and hinge joints are w All of Cardiac muscles exhibit which of the following features? Fill in the blank: The Hepatic Portal vein carries `____`, `____` blood f The brachiocephalic vein is formed by the union of which two veins? Which of the following is NOT a lymphoid organ? Large lymphatic trunks unite to form which two main vessels of the ly Which of the following is NOT a part of the Central Nervous System? Cranial Which structure is not considered a part of the rib cage? Which of the following is known as the pacemaker of the heart? SA node Which valve is found between the left atrium and the left ventricle? Which layer of the skin contains hair follicles, sweat glands, and nerv Which of the following factors does NOT affect the rate of transpiratio amount of water in soil Which statement regarding cross-pollination is correct? Which element is essential for the normal production of the hormone t Fill in the blank: Vitamin A, also known as `____` is a `____` vitamin. Which of the following is an example of protein-related malnutrition? Food moves in the gastrointestinal tract by which process? What is the function of amylase in the body? Which of the following statements regarding the gastrointestinal tract Villi What is the life span and breakdown product of red blood cells? 4 Maturation and development of white blood cells does not take place Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding blood cells During inhalation, what changes occur in the diaphragm? The Which of the following is true about eukaryotic cells? What characteristic of an element determines its specific isotope? What is true about RNA? The taxonomy ranks run from largest to smallest: In plants, ________ involves the formation of a _____? Which layer of the atmosphere is the closest to space? A patient who has suffered head trauma is not able to recognize peop recognize people he met before the injury. He most likely has damage The If the amount of hydrogen in a balloon of fixed size is doubled, what h What type of cells result from mitosis? Cheetahs, rainbow trout, and inchworms belong to the same In which part of the heart does oxygenated blood flow out of? Left Which of the following hormones are secreted directly by the hypotha Trypsinogen, and enzyme secreted by the pancreas is activated to try Enzymes are___ that work at __ temp to speed up chemical rections what is true in regards to fermentation what is true regarding "oxygen debt" created during heavy exercise? The hepatic portal veins carries The brachiocephalic vein is formed by the union of large lymphatic trunks unite to form which 2 main vessels of lymphati The which valve is located between the left atrium and the left ventricle? which layer of skin contains hair follicles, nerves and sweat glands the which of the following factors does not affect the rate of transpiration which statement regarding cross-pollination is correct? which element is essential for the normal production of the hormone what is a protein related what occurs due to a vitamin C dificiency what occurs due to calcium dificiency food moves through GI by which process what is the life span and breakdown product of red blood cells where are redblood cells produced? where do they develp the volume of air that remains present in lungs even after forceful exp which pyrimidine base is only found in RNA what are causes for global warming how does an impurity effect the melting point and boiling point of a su properties of isotopes which of the following patterns of the periodic table is correct simple covalent compounds show which property The law of conservation of mass states that: what happens when a piece of zinc is placed in a copper(II) sulphate what causes a moving body to resist a change in its state of motion a change in the gravitational field affects which property of a body which of the following groups of physical quantities consists only of a large amount of energy is produced in the center of sun by which ph what is used in an electrical circuit to ensure uni-directional flow of cu one volt can also be written as Timbre is another name what are the stages in mitotic cell divison in animals which is an anterior muscle? Gluteus maximus, Biceps femoris, addu an The lateral side of the right knee would be the oute The headrest on a car may prevent traumatic injury by limiting In a whiplash injury you might expect to see traumatic injury to the ligaments of the spine. The injury is front to bac disc is more of a compression injury when a junked car is compacted which statement is true? A. its mass increases B. its mass decreases C. its density increases D. its density decreases which is an example of deductive reasoning If gas A has 4 times the molar mass of gas B, you would expect it to A. half the rate of gas B B. twice the rate of gas B C. quarter the rate of gas B D. four times the rate of gas B what is the percent by volume of ethanol in 120 ml of a solution conta what type of nutrient does not provide the body with energy? A. vitamin B. Carbs C. Fat D. Protein, minerals, and water 1 gram = ? milligrams (mg) 1000 1 kilograms (kg) = ? grams 1000 1 pound = ? oz 16 1 ton= ? pounds 1 oz= ? grams 0. 