*NURSING > EXAM > Pediatric ARDMS Review Exam 271 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT (All)

Pediatric ARDMS Review Exam 271 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT

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Pediatric ARDMS Review Exam 271 Questions with Verified Answers Most common malignant liver tumor in children? - CORRECT ANSWER Hepatoblastoma 2nd most common malignant liver tumor in children... . Seen w/ hep B and Wilsons disease. - CORRECT ANSWER HCC Most common benign hepatic tumor of childhood. - CORRECT ANSWER Infantile Hemangioendothelioma Benign liver lesion made up of small blood filled spaces lined w/ endothelial cells - CORRECT ANSWER Cavernous Hemangioma Congenital benign liver tumor originating along portal triads - CORRECT ANSWER Mesenchymal Hamartoma (aka Lymphangioma) Congenital cystic dilatation of intrahepatic ducts. - CORRECT ANSWER Caroli disease Which biliary tract pathology has an increased risk of Cholangiocarcinoma? - CORRECT ANSWER Caroli disease What is the most common cause of hyperbilirubinemia? - CORRECT ANSWER Biliary atresia What procedure can be done to preserve the liver in cases of biliary atresia? - CORRECT ANSWER Kasai procedure What is the most common (but rare) neoplasm of the biliary tract in children? - CORRECT ANSWER Rhabdomyosarcoma Most common malignant Splenic neoplasm - CORRECT ANSWER Lymphoma What may cause multiple hypoechoic masses in the spleen? - CORRECT ANSWER Langerhans cell histocytosis Solid complex mass in spleen. Rare but mets to liver, bone, lymph nodes. - CORRECT ANSWER Angiosarcoma Autosomal recessive disorder that presents w/ Hepatosplenomegaly and bone infarctions. - CORRECT ANSWER Gaucher storage disease When is Pyloric Stenosis most common? - CORRECT ANSWER 2-6 weeks (boys) Common cause of delayed emptying of stomach, antral narrowing & causes vomiting - CORRECT ANSWER Pylorospasm (aka Antral Dyskinesia) Most common malignant neoplasm of GI tract in children. - CORRECT ANSWER Lymphoma Most common cause of congenital duodenal obstruction in newborns. - CORRECT ANSWER Duodenal atresia Midgut malrotation - CORRECT ANSWER SMV positioned left of SMA Most common acute abdominal disorder in early childhood? - CORRECT ANSWER Intussusception Most common inflammatory disease of small bowel. - CORRECT ANSWER Crohn disease Most common small bowel malignancy in childhood. - CORRECT ANSWER Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Most common surgical emergency in children. - CORRECT ANSWER appendicitis (more common in girls) Most common cause of urethral obstruction in boys. - CORRECT ANSWER Posterior urethral valves Absent or small abdominal wall musculature. Multiple urinary tract anomalies seen. Exclusively males. - CORRECT ANSWER Prune Belly Syndrome (Eagle Barrett Syndrome) Most common renal malignancy in children. - CORRECT ANSWER Wilms tumor (Nephroblastoma) What is the aggressive malignant renal tumor that occurs in patients w/ sickle cell disease? - CORRECT ANSWER Renal Medullary Carcinoma Most common benign renal tumor in children. - CORRECT ANSWER Mesoblastic Nephroma (Renal Hamartoma, Mesenchymal Hamartoma) Most common extracranial tumor in children. - CORRECT ANSWER Neuroblastoma Benign Adrenal tumor made of ganglion cells. - CORRECT ANSWER Ganglioneuroma Overproduction of cortisol in the adrenal cortex - CORRECT ANSWER Cushing Syndrome Overproduction of mineralcorticoid aldosterone - CORRECT ANSWER Conn Syndrome (Primary Aldosteronism) Autosomal Recessive error of metabolizing fat. Leads to accumulation of cholesterol and triglycerides in tissues of body. - CORRECT ANSWER Wolman Disease Autosomal dominant disease where multiple organs present w/ cysts. - CORRECT ANSWER Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome Infantile type of pancreatic carcinoma. May be seen w/ Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome. - CORRECT ANSWER Pancreaticoblastoma Most common islet cell tumor - CORRECT ANSWER Insulinoma 2nd most common islet cell tumor - CORRECT ANSWER Gastrinoma