*NURSING > EXAM PROCTORED > (Complete Answered) original ATI RN pharmacology 2019_ Solution Bank. (All)

(Complete Answered) original ATI RN pharmacology 2019_ Solution Bank.

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lOMoARcPSD|4 original ATI RN pharmacology 2019 ATI Pharmacology Proctor 2019 1.) A nurse is assessing a client who is receiving intravenous therapy. The nurse should identify which of the fol... lowing findings as a manifestation of fluid volume excess? a. Decreased bowel sounds b. Distended neck veins c. Bilateral muscle weakness d. Thread pulse 2.) A nurse is caring for a client who has hyponatremia and is receiving an infusion of a prescribed hypertonic solution. Which of the following findings should indicate to the nurse that the treatment is effective? a. Absent Chvostek9s sign b. Improved cognition c. Decreased vomiting d. Cardiac arrhythmias absent 3.) A nurse is teaching a client who has a new prescription for a nitroglycerin transdermal patch. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? a. <Discontinue the patch if you experience a headache.= b. <Apply a new patch if you have chest pain.= c. <Cover the patch with dry gauze when taking a shower.= d. <Remove the patch prior to going to bed.= 4.) A nurse is reviewing he laboratory results of a client who has a prescription for sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate) every 6 hr. which of the following should the nurse report to the provider? a. Creatinine 0.72 mg/dL b. Sodium 138 mEq/L c. Magnesium 2 mEq/L d. Potassium 5.2 mEq/L - Hyperkalemia (serum potassium level greater than 5.0 mEq/L) increases the client risk for fatal cardiac dysrhythmias. Kayexalate is used to decrease the serum potassium level, so the PN should monitor the client's serum potassium level 5.) A nurse is caring for a client who has tuberculosis and is taking isoniazid and rifampin. Which of the following outcomes indicates that the client is adhering to the medication regimen? a. The client has a negative sputum culture b. The client tests negative for HIV c. The client has a positive purified protein derivative test d. The client9s liver function test results are within the expected reference range A client is caring for a client who develops an anaphylactic reaction to IV administration. After assessing the client9s respiratory status and stopping the medication infusion. Which of the following actions should the nurse take next? a. Replace the infusion with 0.9% sodium chloride b. Give diphenhydramine IM c. Elevate the client9s legs and feet d. Administer epinephrine IM 7.) A nurse is caring for a client who is taking sertraline and reports a desire to begin taking supplements. Which of the following supplements should the nurse advise the client to avoid? a. St. John9s Wort b. Ginger root c. Black cohosh d. Coenzyme Q10 8.) A nurse is caring for a client who has heart failure and a new prescription for lisinopril. For which of the following adverse effects should the nurse monitor when administering lisinopril? a. Bradycardia b. Hypokalemia c. Tinnitus d. Hypotension 9.) A nurse is assessing a client who is receiving heparin IV continuous IV. The client has an PPT of 90 seconds. They should monitor the client for which of the following changes in their vital signs? a. Decreased temperature b. Increased pulse rate c. Decreased respiratory rate d. Increased blood pressure 10.) A nurse is preparing to administer medication to a client and discovers a medication error. The nurse should recognize that which of the following staff members is responsible for completing an incident report? a. The quality improvement committee b. The nurse who identifies the error c. The nurse who caused the error d. The charge nurse 11.) A nurse is planning care for a client who is receiving morphine via continuous epidural infusion. The nurse should monitor the client for which of the following? a. Pruritus 3 Sign of allergic reaction to morphine b. Cough c. Tachypnea d. Gastric bleeding 12.)A nurse is preparing to administer digoxin orally to a client. Identify the sequence of steps the nurse should take. (Move the steps into the box on the right, placing them in the order of performance. Use all the steps.) a. Obtain the client9s apical heart rate b. Remove the medication from the dispensing system c. Open the medication package d. Compare the client9s wristband to the medication administration record e. Document administration of the medication 13.) A nurse is reviewing the medical record of an adult client who has a fever and a prescription for acetaminophen. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as a contraindication b. Chronic kidney disease c. Hepatitis B vaccine within the last week d. Diabetes mellitus 14.) A home health nurse is visiting a client who has heart failure and a prescription for furosemide. The nurse identifies that the client has gained 2.5 kg (5 lb.) since the last visit 2 days ago. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? a. Encourage the client to dangle the legs while sitting in a chair b. Teach the client about foods low in sodium c. Determine medication adherence by the client d. Notify the provider of the client9s weight gain 15.) A nurse is preparing to administer the initial dose of penicillin G IM to a client. The nurse should monitor for which of the following as an indication of an allergic reaction following the injection? a. Urticaria b. Bradycardia c. Pallor d. Dyspepsia 16.)A nurse is teaching a client who has angina a new prescription for sublingual nitroglycerin tablets. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? a. <Discard any tablets you do not use every 6 months.= b. <Take one tablet each morning 30 minutes prior to eating.= c. <Keep the tablets at room temperature in their original glass botle.= d. <Place the tablet between your cheek and gum to dissolve.= 17.) A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new prescription for theophylline, a sustained-released capsule. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. <I can take my medication in the morning with my coffee.= b. <I may sprinkle the medication in applesauce.= c. <I should limit my fluid intake while on this medication.= d. <I will need to have blood levels drawn.= 18.)A nurse is mixing regular insulin and NPH insulin in the same syringe prior to administering it to client who has diabetes mellitus following actions should the nurse take first? a. Withdraw the regular insulin from the viral b. Withdraw the NPH insulin form the vial 19.)A nurse is preparing to administer subcutaneous heparin to a client. Which of the following should the nurse take? a. Massage the site after administering the medication b. Use a 21-gauge needle for the injection c. Aspirate before injecting the medication d. Insert the needle at least 5 cm (2 in) from the umbilicus 20.)A nurse is caring for a client who has a prescription for amoxicillin. Which of the following findings indicates the client is experiencing an allergic reaction? a. Nausea b. Cardiac dysrhythmia c. Laryngeal edema d. Insomnia 21.)A nurse is teaching a newly licensed nurse about medication reconciliation. The nurse should instruct the newly licensed nurse to perform medication reconciliation for which of the following? a. A client who has a referral for social services b. A client who is transdermal to radiology c. A client who is transferal to a step-down unit d. A client who has a consultation for physical therapy 22.)A nurse is reviewing the laboratory values of a client who is taking atorvastatin. Which of the following laboratory values indicates the treatment has been effective? a. BUN 15 mg/dL b. Blood glucose 90 mg/dL c. Urine specific gravity 1.020 d. LDL 120 mg/dL 23.)A nurse is receiving a medication prescription by telephone from a provider. The provider states, <Administer 6 milligrams of morphine IV push every 3 hours as needed for acute pain.