1 kilogram (kg) = ? pounds 2.20462 1 kilogram (kg) = ? oz 35.27396 1 oz = ? grams 28.34952 an unknown element has 45 protons and an atomic mass of 65, what the spleen is part of the ___ system during photosysnthesis what 2 substances combined create an outpu CO2 and water what type of bond is between the complementary bases of DNA stabi hydrogen what is true about the tropic independent variable is the variable controlled by the scientists which organ system is primarily responsible for controlling metabolism endocrine in a vacuum why doesn't an elephant accelerate faster than a penny a they what characteristic of an element determines its specific isotope number of neutrons mnemonic for taxonomic rank largest to smallest: layers of atmosphere starting closest to the earth what is the atomic mass of an atom that has 42 protons, 42 electrons meiosis is a two step process that yields 4 cells that result each have half the n ionic bond involve the donation of and acceptance of electrons covalent bond polar bonds describe electronegativity differences what is the longest phase of the cell cycle? what are groups of cells that perform the same functions tissues When does the nuclear division of somatic cells take place during cel expository molecule a chemical bonding of atoms hierarchy of structure of human body smallest to largest atoms epithelial tissue provides covering & connective tissue muscle tissue - circulatory system digestive system -pancreas delivers enzymes to small intestine that aid in disgestion endocrine system controls integumentary system lymphatic system muscular system skeletal muscle, nervous system responses reproductive system testes, penis, sagittal section transverse section cut made along a horizontal plane to divide the body into upper and lo locomotion arteries capillaries blood flow through the heart deoxygenated blood --> if the mitral valve is damaged what problem might occur the diaphragm ___ during inspiration contracts what is an anterior muscle? A.Gluteus maximus B.Biceps femoris C.Adductor Magnus D.Quadricepts femoris B. Biceps femoris when a junked car is compacted .. its if gas A has 4 times the molar mass of gas B, you would expect it to at half the rate of gas B a 20-ml sample of pure gas is enclosed in a gas cylinder at 20C if the gas's volume, assuming that the pressure remains constant it decreases what is the simple predict in this sentence? Due to his mercurial temperament, Justin did not work well with others did work (verb) what kind of sentence is this? Never disregard your feelings in matter A.Imperative B.Interrogative C.Exclamatory D. Declarative if 3 moles of gas are added to a container that currently holds 1 mole assuming the temp remains constant? The pressure will be __ as gre how is energy use of an appliance be expressed? energy= power x times what results from second stage meiosis from general to specific: the taxonomic classifications are autotrophic organisms such as algae perform both respiration and photosynthesis what is an example of an igenous rock A.Basalt B.Marble C.Limestone D.Gneiss Too many potential job choices put Martin in a quandary put (verb) what is the primary hormone secreted by the thyroid gland T4- aids the regulation of metabolsim which has the lowest density A.water B.Cork C.Aluminum D.Steel B inductive reasoning moves from __ to ___ obvervations, hypothesis where are atoms with the largest atomic radii located on the periodic t at the bottom of their group whose efficiency of energy is greatest? A.Herbivore B.Carnivore C.Omnivore D.Decomposer in an experiment conducted to compare the life spans of various chic variable which step immediately precedes the conclusion in the communicatio which base is classified as a purine A.Cytosine B.Guanine C.Thymine D.Uracil in the first stage of respiration __, a six-carbon __ is split in 2 glycolysis, sugar of the geological time periods, which is the earliest A.Cenozoic B.Paleozoic C.Mesozoic D.Precambrian yrs ago which is controlled by skeletal muscle A.Eye movement B.Constriction of blood vessels C.heartbeat D.Dilation of pupils Eye movement what is the function of B cells what is the simple subject? The chemicals in plastic containers may be deleterious to children's h c what kind of sentence is this? Has anyone here perused Professor Kelso's article on fight-or-flight re independent variable dependent variable the output or effect 3 types of red blood cells form the body's immune system All muscle tissues have an electric gradient which can reverse when excitability Appendicular skeleton structure contains: Axial skeleton structure contains: In DNA Guanine always pairs with in DNA Adenine always pairs with Uracil bond with _ in RNA? The pentose component, or sugar found in DNA is: Deoxyribose The pentose component, or sugar found in RNA is: ribose The messenger within the cell is known as: RNA Once the transcription takes place they