Malignant ovarian tumor. Usually larger than 10cm. - CORRECT ANSWER Germ cell tumor Name the 2 Sex Cord-Stromal Tumors - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Granulosa cell 2. Sertoli-Leydig Which ovarian tumor is due to excessive Estrogen production? - CORRECT ANSWER Granulosa cell Which ovarian tumor is due to excessive Androgen production? - CORRECT ANSWER Sertoli-Leydig Most common tumor of the genitourinary tract in children? - CORRECT ANSWER Rhabdomyosarcoma (malignant vaginal tumor) Pyloric muscle is thickened when - CORRECT ANSWER > 3mm Pyloric channel is elongated when - CORRECT ANSWER > 17mm Diameter of intussuscepted bowel - CORRECT ANSWER > 3cm Normal hip Alpha angle - CORRECT ANSWER 60 degrees or greater Normal hip Beta angle - CORRECT ANSWER 55 degrees or less The smaller the ______ angle and the larger the ______ angle, the more likely that dysplasia is present. - CORRECT ANSWER Alpha; Beta Normal appendix should not exceed - CORRECT ANSWER 6mm Name 3 types of Dorsal Stigmata seen with Occult spinal dysraphism: - CORRECT ANSWER sacral dimples skin tags abnormal hair growth Which Occult spinal dysraphism is often associated with a tight filum terminale? - CORRECT ANSWER Lipomyelocele Lipomyelomeningocele What is it called when a sagittal cleft is present in the spinal cord causing it to divide into 2 cords - CORRECT ANSWER Diastematomyelia Types of Overt Spinal Dysraphism (non-skin covered) - CORRECT ANSWER Myelocele Myelomeningocele Heterogeneous fluid within dorsal & ventral epidural space - CORRECT ANSWER Lumbar puncture hematoma What is the #1 cause for congenital hydro? - CORRECT ANSWER UPJ obstruction What are the small segmented pouches called within the colon? - CORRECT ANSWER Haustra How to get low flow in kidneys to show? - CORRECT ANSWER decrease PRF Nutcracker Syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER Compression of left renal vein between SMA and aorta (Left flank pain and hematuria Left testicular pain in men and LLQ pain in women) Best sonographic window to image Thymus gland - CORRECT ANSWER Suprasternal Transsternal Parasternal How many Parathyroid glands are there? - CORRECT ANSWER 4 (occasionally more) Triangular cord sign - CORRECT ANSWER Biliary Atresia (fibrous ductal remnant) Anisotropy - CORRECT ANSWER artifact caused by tendon (msk) Tendons attach _____ to _____ - CORRECT ANSWER muscle to bone How long after ischemic will you see PVL? - CORRECT ANSWER less than 2 weeks What separates the right and left lobe of the liver? - CORRECT ANSWER Main lobar fissure Main complications of indwelling catheter in Aorta? - CORRECT ANSWER Aortic thrombus First treatment for intussusception - CORRECT ANSWER air-contrast enema Vessels involved in Midgut malrotation - CORRECT ANSWER SMV positioned LEFT of SMA Clinical manifestations of Vein of Galen malformation - CORRECT ANSWER high output CHF intracranial bruit Pressure on Anterior fontanelle causes... - CORRECT ANSWER bradycardia Best position of hip to obtain Alpha measurement? - CORRECT ANSWER infant lateral decubitus femur extended Split Cord Malformation (Diastematomyelia) - CORRECT ANSWER sagittal cleft in spinal cord dividing it into 2 hemicords A child under 5 years old presenting with weight loss and a RUQ mass may have: - CORRECT ANSWER Hepatoblastoma When might you see a flattened adrenal gland? - CORRECT ANSWER with renal agenesis Normal measurement of filum terminale? - CORRECT ANSWER < 2mm Caroli disease associated findings - CORRECT ANSWER saccular dilation of intrahepatic bile ducts calculus formation cholangitis hepatic fibrosis portal HTN Arnold-Chiari malformation is a complex brain anomaly associated with what 3 things? - CORRECT ANSWER cerebellar dysplasia spinal dysraphism encephalocele or myelomeningocele Name the 6 cranial bones: - CORRECT ANSWER frontal parietal temporal occipital sphenoid ethmoid Which cranial bone has a "batwing" shape? - CORRECT ANSWER Sphenoid Name the 5 major sutures of the skull: - CORRECT ANSWER Coronal Frontal/Metopic Lamboidal Sagittal Squamosal Which 2 bones