= How should the nurse transcribe the prescription in the client9s medical record? a. Morphine 6 mg IV push every 3 hr PRN acute pain b. MSO 6 mg IV push every 3 hr PRN acute pain c. MS 6 mg IV push every 3 hr PRN acute pain d. Morphine 6.0 mg IV push every 3 hr PRN acute pain 24.)A nurse is assessing a client9s IV infusion site and notes that the site is cool and edematous. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. Show the IV solution rate b. Initiate a new IV distal to the initial site c. Maintain the extremity below the level of the heart d. Apply a warm, moist compress 25.)A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new prescription for clozapine. Which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching? a. <Diarrhea is a common adverse effect of this medication.= b. <Ringing in the ears is an expected adverse effect of this medication.= c. <Notify your provider if you develop a fever while taking this medication.= d. <You might experience weight loss while taking this medication.= 26.)A nurse is teaching a client about oral contraceptive. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? a. Abdominal pain is an expected adverse effect of oral contraceptives b. It can take up to 1 year to become pregnant after stopping an oral contraceptive c. Some herbal supplements can decrease the effectiveness of an oral contraceptive d. A pelvic examination is needed prior to starting an oral contraceptive 27.)A nurse is planning to administer medication to an older adult client who has dysphagia. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? a. Tilt the client9s head back when administering the medications b. Mix the medications with a semisolid food for the client c. Administer more than one pill to the client at a time d. Place the medications on the back of the client9s tongue 28.)A nurse is providing teaching to a client about the administration of omeprazole. Which of the following should the nurse include? a. <You cannot take this medication with an antacid.= b. <You should reduce your intake of calcium while taking this medication.= c. <You should take this medication before meals.= d. <You can take a second dose if symptoms persist up to 2 hours after the first dose.= 29.)A nurse is assessing for allergies with a client who is scheduled to receive the influenza vaccine. Which of the following allergies should the nurse report to the provider as a possible contraindication to receiving the vaccine? a. Eggs b. Shellfish c. Peanuts d. Milk 30.)A nurse is caring for a client who has a new diagnosis of benign prostate hypertrophy and a prescription for doxazosin. The client tells the nurse. <I do not take this medication. I would prefer a natural therapy.= Which of the following supplements should the nurse suggest the client discuss with the provider? a. Black cohosh b. Garlic c. Feverfew d. Saw palmeto 31.)A nurse is caring for a client who is taking digoxin to treat heart failure. Which of the following predisposes this client to developing digoxin toxicity? a. Taking a high ceiling diuretic b. Having a 10-year history of COPD c. Having a prolapsed mitral valve d. Taking an HMG CoA reductase inhibitor 32.)A nurse is administering naloxone to a client who has developed an adverse reaction to morphine. The nurse should identify which of the following findings as a therapeutic effect of naloxone? a. Decreased nausea b. Increased pain relief c. Decreased blood pressure d. Increased respiratory rate 33.)A nurse is reviewing the medical record of a client who has sinusitis and a new prescription for cefuroxime. Which of the following client information is the priority for the nurse to report to the provider? a. The client has a BUN of 18 mg/dL b. The client takes an aspirin daily c. The client has a history of a severe penicillin allergy d. The client reports a history of nausea with cefuroxime 34.)A nurse is assessing a client who has hypermagnesemia. Which of the following medications should the nurse prepare to administer? a. Protamine sulfate b. Acetylcysteine c. Calcium gluconate d. Flumazenil 35.)A nurse is assessing a client following the administration of ondansetron (Zofran). Which of the following findings should indicate to the nurse that the ondansetron has been effective? a. Client reports a decrease in pain b. Client reports a decrease in nausea c. Client reports a decrease in coughing d. Client reports a decrease in diarrhea 36.)A nurse manager is planning an in-service about pain management with opioids for client who has cancer. Which of the following information should the nurse manager include? a. IM administration is recommended if PO opioids are ineffective b. Respiratory depression decreases as opioid tolerance develops c. Meperidine is the opioid of choice for treating chronic pain d. Withhold PRN pain medication for the client who is receiving opioids every 6 hr 37.)A nurse is reviewing the list of current medication for a client who is to start prescription for carbamazepine. The nurse should identify that which of the following medications interacts with carbamazepine? a. Nicotine transdermal system b. Diphenhydramine c. Estrogen-progestin combination (Non-hormonal forms of contraception) d. Beclomethasone 38.)A nurse is caring for a client who has a respiratory infection and is receiving an antibiotic. Which of the following medications puts the client at risk for developing hearing loss? a. Rifampin b. Ciprofloxacin c. Penicillin G d. Gentamicin 39.)A nurse is teaching a guardian of a school-age child who has a new prescription for a fluticasone metered-dose inhaler. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? (SATA) a. <Soak the inhaler in water after use.= b. <Have your child take one inhalation as needed for shortness of breath.= c. <Shake the device prior to administration.= d. <A spacer will make it easier to use the device.= e. <Rinse your child9s mouth following administration.= 40.)A nurse is preparing to administer potassium chloride elixir 20 mEq/day PO to divide equally 12 hr. available is 6.7 mEq/5 mL. How many mL should the nurse administer per dose? (Round the answer to the nearest tenth. Use a leading zero if it applies. Do not use a trialing zero.) a. 7.5 mL 41.)A nurse is instructing a client who has a new prescription for a daily dose of lovastatin extended release. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? a. <You will need liver function tests before beginning therapy.= b. <Avoid consuming dairy products while taking this medication.= c. <You may crush the medication and mix it with applesauce.= d. <You should take the medication in the morning.= 42.)A nurse is assessing a client who is receiving a peripheral IV infusion and notes infiltration of fluid into the tissue surrounding the insertion site. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. Flush the IV catheter b. Apply pressure to the IV site c. Elevate the extremity d. Slow the infusion rate 43.)A nurse is preparing to administer 4,000 units of heparin subcutaneously to a client who has deep-vein thrombosis. Available is heparin 10,000 units. How many mL of heparin should the nurse administer? (Round to the nearest tenth. Use a leading zero if it applies. Do not use a trailing zero.) a. mL 44.)A nurse us caring for a client who is in shock and is receiving an infusion of albumin. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? a. Oxygen saturation 96% b. PaCO2 30 mm Hg c. Increase in BP d. Decrease in protein 45.)A nurse is discussing adverse reactions to pain medications in older adult clients with a newly licensed nurse. Which of the following findings should the nurse include as risk factors for an adverse drug reaction? (SATA) b. Increased rate of absorption 46.)A nurse is reviewing the laboratory data of a client prior to administering IV tobramycin. Which of the following laboratory values should the nurse report to the provider? a. Sodium 137 mEq/L b. Hct 4.3% c. Hgb 15 g/dL d. Creatinine 2.5 mg/dL 47.)A nurse is preparing to administer enoxaparin to a client. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. Apply firm pressure to the injection site following administration b. Administer the medication into the client9s muscle c. Expel the air bubble from the syringe prior to injection d. Insert the syringe needle halfway into the client9s skin 48.)A nurse is reviewing a client9s 0800 laboratory values at 1100. The nurse notes that the client received heparin at 1000. Which of the following laboratory values warrants an incident report? a. ePTT seconds b. Hgb 16 g/dL c. INR 1.6 d. WBC 6,000/mm3 49.)A nurse is caring for a client who has breast cancer and reports pain. 1 hr after administration of prescribed morphine 10 mg IV. Which of the following medications should the nurse expect to administer? a. Naloxone IV b. Morphine tablet c. Lidocaine patch d. Fentanyl transmucosal 50.)A nurse is assessing a client who reports taking over-the-counter antacids. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as a manifestation of hypercalcemia? a. Constipation b. Decreased urine output c. Positive Trousseau9s sign d. Headache 51.) 52.)A nurse is caring for a client who is to receive potassium replacement. The provider9s prescription reads. <Potassium chloride 30 mEq in 0.9% sodium chloride 100 mL IV over 30 min.= which of the following reasons should the nurse clarify this prescription with the provider. a. Potassium chloride should be diluted in dextrose 5% in water. b. The potassium infusion rate is too rapid c. Another formulation of potassium should be given IV d. The client should be treated by giving potassium by IV bolus 53.)A nurse is monitoring laboratory values for a client who has chronic heart failure and is receiving digoxin. Which of the following values should the nurse report to the provider? 54.) a. Sodium 1.38 mEq/dL b. Magnesium 1.5 mEq/L c. BUN level 10 mg/dL d. Potassium 2.9 mEq/L 55.)A client who has active tuberculosis and is taking rifampin reports that his urine and sweat have developed a red tinge. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. Check the client9s liver function test results b. Instruct the client to increase his fluid intake c. Document this as an expected finding d. Prepare the client for dialysis 56.)A nurse accidently administers the medication metformin instead of metoprolol to a client. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. Monitor the client9s thyroid function levels b. Collect the client9s uric acid level c. Obtain the client9s HDL level d. Check the client9s glucose level 57.)A nurse is administering 4 mg of hydromorphone to a client by mouth every 4 hr. the medication is provided as hydromorphone 8 mg per tablets. Which of the following actions is appropriate for the nurse to take? a. Return the remaining medication to the facility9s pharmacy b. Store the remaining half of the pill in the automated medication dispensing system c. Place the remaining half of the pill in the unit dose package d. Dispose of the remaining medication while another nurse observes 58.)A nurse is caring for 4-year-old child following an orthopedic procedure. When assessing the child for pain. Which of the following pain scales should the nurse use? a. FACES b. Numeric c. CRIES d. Word graphic 59.)A nurse is planning care for a client who requires treatment for high cholesterol. Which of the following prescriptions should the nurse expect to administer? a. Colchicine b. Cimetidine d. Chlorpromazine 60.)A nurse is caring for a client who has heart failure. The nurse administered furosemide 60 mg IV bolus 30 min earlier. For which of the following findings should the nurse notify the provider? a. Potassium 3.8 mEq/L b. The client reports dizziness upon standing c. The client reports difficulty hearing d. BUN 15 mg/dL 61.)A nurse is planning teaching for a client who is trying to quit smoking. Which of the following instructions about nicotine replacement options should the nurse include? a. Change the nicotine patch every other day b. Do not drink beverages while sucking on a nicotine lozenge c. Chew nicotine gum for 10 min before spitting it out d. Administer 2 sprays of nicotine nasal spray in each nostril with each dose 62.)A nurse is caring for a client who has a prescription for total parental nutrition (TPN). Which of the following routes of administration should the nurse use? a. Subcutaneous c d. Midline catheter 63.)A nurse is preparing to administer filgrastim 5mcg/kg/day subcutaneous to a client who weighs 143 lb. How many mcg should the nurse administer per day? (Round the answer to the nearest whole number. Use a leading zero if it applies. Do not use a trailing zero.) a. 325 mcg 64.)A nurse is preparing to initiate IV therapy for a client. Which of the following sites should the nurse use to place the peripheral IV catheter? a. Nondominant dorsal venous arch b. Dominant distal dorsal vein c. Nondominant forearm basilic vein d. Dominant antecubital vein 65.)A nurse is assessing a client who is taking an osmotic laxative which of the following findings should the nurse identify as an indication of fluid volume deficit? a. Nausea b. Weight gain c. Headache d. Oliguria 66.)A nurse is reviewing the laboratory results of a client who is taking amitriptyline which of the following laboratory values should the nurse report to the provider? a. Total bilirubin 1.5 mg/dL b. Potassium 4.2 mEq/L c. Hct 0.44% d. WBC count 5,000/mm3 67.)? 68.)A nurse is caring for a client who is taking lithium and reports starting a new exercise program. The nurse should assess the client for which of the following electrolyte imbalances? a. Hypocalcemia b. Hypokalemia c. Hyponatremia d. Hypomagnesemia 69.)A nurse is assessing a client after administering phenytoin IV bolus for a seizure. Which of the following should the nurse identify as an adverse effect of this medication? a. Hypoglycemia b. Bradycardia c. Red man syndrome d. Hypotension 70.)A nurse is consulting a formulary about a client9s new prescription for raloxifene. The nurse should identify that this medication is used to treat which of the following conditions? a. Osteoporosis b. Hypothyroidism c. Urinary tract infection d. Deep vein thrombosis 1. A nurse is providing discharge dietary teaching to a client who has a something and is taking medication theophylline and to provide general instructions the nurse should include? Avoid caffeinated beverages Take the medication with meals Restrict milk products Limit sodium intake 2. the nurse is mixing regular insulin and NPH into a syringe for a client who has diabetes mellitus. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? Withdrawal NPH from the vial Inject air into the NPH vial Inject air into the regular vial Withdrawal regular insulin from the vial 3. a nurse is teaching a client who has a new prescription of Alendronate for osteoporosis. What instructions should the nurse include? Take the medication immediately after breakfast Take the medication with an antacid Sit upright for at least 30 mins after taking the medication Drink orange juice with the medication 4. a nurse is caring for a client who is postoperative following a thyroidectomy and is receiving morphine for pain. Which of the following findings should the nurse recognize as an adverse effect of morphine? Bladder distention Productive cough Gastrointestinal bleeding Decrease deep tending reflexes 5. nurse is teaching a client who has pernicious anemia to self-administer cyanocobalamin. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? Use nasal decongestion 15 mins before the medication if you have a stuffy nose Lie down for 1 hour after administering the medication Administer the medication into one nostril once per week Plan to self-administer this medication for the next 6 months 6. a nurse is teaching a newly license nurse about medication reconciliation. The nurse should instruct the newly license nurse for medication reconciliation for which of the following clients? Client who is transported to radiology A client who has a consultation for &. A client who has a referral for social services A client who has been transferred to a step-down unit 7. a nurse is assessing a client how received a dinoprostone gel to stimulate the cervical ripening. Which of the following is the nurse9s priority? Back pain Flushing nausea Uterine tachysystole 8. a nurse is performing a return demonstration of an enoxaparin administration. Which of the following client actions indicates an understanding of the teaching? Messages the site to enhance absorption Injections the medication into a muscle Administers the medication into the abdomen Aspirates the medication after injection 9. a nurse is assessing a client how has been taking digoxin and && which of the following findings to the nurse indicates this client has developed digoxin toxicity? Ringing in the ears Hyperkalemia Blurred vision hypertension 10. a nurse is caring for a client who received neostigmine 1 hour ago and is experiencing muscarinic response. Which if the following manifestations should the nurse expect? Headache Excessive salivation Fever Myoclonic seizure 11. a nurse in the emergency department is reviewing a medication record for client who reports vomiting blood. The nurse should anticipate the provider will discontinue which of the following medications? NPH insulin Clopidogrel Furosemide Pantoprazole 12. a nurse is assessing a who is receiving clindamycin. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as an adverse effect of this medication? Agitation Report of blurred vision Hypertension Watery diarrhea 13. a nurse is teaching a client who is to start taking Cromolyn. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? Cromolyn should take effect within 5 mins Cromolyn should dilate the bronchioles Cromolyn can be used after exercise Cromolyn is a long-term management medication 14. a nurse is reviewing the medications of a client is experiencing orthostatic hypotension. The nurse should identify this finding as an adverse effect of which of the following medications? Imipramine Levothyroxine Montelukast Omeprazole 15. a nurse is reviewing a client9s medical history before administering a new prescription of atropine. Which of the following client conditions is contraindicated? Glaucoma 16. a nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new prescription for carbamazepine for the treatment of seizures. The nurse should instruct the client to monitor for which of the following adverse effects? insomnia Blurred vision Tachypnea Metallic taste 17. math problem: a nurse is preparing to administer 4000 units of heparin available is 10,000 units = 0.4 18. a nursing is caring for a client who reports that his current pain medication is no longer relieving her pain. Which of the following medications requires the nurse to obtain a written rather than a verbal prescription from the provider? Fentanyl 19. charge nurse is observing a newly licensed nurse provide care to a group of clients. Which of the following action by the newly licensed nurse requires the charge nurse to complete an incident report? A client who has a lithium level of 1.8 receives her morning dose 20. a nurse is caring for a client who has a alcohol use disorder and is experiencing withdrawals. Which of the following interventions is a priority at this time? Encourage participation in a 12-step program Implement seizure precautions 21. A nurse is planning care for a group of clients. which of the following client's medications should be monitored by the nurse for hearing loss related to a medication interaction? Furosemide and Amikacin 22. A nurse is caring for a client who has major depression and a new prescription for citalopram. which of the following adverse effects is the priority for the nurse to report to the provider? Insomnia Bruxism - Bruxism occurs in < 1 % of patient with citalopram. This should be addressed but is no an immediate health concern. Confusion Weight loss 23. A nurse is caring for a client who requires a re-insertion of a short peripheral venous catheter. in which of the following locations should the nurse place the catheter? A vein on the client9s wrist 24. A nurse is assessing a client who is in labor and is receiving epidural anesthesia. which of the following findings should the nurse identify as the priority? Hypotension 25. A nursing is providing teaching to a client who has a prescription for omeprazole. which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? Long term use increases risk of fractures 26. A nurse is reviewing a client9s laboratory results before administering furosemide 40 mg IV bolus. For which of the following values should the nurse withhold the medication and contact the provider? Potassium 2.5 mEq/L 27. The nurse is assessing a client who takes glipizide for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Which of the following findings indicates effectiveness of the medication? Hgba1c 6.5% 28. A nurse in the emergency department is caring for a client who reports a severe headache. the client's blood pressure is 280/160 mm hg. the nurse should plan to administer which of the following medications? Nitroprusside 29. a nurse is teaching the parent of a toddler who is to begin taking ferrous fumarate. which of the following statements by the parent indicates an understanding of the teaching? I will rinse my child's mouth with water after she takes the medicine 30. a nurse is caring for a client who is to start therapy with lovastatin. the nurse should prepare the client for which of the following diagnostic assessments? Liver function test 31. a nurse is developing a teaching plan for an older adult client who has a new prescription for insulin glargine. which of the following expected outcomes should the nurse include in the plan? The client will wear his reading glasses when drawing insulin glargine 32. a nurse is caring for a client who is receiving a continuous IV infusion of magnesium sulfate for preterm labor. the nurse should discontinue the infusion and prepare to administer claim gluconate if the client demonstrates which of the following findings? (Select all that apply) Absence of deep-tendon reflexes Urine output 80 mL/hr Decreased LOC 33. a nurse is teaching a client who has a new prescription for nitroglycerin patches. the nurse should identify which of the following statements as an indication that the client understands the teaching? I will rotate application site to avoid skin irritation 34. Nurse in a provider's office is preparing to teach a middle adult client who has a new diagnosis of metabolic syndrome and an HbA1c of 6.5%. Which of the following medications should the nurse plan to teach the client about first? Metformin 35. a nurse is teaching a client who has active pulmonary tuberculosis about management of medication for the disease. which of the following statements is appropriate for the nurse to make? You will need to take two or more medication to treat your disease 36. a nurse is planning care for a client who has a prescription for erythromycin lactobionate IV bolus. which of the following actions should the nurse include in the plan of care? Monitor for hearing loss 37. a nurse is obtaining a medication history from a client who has gout and is prescribed probenecid. the nurse should notify the provider that the client is taking which of the following over-the counter medications? Salicylic acid 38. A nurse is teaching a client who has HIV and a new prescription for efavirenz. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? Notify provider for the appearance of a skin rash 39. a nurse is evaluating a client who has tuberculosis and has been taking rifampin for 1 month. which of the following laboratory tests should the nurse review to evaluate for an adverse effect of this medication? ALT 40. A nurse is teaching a client who has multiple allergies about using an epinephrine auto-injector. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? Administer the medication through clothing if necessary 41. for ferrous gluconate. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? I should stay upright for 15 minutes after taking this medication. 42. nurse is preparing to administer methylprednisolone sodium succinate 80 mg IV bolus. the nurse reconstitutes the 125 mg in the vial in powder form to 2 mL. How many mL should the nurse administer? 1.3 43. a nurse is caring for a client who has heart failure. the nurse administered furosemide 60 mg IV bolus 30 min earlier. for which of the following findings should the nurse notify the provider? Client reports difficulty hearing 44. A nurse is caring for a client who has diabetes mellitus and is taking pioglitazone. The nurse should plan to monitor the client for which of the following adverse effects? 45. a nurse is wanting to report a n infusion reaction for a client who is receiving a dose via IV of amphotericin B. which is the following findings that indicate to the nurse that the patient is experiencing an acute infusion reaction? Fever 46. a nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new prescription for paroxetine. the nurse should instruct the client to monitor for which of the following adverse effects? - Nausea, drowsiness, dizziness, trouble sleeping, loss of appetite, weakness, dry mouth, sweating, blurred vision, and yawning may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly. 47. A client who has Graves' disease is prescribed methimazole. Which of the following effects should the nurse expect to see after the client has taken, he medication for 2 months? Increased sleeping 48. A nurse is teaching a client who has a new prescription for ergotamine to treat vascular headaches. The nurse should inform the client that which of the following is a potential adverse effect of this medication? Muscle pain 49. A nurse is reviewing a client's 0800 laboratory values at 1100. the nurse notes that the client received heparin at 1000. which of the following laboratory values warrants an incident report? aPt 90 50. A nurse is administering medications to a client. which of the following medications should the nurse plan to administer by a parental route? Fondaparinux 51. A nurse is assessing a client who takes levothyroxine for hypothyroidism. the nurse should identify that which of the following findings indicates the need for an increase in dosage? Select all that apply Heart rate 46 Cold intolerance Impaired short-term memory 52. a nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new prescription for warfarin about potential interactions with over the counter products. which of the following products should the nurse instruct the client to avoid? Naproxen 53. A nurse is teaching a client who is to begin cyclophosphamide therapy to treat cancer. Which of the following adverse effects of this medication should the nurse include in the teaching? Leukopenia 54. a nurse is reviewing the medical record of a client who is receiving vancomycin daily. the nurse should review which of the following laboratory results prior to administering the next dose? creatinine level 55. a nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new prescription for phenelzine. which of the following foods should the nurse instruct the client to avoid? Cheddar cheese 56. a nurse is preparing to administer nitroglycerin topical ointment to a client. which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? measure dosage on medication applicator paper 57. a nurse is caring for a client who is taking azathioprine to treat rheumatoid arthritis. which of the following laboratory values indicates an adverse effect of this medication? WBC 3000 58. a nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new prescription for phenelzine. the nurse instruct the client to avoid which of the following foods? smoked salmon 59. a nurse is reviewing the laboratory data of a client who is receiving filgrastim. which of the following laboratory values should the nurse monitor to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment? WBC count 60. a nurse is planning to administer medications to a client who weighs 198 lb. he prescription reads, "filgrastim 5mcg/kg, subcutaneous, daily". available is filgrastim 300 mcg/mL. how many ml should the nurse plan to give with each dose? 1.5 61. a nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new prescription for nitroglycerin. which of the following client statements indicates an understanding of the teaching? I will call 911 if pain is not relieved after taking the medication 62. a nurse is providing discharge teaching to a client who is receiving warfarin. Which of the following statements is appropriate to make? Avoid eating large amounts of cabbage and broccoli 63. a nurse is reviewing the medical record of a client who has sinusitis and a new prescription for cefuroxime. which of the following client information is the priority for the nurse to report to the provider? a client with a history of severe Penicillin allergy 64. a nurse recently administered filgrastim intravenously to a client who has cancer and is receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy. for which of the following data, discovered after the medication was administered, should the nurse file an incident report.? vile sat out for 2 hours at room temperature before administration 65. A nurse is assessing a client who is receiving heparin therapy for deep-vein thrombosis. Which of the following findings should indicate to the nurse that the therapy is effective? platelets within the expected range 66. A nurse receives a prescription to give tobramycin to a client daily. Which of the following laboratory values should the nurse report to the provider? serum creatinine 2.5 67. a nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new prescription for nitroglycerin sublingual. which of the following client responses indicates an understanding of the teaching? keep tablets in dark container at room temperature 68. A nurse is reviewing a client's medical record before administering acetaminophen 650 mg PO every 6 hr. Which of the following findings indicates a need for the nurse to notify the provider? History of alcohol use disorder 69. A nurse is preparing to administer the initial dose of penicillin G IM to a client. The nurse should monitor for which of the following as an indication of an allergic reaction following the injection? Urticaria 70. A nurse is assessing a client who has been taking lithium for one year. Which of the following client reports is the nurse's priority? mild thirst RN Pharmacology 2019 Q&A 1. A nurse is reviewing 1he medica1ion lis1 of a clien1 who has erec1ile dysfunc1ion and is reques1ing a prescrip1ion for sildenafil. The nurse should iden1ify 1ha1 which of 1he following medica1ions is a con1raindica1ion for receiving 1his medica1ion? a. Furosemide b. Ni1roglycerin c. Indome1hacin d. Albu1erol 2. A nurse in 1he emergency depar1men1 is admi11ing a clien1 who has diabe1ic ke1oacidosis and a blood glucose level of 800 mg/dL. Which of 1he following in1erven1ions should 1he nurse ini1ia1e firs1? a. Po1assium chloride 10 mEq/hr b. Bicarbona1e by IV infusion c. 0.9% sodium chloride 15 mL/kg/hr d. Subcu1aneous insulin injec1ions 3. A nurse is caring for a clien1 who is receiving cef1riaxone in1ravenously. Which of 1he following manifes1a1ions should 1he nurse iden1ify as an allergic reac1ion? a. Polyuria b. Hypo1ension c. Nausea d. Bradycardia 4. A nurse is caring for an older