send the messenger RNA to Proteins are made by: ribosomes Photosynthesis converts carbon dioxide and water into organic compo ______ act as catalysts for special chemical reactions within the hum enzymes A chemical bond is primarily determined by: electrons Oxygen and blood flow out of ______. left Somatic nervous system control Autonomic nervous system: 1000 litres 1 kilometers adjective A descriptive word that modifies nouns or pronouns adverb Atom or molecule with a negative charge anion a breakdown of what begins in the small intestines? fats in geology, which of the following is considered a significant departure a which of the following nervous systems directs the body fight or flight water undergoes relatively minor temp and phase changes compared high which of the following is an example of hydrocarbons containing doub A. C2H6 B. C4H8 C. C6H10 D.C8H12 B. through which of the following does blood pass after leaving the if 2 gases (A) and (B) that have detectable odors and the same temp odor of Gas A is noticed 1 minute before that of Gas B which of the fo gas B has a the heart is located __ the sternum behind enzyme activity is driven by which of the following internal factors amino external influences where do mutations in human DNA originate Genotype which organelles found in heterotrophs is similar to the chloroplast base pairings with mRNA and DNA DNA is to genes as amino acids are to protein . atoms having __ bonds complete one another by the donation and ac ionic. mutations in what cells can be passed to future generations germ cells DNA codons encode amino acids during cell replication which materials is duplicated by polymerase en Meiosis occurs in what cells germ cells. mitosis when an automobile traveling at 60 mph is brought to a rapid stop, the A.potential and heat B.potential and kinetic C.kinetic and chemical which of the following indicates the number of neutrons and electrons 191 Ir ^77 when examining electronegativity values, which of the following atoms hydrogen (H) a large saturated hydrocarbon will contain more than twice as what is needed for cellular waste recycling? lysosome which of the following by-products of cellular respiration is used by au carbon what is the type of bond that is primarily responsible for base pairing i hydrogen a cell uses which of the following as the first-line of defense against m DNA After passing through the stomach, food continues into the duodenum suppose a 2-kilogram mass is traveling at 3 meters/second. Which of kinetic Density of liquid a liquid of less density than that of another liquid will float what is the term given to multiple forms of a gene that are produced Alleles during which of the following stages of development do individual tiss gastrulation during which of the following stages of interphase is mRNA synthesiz G1- protein is produced via RNA being decoded by ribosomes a harmful example of a catalytic reaction involves the breakdown of th chlorine ions. what pulls air into the body during inspiration diaphragm waters __ bonding results in a __ ratio of hydrogen to oxygen covalent, 2:1 waters dominant bonding type (covalent) involves the sharing of valen during which of the following processes does RNA relay info to the rib kinetic energy formula KE= 1/2mv^2 m=mass' v=velocity which of the following organs produces bile that begins the breakdown liver produces bile necessary for the breakdown of fat When does the nuclear division of somatic cells take place during cel mitosis Which of the answer choices provided best defines the following state For a given mass and constant temperature, an inverse relationship e Boyles law Which of the following is an example of a tissue? hamstring mammal liver chloroplast chloroplast what type of substance allows a current to flow through it without the superconductor Hanawalt's law of biology states that chemical reactions which take p whats true? A. non-spontaneous processes predominate B. spontaneous processes predominate C. Third process predominate D. chemical reactions are influenced by environment what serves as the location for exchange of oxygen, CO2 and nutrien capillaries what are the bronchial tubes lined with cilia inhaled air travels from the trachea to R & L bronchial tubes when the left ventrical contracts, blood flows through the what aorta the 4 valves of the heart are oxygenated blood flows from the lungs into the left atrium when the right ventrical contracts blood flows into the pulmonary arter the lungs what is the cell theory end products of photosynthesis are oxygen and glucose what principle is this " an object immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by t the object" LDL is known as low density lipoproteins what is an allele vacuoles are peroxisomes are in a redox reaction the reducting agent will lose electrons and be oxidized what do you call a liquid that evaporates quickly volatile high frequency soundwaves are knonw as overtones what does prostaglandins do? Carry out vasodilation, vasoconstriction, uterine contraction. organs repair