form the Metopic suture? - CORRECT ANSWER 2 frontal bones Which 2 bones form the Lamboidal suture? - CORRECT ANSWER Occipital Parietal Which 2 bones form the Sagittal suture? - CORRECT ANSWER 2 parietal bones Which 2 bones form the Squamosal suture? - CORRECT ANSWER Temporal Parietal What is the term for premature fusion of the lamboidal, coronal and sagittal sutures? - CORRECT ANSWER Craniosynostosis What is the term for premature fusion of the lamboidal and coronal sutures? (creates a "Trilobed" skull appearance) - CORRECT ANSWER Cloverleaf skull Name the 4 fontanelles - CORRECT ANSWER anterior posterior sphenoid mastoid Name the divisions of the brain: - CORRECT ANSWER Prosencephalon (telencephalon and diencephalon) Mesencephalon Rhombencephalon (metencephalon and myelencephalon) Spinal cord The Prosencephalon consists of: - CORRECT ANSWER telencephalon and diencephalon The Rhombencephalon consists of: - CORRECT ANSWER metencephalon and myelencephalon Describe the sonographic appearance of gyri vs. sulci - CORRECT ANSWER gyri - folds/convolutions - hypoechoic sulci - grooves - echogenic Name the major gyrus - CORRECT ANSWER Cingulate (hypoechoic) Name the major suclus - CORRECT ANSWER Central sulcus What sulcus carries the callosal marginal artery? - CORRECT ANSWER Cingulate What are the 2 main fissures of the brain? - CORRECT ANSWER interhemispheric fissure lateral fissure Name the 3 coverings of the brain. - CORRECT ANSWER dura mater arachnoid mater pia mater Where is the dura mater located? - CORRECT ANSWER outermost layer Where is the arachnoid mater located? - CORRECT ANSWER between dura mater and pia mater (middle layer) Where is the pia mater located? - CORRECT ANSWER innermost surface of the brain Where is the epidural space located? - CORRECT ANSWER between dura mater and skull Where is the subdural space located? - CORRECT ANSWER between dura mater and arachnoid mater Where is the subarachnoid space located? - CORRECT ANSWER between arachnoid and pia mater Most important reflection that separates the cerebellum and brainstem from the occipital lobes of cerebrum - CORRECT ANSWER Tentorium cerebelli What separates the 2 hemispheres of the brain? (lies within the interhemispheric fissure) - CORRECT ANSWER Falx cerebri Name the 4 major subarachnoid cisterns - CORRECT ANSWER Cisterna magna Pontine cistern Interpeduncular cistern Quadrigeminal cistern What vessel runs through the quadrigeminal cistern? - CORRECT ANSWER Vein of galen The M3 branch of the MCA supplies what region of the brain? - CORRECT ANSWER Insula (contains Broca's area which controls speech, reading, writing) What is the largest white matter structure in the brain? - CORRECT ANSWER Corpus callosum What purpose does the corpus callosum serve? - CORRECT ANSWER Connects right and left hemispheres What structure in the neonatal brain may be confused with a subependymal germinal matrix hemorrhage? - CORRECT ANSWER Caudothalamic groove What is the landmark used to assist in detection of a subependymal germinal matrix hemorrhage? - CORRECT ANSWER Caudothalamic groove Purpose of the Massa Intermedia? - CORRECT ANSWER connects the 2 thalamic bodies When is the Massa Intermedia seen? - CORRECT ANSWER when the 3rd ventricle is dilated What does the hypothalamus control? - CORRECT ANSWER body temperature appetite thirst anger circadian cycles What structure of the basal ganglia is concerned with learning and memory? - CORRECT ANSWER Caudate nucleus Name functions of the Cerebellum - CORRECT ANSWER fine movement balance equilibrium muscle tone Name the parts of the brainstem - CORRECT ANSWER midbrain pons medulla oblongata What structures connect the pons to the cerebrum? - CORRECT ANSWER cerebral peduncles Name the 4 ventricles of the brain - CORRECT ANSWER 2 lateral 3rd ventricle 4th ventricle What is the thin structure that separates the lateral ventricles? - CORRECT ANSWER Septum pellucidum Name the 4 segments of the lateral ventricles - CORRECT ANSWER frontal horn body temporal horn occipital horn What structure divides