adul1 clien1 who is 1aking prednisone for a long-1erm 1rea1men1 of rheuma1oid ar1hri1is. The nurse should moni1or 1he clien1 for which of 1he following adverse effec1s of 1his drug? a. Hemoly1ic anemia b. Hypoglycemia c. Bone loss d. Liver 1oxici1y 5. A nurse is assessing a clien1 who has as1hma and prescrip1ion for albu1erol. The nurse should moni1or 1he clien1 for which of 1he following adverse effec1s? a. Drowsiness b. Fever c. Cons1ipa1ion d. Tachycardia 6. A nurse is preparing 1o adminis1er 1he ini1ial dose of penicillin G IM 1o a clien1. The nurse should moni1or for which of 1he following as an indica1ion of an allergic reac1ion following 1he injec1ion? a. Ur1icaria b. Bradycardia c. Pallor d. Dyspepsia 7. A nurse is mixing a regular insulin and NPH insulin in 1he same syringe prior 1o adminis1ering i1 1o a clien1 who has diabe1es melli1us following ac1ions should 1he nurse 1ake firs1? a. Wi1hdraw 1he regular insulin from 1he viral b. Wi1hdraw a NPH insulin from 1he vial c. Injec1 air in1o 1he NPH vial d. Injec1 air in1o 1he regular insulin vial 8. A nurse is reviewing a clien1's 0800 labora1ory values a1 1100. The nurse no1es 1ha1 1he clien1 received heparin a1 1000. Which of 1he following labora1ory values warran1s an inciden1 repor1? a. ePTT 90 seconds b. Hgb 16 g/dL c. INR 1.6 d. WBC 6,000/mm3 9. A nurse is performing a re1urn demons1ra1ion of an enoxaparin adminis1ra1ion. Which of 1he following clien1 ac1ions indica1es an unders1anding of 1he 1eaching? a. Messages 1he si1e 1o enhance absorp1ion b. Injec1ions 1he medica1ion in1o a muscle c. Adminis1ers 1he medica1ion in1o 1he abdomen d. Aspira1es 1he medica1ion af1er injec1ion 10. A nurse is planning care for a clien1 who has a prescrip1ion for ery1hromycin lac1obiona1e IV bolus. Which of 1he following ac1ions should 1he nurse include in 1he plan of care? a. Recons1i1u1e 1he medica1ion wi1h a 5% dex1rose solu1ion b. Adminis1er 1he medica1ion over 10 mins c. Monitor the client for hearing loss d. Implemen1 a high fiber die1 1o preven1 cons1ipa1ion 11. A nurse is adminis1ering ferrous sulfa1e elixir 1o a clien1 who has iron deficiency anemia. Which of 1he following should 1he nurse 1ake? a. Give 1he medica1ion wi1h a caffeina1ed beverage b. Administer the medication through a straw c. Dilu1e 1he medica1ion wi1h milk d. Provide an an1acid wi1h 1he medica1ion 12. A nurse is preparing 1o adminis1er enoxaparin 1 mg/kg subcutaneously every 12 hr. The clien1's weight is 12l lb. Available is enoxaparin 60 mg/0.6 mL. How many mL should 1he nurse adminis1er per dose? (Round 1o 1he neares1 1en1h. Use a leading zero if i1 applies. Do no1 use a 1railing zero.) Answer: 0.55 ml 13. A nurse is caring for a clien1 who is 1o s1ar1 1herapy wi1h lovas1a1in. 1he nurse should prepare 1he clien1 for which of 1he following diagnos1ic assessmen1s? Liver function test 14. The nurse is assessing a clien1 who 1akes glipizide for 1he 1rea1men1 of 1ype 2 diabe1es melli1us. Which of 1he following findings indica1es effec1iveness of 1he medica1ion? Hgba1c 6.5% 15. A nurse is a assessing a clien1 who has Graves’ disease and is 1aking methimazole. Which of 1he following findings indica1es 1he clien1 needs a lower dose of 1he medica1ion? a. Weigh1 loss b. Diaphoresis c. Exoph1halmos d. Bradycardia 16. A nurse is 1eaching a clien1 who has mul1iple allergies abou1 using an epinephrine au1o- injec1or. Which of 1he following ins1ruc1ions should 1he nurse include? Administer the medication through clothing if necessary 17. Before prescribing a cephalosporin, 1he nurse prac1i1ioner asks if 1he clien1 is allergic 1o penicillin. Why is 1his impor1an1 1o assess? A client who is allergic to penicillin can have a cross sensitivity to cephalosporins. 18. A nurse is reviewing 1he labora1ory repor1 of a clien1 who has bipolar disorder prior 1o 1he adminis1ra1ion of li1hium carbona1e. The clien1's li1hium level is 2.6 mEq/L. Which of 1he following ac1ions should 1he nurse 1ake? a. Assis1 1he clien1 1o a lef1 la1eral posi1ion. b. Reques1 a dosage increase from 1he provider. c. Implemen1 fluid res1ric1ions d. Prepare the client for hemodialysis. 19. A nurse is caring for a clien1 who is receiving warfarin 1o 1rea1 atrial fibrillation. Which of 1he following labora1ory lab values should 1he nurse iden1ify as 1he outside the expected range for 1his clien1? a. aPTT 36 seconds 35 - 45 seconds b. Hgb 15.2 g/dl c. Hc1 43 % d. INR 4.5 20. A nurse is reviewing 1he lab resul1s of a clien1 who has atrial fibrillation and is 1aking warfarin. Which of 1he following resul1s should 1he nurse repor1 1o 1he provider a. INR 4.6 b. Pla1ele1 coun1 170,000/mm3 c. aPTT 40 seconds d. Hgb 14.5 mg/dL 21. A nurse is 1eaching a clien1 abou1 self-adminis1ra1ion of enoxaparin. Which of 1he following ins1ruc1ions should 1he nurse include? (Select all that apply) a. Grasp the skin between the thumb and forefinger, while injecting the medication b. Alternate the injection sites between the side of the abdomen c. Expel 1he air bubble from 1he prefilled syringe. d. Massage 1he inser1ion si1e af1er injec1ing 1he medica1ion e. Insert the entire length of the needle into the skin during injection 22. A nurse is caring for a clien1 who has hypona1remia and is receiving an infusion of a prescribed hyper1onic solu1ion. Which of 1he following findings should indica1e 1o 1he nurse 1ha1 1he 1rea1men1 is effec1ive? a. Absen1 Chvos1ek's sign b. Improved cognition c. Decreased vomi1ing d. Cardiac arrhy1hmias absen1 23. A nurse is 1eaching a clien1 who has a prescrip1ion for long-1erm use of oral prednisone for 1rea1men1 of chronic as1hma. The nurse should ins1ruc1 1he clien1 1o moni1or for which of 1he following adverse effec1s of 1his medica1ion? a. Weight gain b. Nervousness c. Bradycardia d. Cons1ipa1ion 24. A nurse is providing 1eaching 1o a clien1 who had rheuma1oid ar1hri1is and a prescrip1ion for long 1erm prednisone 1herapy. The nurse should ins1ruc1 1he clien1 1o moni1or for which of 1he following adverse effec1s? a. S1ress frac1ures b. Or1hos1a1ic hypo1ension c. Gingival ulcera1ions d. Weigh1 loss 25. A nurse is caring for a clien1 who has a prescrip1ion for 1o1al paren1al nu1ri1ion (TPN). Which of 1he following rou1es of adminis1ra1ion should 1he nurse use? a. Subcu1aneous b. In1ravenous c. Cen1ral venous access device d. Midline ca1he1er 26. A nurse is discussing adverse reac1ions 1o pain medica1ions in older adul1 clien1s wi1h a newly licensed nurse. Which of 1he following findings should 1he nurse include as risk fac1ors for an adverse drug reac1ion? (SATA) a. Polypharmacy b. Increased ra1e of absorp1ion c. Decreased percen1age of body fa1 d. Multiple health problems e. Decreased renal function 27. A nurse is assessing a clien1 who is 1aking an osmo1ic laxa1ive which of 1he following findings should 1he nurse iden1ify as an indica1ion of fluid volume defici1? a. Nausea b. Weigh1 gain c. Headache d. Oliguria 28. A nurse is assessing a clien1 who has hypermagnesemia. Which of 1he following medica1ions should 1he nurse prepare 1o adminis1er? a. Pro1amine sulfa1e b. Ace1ylcys1eine c. Calcium gluconate d. Flumazenil 29. A nurse is 1eaching a clien1 who has a prescrip1ion for long-1erm use of oral prednisone for 1rea1men1 of chronic as1hma. The nurse should ins1ruc1 1he clien1 1o moni1or for which of 1he following adverse effec1s of 1his medica1ion? a. Weight gain b. Nervousness c. Bradycardia d. Cons1ipa1ion 30. A nurse is caring for a clien1 who is receiving hospice care and has a prescrip1ion for fentanyl buccal film. Which of 1he following me1hods should 1he nurse use 1o adminis1er 1his medica1ion a. Insert the medication against the mucous membrane of the cheek b. Dissolve 1he medica1ion in wa1er before adminis1ering i1 c. Place 1he medica1ion on 1he clien1s 1ongue for dissolu1ion d. Ins1ruc1 1he clien1 1o swallow 1he medica1ion wi1h a sip of wa1er 31. A nurse is comple1ing a medica1ion reconciliation for a clien1 