themselves through the process of mitosis what portion of the kidney's filters gas exchange occurs in what tissue capillaries Breathing properly requires the presence of this compound that affect surfactant cellular respiration formula C6H1206--> C02 H20 energy (released) The coenzyme NAD/NADH is involved in what type of reaction? Oxidation/Reduction what is the functional unit of the kidney nephron what does cystalline order mean? atoms arranged in a highly ordered state (solid) form. The top number on a blood pressure reading is? systolic pressure The bottom number on a blood pressure reading is? diastolic pressure digestion begins where in the mouth the diaphragm separates the thoracic and abdominal cavity explain the digestive stomach release digestive functions ingestion, mastication, degultion, digestion, absorption, peristalis, def path of food through the body ORAL define deglutition swallowing foods what does the pancreas do absorption of food occurs in the small what is the heterotroph must What is DNA polymerase? the duodenum is during which stage of metabolism is glucose broken down into pyruvic pyruvate glycolysis is what is an element during what stage of interphase is mRNA synthesized G1 stage what phase does centrosomes replicate mRNA is synthesized during what interphase define intermediate dorsal body cavity ventral body cavity what are matalloids what does the parasympathetic system do describe a paradigm shift on the periodic table, elcetronegativity bondsincreases how from left On the periodic table, going from top to bottom, electronegativity bond what is the pressure and temp of a solid what is the pressure and temp of a liquid what is the pressure and temp of a gas are hydrogen bonds weak or strong are covalent bonds strong or weak are ionic bonds strong or weak what is the Van der walls force Which are more likely to form covalent bonds metals or nonmetals? On the periodic table of the elements are listed from left to right accor metals are located where one the chart noble gases are located where a redox reaction is an ion is a charged atom what is an isomer which words are redundant? Without further ado or additional waiting, the passengers were efficien A.further, ado B.ado, waiting C. further, additional D.efficiently, deferentially independent clause pronoun direct object preposition C 40 10-50 how to find # of neutrons # of protons is known from the how many muscles are in the body also called the "colon" what concentrates, mixes and stores waste m what absorbs most of the nutrients, enzymes from the pancreas, liver the atomic number is found ___ the chemical symbol coordinating Preposition Mnemonic "box" whatare 4 types of tissues what are the types of muscle tissue 4 types of connective tissues what delivers enzymes to the small intestines what are nitrogen containing wastes what valves are located on the right side of the heart what valves are located on the left side of the heart how does air travel 3 main functions of the nervous system what does the pyloric sphincter lead to what can be found only in the small intestines what do villi and microvilli do when in CCK released what are 3 functions of CCK what is chemotaxis what are 2 types of immune defense 1) what is cytokins what is the function of the phosphate group what is the function of the nitrogenous bases what is DNA what is RNA what is an embryo what is a zygote a what are stem cells ucells what happens during the S phase of mitosis synthesis of new DNA why does mitosis take place what is meiosis what cells are haploids where does meiosis take place only gametes or fertilized eggs what happens to the end products of glycolysis they are what is needed in the cell to carry out cellular respiration mitochondria what 2 cycles are used to make up cellular respiration what does each codon match what is a mismatch pair what is excision repair it inspects the DNA for these types of damage ( damages from subst what are globular proteins what type of bonds are saturated what type of bonds are unsaturated what is the single replacement theory A what do eukaryotes have have for genetic material what do prok have for genetic info operons according to Mendel's first law, what does each gamete contain? Whats the purpose of ribosomes? An engineer would like a 12kg rock to travel at 10m/s^2. What force is "love's like a torch, which if secured from blasts, will faintly burn..." Lo personification "everyone was gathered around the television" which is the pronoun "Giant snakes do exist in the swamps of Louisiana" what is the simple predicate? Over time, the value of a house increases but its mortgage decreases time A reader stumbles across and unfamiliar word in a reference book. W -the abstract -the appendix -the index -the glossary By what method can certain types of seaweed end up with a concentr active State of matter does not necessarily change in which of the following -evaporation -condensation -vaporization -none of these none of these milk, fish, greens, and oj provide an individual with which of the