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ABC-X Family Crisis Model (Ans- Rueben Hill's model used to explain whether or not a stressful event would result in crisis in some families but not in other's. A=stressor B=family's crisis- mee... ting resources C=family's definition of the stressor X=the crisis Accommodation (Ans- Describes a variety of engagement techniques such as joining, used principally by Structural Family Therapists in which the therapist adapts themselves to the family's style of interacting. Acculturation (Ans- The process by which immigrant group members adjust to the culture of their new country. Adaptability (Ans- Term from Olson's Circumflex Model, which is a measure of the families ability to respond and adapt to changes in their lives. Also called "flexibility"-families are rated at 4 levels: 1. Rigid 2. Structured 3. Flexible 4. Chaotic Alliance (Ans- Structural and Strategic Model Definition: a bond or affiliation between 2 or more family members. Alliances differ from coalitions in that they are generally within the subsystems and not hidden. Domestic Violence Model Definition: Refers to the redemptive phase of the abuse cycle, in which the perpetrator promises to never act violently again and the victim agrees to participate in that goal and believes them, continuing the cycle of abuse. Antilibidinal Ego (Ans- Objects-Relations Term defined as the part of the ego that is formed from interactions with the rejecting object. Antilibidinal System (Ans- Object-Relations Term define as a repressed system within the ego characterized by aggression, rage, and contempt. "As If" Structure (Ans- Symbolic-Experiential Term defined as family members are encouraged to freely experiment "as if" they were in the role of the other, so long as they understand that the role play is symbolic. The process allows family members to alternately experiment and then return to their secure roles. Autopoetic (Autopoeisis) System (Ans- Defined as a system that is self organizing and self maintaining, such as biological and human systems. Can be described by second order cybernetics. Term originated from Postmodern Chilean Biologist, Maturana. Avoider (Ans- SATIR EXPERIENTIAL MODEL: This is 1 of the 5 communication styles developed by Satir (Experiential Therapy). The avoider tends to distract others form potential conflict by acting helpless, weak, and lacking an understanding. Battle for Initiative (Ans- WHITAKER EXPERIENTIAL MODEL: The Battle for Initiative follows the Battle for Structure. Defined as the family taking back authority form the therapist to make choices about what is discussed and about decisions that affect their life. Battle for Structure (Ans- WHITAKER EXPERIENTIAL MODEL: The Battle for Structure is when the therapist demands the family capitulate (give in to) to their way of conducting the therapy, particularly during the initial stage of therapy. It is followed by the next phase, Battle for Initiative. Beavers-Timberlawn Model (Ans- An assessment tool used to rate the dimensions of competence and style in a family. Competence Dimensions are: 1. Adequate 2. Optimal 3. Midrange 4. Borderline 5. Severely Dysfunctional Stylistic Dimensions are: 1. Centripetal 2. Centrifugal 3. Mixed [Show More]

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