*NURSING > ATI > ATI Mental Health assessment questions and answers. 20 pages . (All)

ATI Mental Health assessment questions and answers. 20 pages .

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ATI Mental Health assessment questions and answers. 20 pages . A nurse in an emergency mental health facility is caring for a group of clients. The nurse should identify that which of the following... clients requires a temporary emergency admission? A. A client who has schizophrenia with delusions of grandeur B. A client who has manifestations of depression and attempted suicide a year ago C. A client who has borderline personality disorder and assaulted a homeless man with a metal rod D. A client who has bipolar disorder and paces quickly around the room while talking to themselves - C. A client who has borderline personality disorder and assaulted a homeless man with a metal rod A nurse decides to put a client who has a psychotic disorder in seclusion overnight because the unit short-staffed, and the client frequently is very fights with other clients. The nurse's actions are an example of which of the following torts? A. Invasion of privacy B. False imprisonment C. Assault D. Battery - B. False imprisonment A client tells a nurse, "Don't tell anyone, but I hid a sharp knife under my mattress in order to protect myself from my roommate, who is always threatening me." Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A. Keep the client's communication confidential, but talk to the client daily, using therapeutic communication to convince them to admit to hiding the knife. B. Keep the client's communication confidential, but watch the client and their roommate closely. C. Tell the client that this must be reported to the health care team because it concerns the health and safety of the client and others. D. Report the incident to the health care team, but do not inform the client of the intention to do so. - C. Tell the client that this must be reported to the health care team because it concerns the health and safety of the client and others.A nurse is caring for a client who is in mechanical restraints. Which of the following statements should the nurse include in the documentation? (Select all that apply.) A. "Client ate most of their breakfast." B. "Client was offered 8 oz of water every hr." C. "Client shouted obscenities at assistive personnel." D. "Client received chlorpromazine 15 mg by mouth at 1000." E. "Client acted out after lunch." - B. "Client was offered 8 oz of water every hr." C. "Client shouted obscenities at assistive personnel." D. "Client received chlorpromazine 15 mg by mouth at 1000." A nurse hears a newly licensed nurse discussing a client's hallucinations in the hallway with another nurse. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? A. Notify the nurse manager. B. Tell the nurse to stop discussing the behavior. C. Provide an in-service program about confidentiality. D. Complete an incident report. - B. Tell the nurse to stop discussing the behavior. A charge nurse is conducting a class on therapeutic communication with a group of newly licensed nurses. Which of the following aspects of communication should the nurse identify as a component of verbal communication? A. Personal space B. Posture C. Eye contact D. Intonation - D. Intonation A nurse in an acute mental health facility is communicating with a client. The client states, "I can't sleep. I stay up all night." The nurse responds, "You are having difficulty sleeping?" Which of the following therapeutic communication techniques is the nurse demonstrating? A. Offering general leads B. Summarizing C. FocusingD. Restating - D. Restating Anurse is communicating with a client who was admitted for treatment of a substance use disorder. Which of the following communication techniques should the nurse identify as a barrier to therapeutic communication? A. Offering advice B. Reflecting C. Listening attentively D. Giving information - A. Offering advice A nurse is talking with a client who is at risk for suicide following their partner's death. Which of the following statements should the nurse make? A. "I feel very sorry for the loneliness you must be experiencing." B. "Suicide is not the appropriate way to cope with loss." C. "Losing someone close to you must be very upsetting." D. "I know how difficult it is to lose a loved one." - C. "Losing someone close to you must be very upsetting." A charge nurse is discussing the characteristics of a nurse-client relationship with a newly licensed nurse. Which of the following characteristics should the nurse include in the discussion? (Select all that apply.) A. The needs of both participants are met. B. An emotional commitment exists between the participants. C. It is goal-directed. D. Behavioral change is encouraged. E. A termination date is established. - C. It is goal-directed. D. Behavioral change is encouraged. E. A termination date is established. A nurse is in the working phase of a therapeutic relationship with a client who has methamphetamine use disorder. Which of the following actions indicates transference behavior? A. The client asks the nurse if they will go out to dinner together.B. The client accuses the nurse of being controlling just like an ex-partner. C. The client reminds the nurse of a friend who died from substance toxicity. D. The client becomes angry and threatens to engage in self harm. - B. The client accuses the nurse of being controlling just like an ex-partner. A nurse is planning care for the termination phase of a nurse-client relationship. Which of the following actions should the nurse include in the plan of care? A. Discussing ways to use new behaviors B. Practicing new problem-solving skills C. Developing goals D. Establishing boundaries - A. Discussing ways to use new behaviors A nurse is orienting a new client to a mental health unit. When explaining the unit's community meetings, which of the following statements should the nurse make? A. "You and a group of other clients will meet to discuss your treatment plans." B. "Community meetings have a specific agenda that is established by staff." C. "You and the other clients will meet with staff to discuss common problems." D. "Community meetings are an excellent opportunity explore your personal mental health issues." - C. "You and the other clients will meet with staff to discuss common problems." A nurse is providing teaching for a client who is scheduled to receive ECT for the treatment of major depressive disorder. Which of the following client statements indicates understanding of the teaching? A. "It is common to treat depression with ECT before trying medications." B. "I can have my depression cured if I receive a series of ECT treatments." C. "I should receive ECT once a week for 6 weeks." D. "I will receive a muscle relaxant to from injury during ECT." protect me - D. "I will receive a muscle relaxant to from injury during ECT." protect me A nurse is assessing a client immediately following an ECT procedure. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? (Select all that apply.) A. Hypotension B. Paralytic ileusC. Memory loss D. Polyuria E. Confusion - C. Memory loss E. Confusion [Show More]

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