the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles from the body of the lateral ventricles? - CORRECT ANSWER Foramen of Monro Describe the flow of CSF through the ventricles - CORRECT ANSWER Foramen of Monro drains lat vents into 3rd vent -> Aqueduct of Sylvius connects 3rd and 4th vents -> 4th vent drained by Foramina of Luschka and Magendie CSF is produced by - CORRECT ANSWER choroid plexus There is NO choroid plexus in what portion of the ventricular system? - CORRECT ANSWER Frontal and occipital horns Terminal end of spinal cord: - CORRECT ANSWER conus medullaris What structure secures the lower end of the spinal cord? - CORRECT ANSWER Filum terminalis Nerve roots below the first lumbar vertebrae: - CORRECT ANSWER Cauda equina What amount of extra axial fluid is a common/normal finding in a newborn? - CORRECT ANSWER 3.3mm in SCW location Name the 3 stages of brain development: - CORRECT ANSWER Cytogenesis Histogenesis Organogenesis Describe a Grade I intracranial hemorrhage: - CORRECT ANSWER Subependymal / germinal matrix hemorrhage Describe a Grade II intracranial hemorrhage: - CORRECT ANSWER Intraventricular hemorrhage NO ventricular dilation Describe a Grade III intracranial hemorrhage: - CORRECT ANSWER Intraventricular hemorrhage YES ventricular dilation Describe a Grade IV intracranial hemorrhage: - CORRECT ANSWER Intraventricular hemorrhage AND Intraparenchymal hemorrhage (IPH) What happens as a result of "Shaken baby" syndrome? - CORRECT ANSWER Posterior fossa subdural hemorrhage What is the congenital anomaly of the brain thought to be caused by bilateral ICA occlusions during fetal development? - CORRECT ANSWER Hydrancephaly Hydrocephaly vs. Ventriculomegaly - CORRECT ANSWER hydrocephaly is ventriculomegaly with increased ICP and head size Cerebral edema vs. Encephalitis - CORRECT ANSWER edema: increased brain echogenicity with "slit-like" ventricles encephalitis: increased brain echogenicity What is the failure of diverticulation of the Prosencephalon? - CORRECT ANSWER Holoprosencephaly 3 types of Holoprosencephaly - CORRECT ANSWER Alobar (most severe, no separation) Lobar (partial separation) Semilobar (more cerebral tissue) ALL forms of Holoprosencephaly have absence of.... - CORRECT ANSWER Septum pellucidum Identification of the Septum pellucidum rules out.... - CORRECT ANSWER Holoprosencephaly What structure runs along the lateral margin of the thalami? - CORRECT ANSWER Sylvian fissure What vessel is seen pulsating in the sylvian fissure? - CORRECT ANSWER MCA Which syndrome is associated with Aniridia? - CORRECT ANSWER WAGR (wilm's tumor, aniridia, GU anomalies, retardation) WAGR syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER Wilm's tumor Aniridia (absence of iris) GU anomalies Retardation (mental and motor) Most common Arnold-Chiari malformation - CORRECT ANSWER Chiari II A "batwing" configuration of the frontal horns of the lateral ventricle indicates: - CORRECT ANSWER Chiari malformation Dilated, fluid filled central sinus of the spinal cord - CORRECT ANSWER Hydromelia (Syringomelia) Fatty filum vs. Filar lipoma - CORRECT ANSWER fatty filum - normal variant filar lipoma - >2mm causing mass effect (associated w/ tethered cord) 2 types of caudal regression - CORRECT ANSWER Sacral agenesis (mildest) Sirenomelia (severe) Absent gyri/sulci indicates: - CORRECT ANSWER Lissencephaly ("smooth" brain) Which fontanelle is best for imaging the occipital horns of lateral ventricles? - CORRECT ANSWER posterior fontanelle Where is the germinal matrix located? - CORRECT ANSWER floor of lateral ventricles Which veins join to form the vein of Galen? - CORRECT ANSWER internal cerebral veins "Sunburst" sign indicates: - CORRECT ANSWER agenesis of corpus callosum Fetal persistence of the thyroglossal duct causes: - CORRECT ANSWER pyramidal loe What causes Cretinism? - CORRECT ANSWER congenital hypothyroidism Cretinism - CORRECT ANSWER a condition characterized by physical deformity and learning disabilities (caused by congenital thyroid deficiency) "Thyroid inferno" indicates: - CORRECT ANSWER Graves disease 3 