follow calcium which of the following is NOT a principle function of the urinary system -elimination of wastes -nutrient absorption -regulation of blood volume -stimulation of red blood cell which is the neurotransmitter that stimulates the appetite for fatty foo Galanin which is the neurotransmitter that stimulates the appetite for protein what do ribosomes use to create protein which of the following element properties have a complete valence sh -Lanthanides which of the following is NOT considered a cranial bone? -Palatine bone -Ethmoid bone -Frontal bone -Temporal bone which bodily system works with the muscles to create movement Skeletal Identify the reduction in the following redox reaction: Fe2O3 3CO --> Fe2O3 --> 2FeO which kind of tissue does not have its own blood supply epithelial which of the following terms is used to describe something that feeds the bilayer of a cell membrane consists of phospholipids with all of th the parathyroid gland is an endocrine system gland located behind the control? how many amino acids are required to make all the proteins necessar 20 if you want to go on vacation, then you need to save some money. what type of sentence is this? Mount Rushmore was carved in South Dakota what type of sentence is this? Glycolysis is the conversion of ___ to ___ in the process of cellular re which of the following is a lipid that is a membrane component and a steroids when is a single covalent bond formed? Wernicke's area is part of the brains temporal lobe. Which of the follow which of the following is the most inclusive in the hierarchic system o The teres major muscle is located from the inferior angel of the scapu of this muscle? The thoracic artery takes blood to the thorax and then into the renal a Table salt breaks apart into an ionic sodium solution and chloride whe what Fatty acids are grouped into saturated fats or unsaturated fats. Satura no what organelles inside a cell are responsible for producing proteins What is the name for a common hydrocarbon with 5 carbon atoms an what happens immediately after an electrical signal is sent from the s a healthy heart What abdominal quadrant is the appendix located in? Right lower quadrant Whats an example of a combustion reaction? CH^4 pH of blood 7 What kind of tissue are salivary glands? What is the name for the column of elements with a complete shell of noble gasses The average lifespan of a breed of dog decreases as the average size size can be best described as: person lying on his/her back is in a __ position supine what is the primary function of the duodenum? what muscles are directly involved with breathing? - Parasympathetic nerves aid in what biological function which best describes the composition of DNA covalent bonds involve How does an objects momentum change if its velocity is doubled its An atom has an atomic mass (AMU) of 33 and overall charge of 2, h What are the ranks of radiation from strongest to weakest what is the major function of the nucleolus? What best describes the central dogma of molecular biology Nonene has what chemical formula? C9H18 - what are the stages of mitosis gallbladder stores __, which functions to digest __ in the small intesti an unknown element contains 45 protons and an atomic mass of 64, w what are the reactants and products of the aerobic respiration chemic what is the first segment of the small intestines duodenum - Whats the function of villi and microvilli in the digestive stystem increases Deoxygenated blood flows through which vessels what type of energy does the moon provide if an ideal gas is kept at a constant temp & amount & the volume is h if a solution has a hydrogen cation concentration of 10^-2 what is its p how much ATP is produced from 2 glucose molecules in animals 76 - what temp does water boil at sea level? what is the pH of a substance with an OH- concentration of 1x10^-11 what is the composition of DNA a what leads to gout which is the body's inability to process uric acid? the bones of the toes (metatarsalas) and collarbone (clavicle) are exa short bone whats the function of DNA for every glucose molecule utlalized during cellular respiration, approx what allows water to form droplets when placed on a dry surface Ag is the symbol of what element What body cavity is lined by the connective tissue of peritoneum which one of the 4 chambers of the heart is the strongest? - the oxidation of the NADH molecules to produce O2 and H2O in cellu what allows water to climb up a glass tube that is placed into a conta Adhesion Whats a double replacement chemical reaction HCl what is the reason ice floats on water what is a disacharide carbohydrate what type of neuron transmits sensory signals from receptors to the C Efferent (motor) neurons are t Interneurons are how many pairs of chromosomes does a diploid cell contain? 