types of Thyroiditis - CORRECT ANSWER Hashimoto's DeQuervain's Bacterial What type of Thyroiditis is caused by a viral infection? - CORRECT ANSWER DeQuervain's (rare) 3 common neck masses in children: - CORRECT ANSWER thyroglossal duct cyst branchial cleft cyst cystic hydgroma What is an embryonic remnant appearing as a cystic mass on the lateral aspect of the neck? - CORRECT ANSWER Branchial cleft cyst 3 salivary glands - CORRECT ANSWER parotid (largest) submandibular sublingual Which salivary gland contains Stensen's duct and drains into the oral cavity? - CORRECT ANSWER parotid Which salivary gland is triangular in shape and contains Wharton's duct? - CORRECT ANSWER submandibular Which salivary gland is the smallest and may contain ranulae (mucus retention cysts) - CORRECT ANSWER sublingual What type of adrenal tumor appears as an echogenic mass and is associated with propagation speed artifact? - CORRECT ANSWER Myelolipoma (speed is slower in fat) Most common cause of neonatal adrenal mass - CORRECT ANSWER adrenal hemorrhage What is the rare adrenal tumor that releases excessive amounts of epinephrine and norepinephrine? - CORRECT ANSWER pheochromocytoma Wolman disease - CORRECT ANSWER Rare lipidosis. Enlarged, calcified adrenal glands. Usually fatal at an early age. Most common cause of acute scrotum in POST-PUBERTAL male? - CORRECT ANSWER epididymitis Most common cause of acute scrotum in pediatric patient? - CORRECT ANSWER torsion 2 different types of testicular torsion - CORRECT ANSWER extravaginal (neonates in utero) intravaginal (adolescents) Testicular torsion has approx 100% salvage rate if surgery is performed within how many hours? - CORRECT ANSWER 4-6 hours (enlarged & hypoecoic) A patient presents with left testicular swelling. Upon sonographic evaluation, an enlarged left testicle is seen along with a hydrocele. Color flow is normal. What is the most likely cause? - CORRECT ANSWER Nutcracker syndrome In what pathologic condition would you see the "whirlpool" sign? - CORRECT ANSWER Midgut malrotation (volvulus) What is the name for a mass trapped in the GI system? - CORRECT ANSWER Bezoar 2 types of Bezoars - CORRECT ANSWER Trichobezoar (hair) Lactobezoar (milk) 4 types of hernias - CORRECT ANSWER Indirect inguinal (congenital) Direct inguinal (acquired) Femoral Spigelian Relationship of an INDIRECT inguinal hernia to vascular structures: - CORRECT ANSWER superior/lateral to prox inferior epigastric artery Relationship of a DIRECT inguinal hernia to vascular structures: - CORRECT ANSWER inferior/medial to prox inferior epigastric artery Which type of inguinal hernia is more common in infants and is more likely to extend into the scrotum? - CORRECT ANSWER Indirect Relationship of femoral hernia to vascular structures: - CORRECT ANSWER medial to CFV Relationship of spigelian hernia to vascular structures: - CORRECT ANSWER lateral to inferior epigastric vessels Large,fluid-filled RLQ structure with an "onion" skin appearance may indicate: - CORRECT ANSWER Mucocele Sonographic appearance of Necrotizing enterocolitis: - CORRECT ANSWER decreased flow in portal veins air within the vessels Most common GI disease affecting neonates/preemies due to intestinal immaturity - CORRECT ANSWER Necrotizing enterocolitis Intussusception occurs more commonly in which part of the small intestine? - CORRECT ANSWER Ileum Most common type of Intussusception - CORRECT ANSWER Ileocecal When scanning an infant for pyloric stenosis, what other position can you use besides supine? - CORRECT ANSWER RLD TORCH infections - CORRECT ANSWER Toxoplasmosis Other (hep B and herpes zoster) Rubella Cytomegalovirus Herpes Most frequent nosocomial infection - CORRECT ANSWER UTI (from indwelling catheter) What is the reason infants cannot control their body temperature? - CORRECT ANSWER Lack of brown adipose tissue (BAT) Optimal place for a temperature probe on an infant: - CORRECT ANSWER abdomen Name the 3 most common venous access sites in the body - CORRECT ANSWER IJV subclavian femoral What sonographic artifact is seen with the use of needles? - CORRECT ANSWER Reverberation or "comet-tail" What does PICC line stand for? - CORRECT ANSWER peripherally inserted central catheter Name 5 risk factors for DDH - CORRECT ANSWER first born female frank breech family hx oligohydramnios Which 3 specific structures should be imaged when evaluating for septic hip? - CORRECT ANSWER femoral head/neck joint capsule iliopsoas muscle Which 3 bones form the hip? - CORRECT ANSWER ilium ischium pubis Name the 2 stress maneuvers used for evaluation of the infant hip - CORRECT ANSWER Barlow Ortolani Describe the Barlow maneuver - CORRECT ANSWER dislocation of the hip by ADDUCTING and pushing leg posterior Describe the Ortolani maneuver - CORRECT ANSWER relocation of the hip by ABDUCTING the leg Name the angle between the ilium and the roof of the labrum; < 55 degrees is normal. - CORRECT ANSWER Beta Name the angle between the acetabular roof and the ilium; > 60 degrees is normal. - CORRECT ANSWER Alpha Pyomyositis - CORRECT ANSWER Infection of skeletal muscle Osteomyelitis - CORRECT ANSWER inflammation of bone and bone marrow What is the difference between Transient synovitis and a septic hip? - CORRECT ANSWER septic hip will have pain at rest and high fever (transient synovitis no pain at rest, afebrile or mild fever) What is the unusual condition occurring in athletes after a blunt injury in which the bone subsequently forms within the muscle at the site of injury? - CORRECT ANSWER Myositis ossifications What symptoms would a patient with hypertensive vasculitis have? - CORRECT ANSWER pain, fever, swollen joints, petechiae Where does the thymus gland lie? - CORRECT ANSWER posterior to sternum Which gland resembles a "sail" on ultrasound - CORRECT ANSWER thymus What is the anomaly where a segment of lung does NOT function due to anomalous blood supply and no communication with tracheobronchial tree? - CORRECT ANSWER Pulmonary sequestration 2 types of pulmonary sequestration - CORRECT ANSWER Intralobar (acquired) Extralobar (congential) Which type of pulmonary sequestration is more common in males and on the left? - CORRECT ANSWER Extralobar 2 types of diaphragmatic hernias - CORRECT ANSWER Bochdalek Morgagni What scanning approach would be optimal to assess for diaphragmatic paralysis? - CORRECT ANSWER Intercostal How do you assess for diaphragmatic paralyis? - CORRECT ANSWER disconnect ventilator use M-mode for 5-10 seconds Diagnostic criteria for positive diaphragmatic paralysis - CORRECT ANSWER absent motion upon inspiration 2 congenital anomalies of pancreas - CORRECT ANSWER pancreas divisum annular pancreas What pancreatic anomaly occurs when the ventral and dorsal buds do not fuse? - CORRECT ANSWER pancreatic divisum Describe annular pancreas - CORRECT ANSWER Ring of panc tissue encircles 2nd portion of duodenum. (may present as obstruction) Most common cause of pancreatitis in a child? - CORRECT ANSWER blunt abdominal trauma Most common location for pancreatic pseudocyst - CORRECT ANSWER lesser sac, body and tail If a patient has pancreatitis, which vessel may become thrombosed? - CORRECT ANSWER splenic vein Most common reason for a pediatric liver transplant - CORRECT ANSWER bilary atresia What causes pneumobilia? - CORRECT ANSWER Sphincter or Oddi incompetence emphysematous cholecystitis ERCP Normal size of CBD from birth to adolescence - CORRECT ANSWER < 5mm List some causes for pediatric cholelithiasis - CORRECT ANSWER sickle cell crohn's choledochal cysts wilson disease cystic fibrosis What liver anomaly is associated with ARPKD? - CORRECT ANSWER hepatic fibrosis What syndrome is a wandering spleen associated with? - CORRECT ANSWER Prune belly syndrome Most common cause of fungal abscess? - CORRECT ANSWER candida albicans What condition can cause multiple splenic abscesses? - CORRECT ANSWER cat scratch fever Appearance of spleen with Leukemia vs. Lymphoma - CORRECT ANSWER leukemia - enlarged, SMALL focal lesions (if any) lymphoma - enlarged, LARGE focal lesions What is the most commonly injured solid organ in children? - CORRECT ANSWER Spleen VACTERL syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER Vertebral anomalies Anal atresia Cardiovascular anomalies Tracheoesophageal fistula Esophageal atresia Renal anomalies Limb anomalies Horseshoe kidneys are associated with what syndrome? - CORRECT ANSWER Turner's What anomalies are associated with renal agenesis - CORRECT ANSWER uterine anomalies seminal vesicle agenesis congenital cardiac anomalies VACTERL syndrome Result of the developing kidneys fuse in the pelvis and ascend to one of the renal fossas - CORRECT ANSWER cross fused renal ectopia Common variant of focal bulging on lateral aspect of LEFT kidney - CORRECT ANSWER dromedary hump What is an extension of the sinus fat into the renal cortex that is seen as a triangular hyperechoic area in anterior aspect of RIGHT kidney? - CORRECT ANSWER junctional parenchymal defect What is persistent fetal lobulation? - CORRECT ANSWER incomplete fusion of developing renal lobules (kidney appears lobulated) Describe the Weigert-Meyer law. - CORRECT ANSWER in duplicated collecting systems, upper pole is susceptible to hydro due to ectopic insertion of ureter into bladder (causing reflux) "Key-hole" sign prenatally indicates: - CORRECT ANSWER Posterior urethral valves Sonographic difference between Wilm's tumor and Neuroblastoma - CORRECT ANSWER wilm's - destroys contour of kidney neuroblastoma - displaces kidney Most common cause of abdominal mass in neonates and infants? - CORRECT ANSWER hydronephrosis Most common renal cystic disease in neonates? - CORRECT ANSWER Multicystic dysplastic A congenital dysplastic cystic dilatation of the medullary pyramids due to tubular ectasia/dysplasia in utero. - CORRECT ANSWER Medullary sponge kidney What causes Medullary sponge kidney? - CORRECT ANSWER urinary stasis (causes calcium deposits) What renal anomaly do children with tuberous sclerosis develop? - CORRECT ANSWER angiomyolipomas Mycetoma - CORRECT ANSWER fungal ball (caused by candidiasis) Normal size range of infant kidneys - CORRECT ANSWER 5-6.5 cm Describe the course of blood flow to the kidney - CORRECT ANSWER Main renal Segmental Interlobar Arcuate Interlobular Sonographic indications of an ACUTE failing renal transplant - CORRECT ANSWER enlarged hypoechoic pyramids thick cortex high RI's Sonographic indications of CHRONIC renal transplant rejection - CORRECT ANSWER normal to hyperechoic cortical thinning increased RI's Most common pediatric ovarian tumor - CORRECT ANSWER teratoma Hematocolpos - CORRECT ANSWER blood in the vagina Most common cause of Hematocolpos - CORRECT ANSWER imperforate hymen Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome is associated with what renal anomalies? - CORRECT ANSWER Wilm's tumor duplicated collecting systems nephrocalcinosis medullary sponge kidney What male GU abnormalities are associated with Klinefelter syndrome? - CORRECT ANSWER small testes cryptorchidism hypospadias micropenis incomplete puberty What might you see sonographically with Lemierr'es syndrome? - CORRECT ANSWER thrombus in IJV Pheochromocytoma is associated with what syndrome? - CORRECT ANSWER Von-hippel-lindau syndrome Name 5 main venous sinuses of the brain - CORRECT ANSWER superior sagittal inferior sagittal straight (vein of galen) transverse occipital Where does the superior sagittal sinus lie? - CORRECT ANSWER superior border of the falx cerebri Why is the superior sagittal sinus important in sonography? - CORRECT ANSWER prone to thrombosis in neonates with dehydration List some conditions that can cause increased resistance in the brain - CORRECT ANSWER edema PVL hydrocephalus ICH subdural hematomas List some conditions that can cause decreased resistance in the brain - CORRECT ANSWER ECMO brain atrophy term infants AVM asphyxia What vessels are evaluated in the brain of a child with sickle cell? - CORRECT ANSWER MCA ICA ACA Mean flow velocities greater than __________ in the MCA are indicative for high stroke risk in a child with sickle cell anemia. - CORRECT ANSWER 170 cm/s [Show More]

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