23 Ag is the symbol for what is the function of Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is produced by the pituitary glan for every glucose molecule utilized during cellular respiration, approxim the oxidation of the NADH molecules to produce 02 and H20 in cellula glycolysis is the conversion of ___ to ___ in the process of cellular re glucose, pyruvate phospholipids are lipids that contain a phosphate group bonded to wha fatty what is the oxidation number of an elemental atom the oxidation agent does what gains electrons. Reduction is described as the bond of a covalently bonded compound is termed polar when the bonds electrons are not equally shared In a redox reaction the element that is oxidized __ an electron and the loses, gains the elbow is an example of which type of bone ir what type of bone is not hollow but contains marrow flat bone what cavity is lined by the connective tissue of peritoneum the atomic masses that are presented in decimal form on the periodic the natural in regard to the perioidic table what occurs as you move from left to ri atomic radius decreases the atomic number for the element zinc (Zn) is 30. If the element has have 33 when a liquid substance reaches a specific temp it will transform into the when pressure is increased what happens to the particles of matter they what is an example of a double replacement chemical reaction HCl what type of bias occurs when something effects how the treatments what can lead to the formation of calcium kidney stones, which is whe urine can dilute an oxidized agent does what loses electrons what can lead to kidney disease ? Alcohol abuse Tabacco use The luteinizing hormone (LH also known as lutropin and sometimes lu the body do? It is known that the gene that codes for male pattern baldness depend alleles is known as what? when studying the phenotype outcome for an F2 generation it resulted 3 process that changes a gas to a solid without first becoming a liquid sublimation Neutrophils do what Eosinophils do what Basophils do what respond to histamine- macrophages do what the acronym CHNOPS represent the 6 most important chemical elem molecules on earth. What does it stand for perimeter formulas Affect vs Effect assuage means appease impecunious means penniless how many organ systems are in the human body? 11 what are 2 types of measurement important in science? quantitative & 2 ways to classify epithelial tissues cell parathyroid gland is located in the neck What element in the respiratory system is responsible for removing fo cilia what is the process in the lungs by which oxygen is transported from what gland is responsible for regulation of calcium levels? the parathyroid gland which section of the digestive system is responsible for water re-abso large when are the parasympathetic NS active? the respiratory system ___ oxygen and ___ carbon dioxide in what muscle type are the filaments arranged in a disorderly manner smooth what hormone is produced by the pineal gland melatonin in the development of genetic traits one gene must match one __ for protein human lung anatomy the right lung has 3 lobes , the left has 2 what bone type is embedded in tendons sesamoid bones in the heart what blood vessel contains the least amount of oxygenate what layer of the heart contains striated muscle fibers for contraction what blood vessel carries oxygentated blood back to the heart pulmonary vein what is the most likely reason that cells differentiate how do DNA and RNA function together as part of the human genome RNA what process should DNA within a cell undergo before cell replication The where is the interstital fluid found in what type of cell secretes antibodies what controls the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland hypothalamus where does gas exchange in the human body occur what lab equipment would most likely be used to measure a liquid sol what best describes the structures found underneath each rib in desc vein, what protein interferes with virus what layer of skin does NOT contain blood vessels what has the lowest blood pressure? Arteries, Arteriole, Venule, or Vein which heart chamber is the most muscular lventricle which part of the brain interprets sensory information cerebrium which component of the nervous system is responsible for lowering th All life is composed of : inorganic compounds chemicals that do not contain carbon (sodium chloride, nitrogen, phos organic compounds water is composed of: carbohydrates are composed of - lipids are composed of nucleic acids act as glycolysis is the fermentation aerobic respiration after glyoclysis central dogma the principles of Central Dogma the genetic code - where do prokaryotes conduct respiration the cell membrane Nucleus is the site where nucleolus is where rRNA highest level of structure in the genome is microbodies conjugation a mechanism used by bacteria to move genes between cells by exch Mendels basic principles of genetics Law of segregation linkage when alleles fail to assort independently because they are on the sam Stomata vs. Stroma RNA types incomplete dominance / codominance Biological molecules a group of organisms that is able to successfully interbreed with each species characteristics of mammals [Show More]

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