prior 1o his 1ransfer 1o a long-1erm care facili1y. Which of 1he following ac1ions should 1he nurse 1ake? a. Remove duplica1e medica1ions of differen1 dosages from 1he reconcilia1ion lis1 b. Include medica1ions 1he clien1 received in 1he acu1e se11ing bu1 will no longer need af1er 1ransfer. c. Compare the current list of medications to medications the client will receive after transfer. d. Omi1 over-1he-coun1er medica1ions from 1he a1-home medica1ion lis1 32. A nurse in a provider's office is assessing a client who has hyperthyroidism and has been taking levothyroxine for 2 months. Which of the following statements by the client indicates a therapeutic response to the medication? a. l have noticed l'm not as cold as i use to be b. l am taking a laxative for constipation c. l am losing weight without dieting d. l seem to be sleeping more than usual 33. A nurse is providing 1eaching 1o a clien1 who has a gastric ulcer and a new prescrip1ion for ranitidine. Which of 1he following s1a1emen1s by 1he clien1 indica1es an unders1anding of 1he 1eaching? a. “I can expec1 fine hand 1remors when 1aking 1his medica1ion.” b. “I can 1ake 1wo aspirin 1o 1rea1 headaches.” c. “I should avoid dairy produc1s when 1aking 1his medica1ion.” d. “I should not take an antacid within 1 hour of taking this medication 34. A nurse is reviewing 1he labora1ory da1a of a clien1 prior 1o adminis1ering IV 1obramycin. Which of 1he following labora1ory values should 1he nurse repor1 1o 1he provider? a. Sodium 137 mEq/L b. Hc1 43% c. Hgb 15 g/dL d. Creatinine 2.5 mg/dl 35. A nurse is caring for a clien1 who has hear1 failure and is 1aking digoxin and hydrochlorothiazide. The nurse should moni1or for which of 1he following adverse effects of hydrochlorothiazide? a. Hyperna1remia b. Hypophospha1emia c. Hypermagnesemia d. Hypokalemia 36. The nurse is caring for a clien1 who repor1s 1aking propranolol for several years bu1 has recen1ly s1opped for financial reasons. The nurse should assess 1he clien1 for which of 1he following findings? b. Rhini1is c. Bradypnea d. Hyperkalemia 37. A nurse is adminis1ering naloxone 1o a clien1 who has developed an adverse reac1ion 1o morphine. The nurse should iden1ify which of 1he following findings as a 1herapeu1ic effec1 of naloxone? a. Decreased nausea b. Increased pain relief c. Decreased blood pressure d. Increased respiratory rate 38. A nurse is interviewing a client who reports a desire to quit smoking. which of the following prescriptions should the nurse expect the provider to prescribe? a. naloxone b. alprazolam c. bupropion d. melatonin 39. A nurse is assessing a client who has septic shock and is receiving dopamine by continuous IV infusion. Which of the following findings indicates that the nurse should increase rate of infusion? a. Headache b. Hypotension c. Extravasation d. Chest pain 40. A nurse is planning to administer a controlled substance to a client who is experiencing pain. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan take the first? a. Identify the client using two identifiers b. Compare the amount of medication available to the inventory record c. Document the administration of the medication d. Remove the medication from the medication dispensing cabinet 41. A nurse is reviewing the medical history of a client prior to medication administration and notes a history of an anaphylactic reaction to penicillin. The nurse should identify that which of the following medications is contraindicated for this client? a. Ceftriaxone b. Vancomycin c. Metronidazole d. Clarithromycin 42. A nurse realizes that they failed to administer a medication that was due 4 hr ago to a client. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? a. File an incident report. b. Assess the client for adverse reactions. c. Determine factors that led to the omission. d. Report the missed dosage to the client's provider 43. A nurse is initiating IV therapy for client who had a right-sided mastectomy. In which of the following locations should the nurse place a catheter? a. Left arm b. Most proximal site c. Cordlike vein d. Wrist 44. A nurse is preparing to administer sulfadiazine 150mg/kg PO to divide equally every 6 hr to an adolescent who weighs 88 Ib. Available is sulfadiazine 500 mg/tab. How many tablets should the nurse administer per dose? (Round to the nearest whole number. Use a leading zero applies. Do not use a trailing zero.) 45. A nurse is assessing a client who is receiving penicillin IV. For which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider as a manifestation of anaphylaxis? a. Increased blood pressure b. Urinary retention c. Wheezing d. Hypertonia 46. A nurse is initiating IV therapy for client who had a right-sided mastectomy. In which of the following locations should the nurse place a catheter? a. Left arm b. Most proximal site c. Cordlike vein d. Wrist 47. A nurse is preparing to administer heparin subcutaneously to a client. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take to minimize bleeding following the injection? a. Aspirate the syringe prior to injecting the heparin. b. Gently massage the site following the injection. c. Use the Z-track method to administer the medication. d. Grasp skin between thumb and forefinger throughout the injection. 48. A nurse is providing teaching about the adverse effects of ergotamine to a client who has migraine headaches. Which of the following adverse effects should the nurse include in the teaching? a. Hematuria b. Blurred vision c. Tinnitus d. Paresthesia 49. The RN is caring for a patient who has new diagnosis of benign prostate hypertrophy and a prescription for doxazosin. The patient tells the RN, "l do not want to take this medication, l would prefer a natural therapy". Which of the following supplements should the RN suggest the client discuss with the provider? a. Black cohosh b. Saw palmetto c. Garlic d. Feverfew 50. ln the hospital a new nurse is caring for a client who is receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. Hang the TPN solution to gravity to infuse b. Monitor the client's weight daily c. Titrate TPN solution to blood pressure d. Obtain the clients blood glucose level weekly 51. The doctor had prescribed the influenza vaccine to a new patient. The nurse have is preparing the vaccine and the patient tells the nurse. "l no longer want to receive this vaccine". Which of the following responses should the nurse make? a. "The influenza vaccine is mandatory for a client before discharge, so you will need to sign an against medical advice form" b. "if l were you, l would get the vaccine to keep my family safe" c. "The influenza vaccine is strongly encouraged, but l understand you would like to decline right now" d. "lnfluenza can be very serious to anyone who does not receive the vaccine" 52. The morning nurse gave report to the evening nurse, the mentioned that she have a patient who has a prescription for total parental nutrition. (TPN). Which of the following routes of administration should the evening nurse use? a. a. Medline catheter b. lntraosseous c. Central venous access device d. Subcutaneous 53. The doctor is providing discharging teaching spironolactone for the patient. The doctor want makes sure the patient understand the teaching. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. "l will use salt substitutes in place of table salt" b. l will double the medication on empty stomach" c. "l will double up on my medication if a miss a dose" d. "l will limit potassium rich foods in my diet" 54. A nurse is caring for a client who has cancer and reports moderate pain. Which of the following medications should the nurse expect to administer? a. Aspirin b. lbuprofen c. Acetaminophen d. Morphine 55. A nurse is preparing to administer medications to a group of clients. Which of the following prescriptions should the nurse clarify with the provider before administration? a. Zoledronate 5 mg intravenously X 1 dose b. Tetracycline 1 g orally every 6 hr c. Penicillin G 5,000,000 units intramuscularly every 4 hr d. Warfarin 100 units subcutaneously daily 56. A nurse is assessing a client who is receiving heparin theory for deep vein thrombosis, which of the findings should the nurse indicate to the nurse that the therapy is effective? a. Decreased INR b. Platelets within the expected reference range c. Reduced calf circumference d. Presence of pedal pulses bilaterally 57. A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new prescription for nitroglycerin. Which of the following client statements indicates an understanding of the teaching. a. "l will take 1 tablet every 3 minutes if l experience discomfort" b. "l will call 911 if my pain is not relieved after taking the medication" c. "l will store the tablets in the refrigerator" d. "l will notify my provider lf l experience occasional headaches." 58. A nurse is planning care for a group of clients. Which of the following client medications should be monitored by the nurse for hearing loss related to a medicating interaction. a. Digoxin and levothyroxine b. Losartan and atorvastatin c. Propranolol and raloxifene d. Furosemide and amikacin 59. A nurse is teaching a client who is to start atorvastatin. Which of the following statements should the nurse identify as an indication that the client understands the instructions? a. "l should avoid drinking grapefruit juice while taking this medication" b. "l should expect some muscle soreness for the first few weeks" c. "l don't need to eat a low-fat diet as long as l am taking this medication" d. "l should return to the clinic in 6 months for liver functions tests" 60. A nurse is providing discharge teaching about warfarin to a client who has deep vein thrombosis. The nurse should instruct the client to obtain which of the following laboratory tests monthly? a. lNR b. Platelet count c. aPTT d. Fibrinogen 61. nurse is preparing to administer propranolol to a client. which of the following should the) nurse assess prior to administering this medication? a. Temperature b. Respiratory rate c. Pain level d. Heart Rate 62. A nurse is reviewing the laboratory results of a client who received a dose of sodium polystyrene sulfate (medication is used to treat severe hyperkalemia). which of the following findings should the nurse identify as an indication that the medication has been effective? a) Sodium 150mEq/L b) Calcium 8mg/dl c) Magnesium 1.1mEq/L d) Potassium 4.6mEq/L 63. A nurse is reviewing agency protocol prior to administering epoetin alfa to a client who has chronic kidney disease. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? a) Discard the vial of medication if solution is cloudy b) Thaw the medication in the vial 30 min before administration c) Dilute the vial of medication with sterile water d) Shake the vial of medication to dissolve particulates 64. A nurse is teaching a client who is to start clopidogrel. The nurse should instruct the client to monitor and report which of the following adverse effects of the medication. a) weight loss b) blurred vision c) bruising d) constipation 65. A nurse is caring for a client who has diabetes mellitus and is teaching pioglitazone. The nurse should plan to monitor the client for which of the following adverse effects? a) Orthostatic hypotension b) Tinnitus c) lnsomnia d) Fluid retention 66. A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has new prescription for paroxetine. The nurse should instruct the client to monitor for which of the following adverse effects? a) Drowsiness b) Peripheral edema c) Alopecia d) Tinnitus 67. A nurse is caring for a client who has major depression and a new prescription for citalopram. which of the following adverse effects is the priority for the nurse to report to the provider? a) confusion b) weight loss c) bruxism d) insomnia 68. A nurse is teaching a client who has angina and is new prescription for sublingual nitroglycerin. How many minutes after taking the first tablet would the nurse instruct the client to take a second tablet if pain is not relieved? 5 minutes 69. A nurse is teaching a newly licensed nurse about expired medication. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? a. Flush the medication down the toilet b. Notify the provider about the expired medication c. Place the medication back in the medication cart d. Return the medication to the pharmacy 70. A nurse is providing discharge teaching to a client who has a prescription for furosemide. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? a. “Monitor for ringing noises in your ears.” b. “Your urinary output will decrease during therapy.” c. “Take the medication before going to bed at night.” d. “Notify your provider if you gain 1 pound within a week.” 71. A nurse is reviewing the laboratory results of a client who is receiving heparin by continuous infusion lV infusion. Which of the following results indicated the nurse should decrease the infusion rate? a. lNR 1.2 b. Erythrocyte sedimentary rate 18 mm/hr c. Platelet 350,000/mm3 d. aPTT 90 seconds 72. a nurse is reviewing the laboratory results of a client who is receiving gentamicin for staphylococcus. Which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider immediately? a. Creatinine 1.8mg/dl b. Potassium 4.5 mEq/l c. Fasting blood glucose 130mg/l d. WBC 11,000 mm3 73. The RN is preparing to administer medications to a client and discovered error. The nurse should recognize that which of the following staff members is responsible for completing an incident report? a. the nurse who identifies the error b. The charge nurse c. The quality improvement committee d. The nurse who caused the error 74. A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving enteral feedings via NG tube. Which of the following actions should the nurse take prior to administering the formula? a. Encourage the client to breathe deeply and cough b. Flush the tube with sterile 0.9% NaCl irrigation c. Encourage the client to take sips of water d. Check for gastric residual volume Ex1ra no1es: Chronic neurologic disorders: adverse effec1s of cholines1erase inhibi1ors • Excessive muscarinic s1imula1ion o Increased GI mo1ili1y o Increased GI secre1ions o Diaphoresis o Increased saliva1ion o Bradycardia o Urinary urgency • Cholinergic crisis o Excessive muscarinic respira1ion depression o Paralysis of 1he respira1ory muscles RN Pharmacology 2019- some might be on the exam 1. A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving intravenous therapy and observes redness and inflammation along the vein. The nurse would identify this finding as which of the following complications of IV therapy? a. Phlebitis b. Infiltration c. Venous spasm d. Extravasation 2. A nurse is reviewing the plan of care with a client who has a new prescription for lovastatin. Which of the following statements by the client should indicate to the nurse a need for further assessment? a. <I was just diagnosed with hepatitis B.= b. <I should avoid drinking grapefruit juice.= c. <I take metformin for my diabetes.= d. <I am trying to decrease my dietary fat intake.= 3. A nurse is teaching a client who has active pulmonary tuberculosis about management of medication for the disease. Which of the following statements is appropriate for the nurse to make? a. <You should report monthly to have your blood drawn to monitor kidney function while taking this medication.= b. <You will need to take two or more medications to treat your disease.= c. <You should anticipate taking medication to treat your disease for at least the next three years.= d. <You will need to undergo tuberculin skin tests every 6 months while taking medication for your disease.= 4. A nurse is reviewing the medication list of a client who has erectile dysfunction and is requesting a prescription for sildenafil. The nurse should identify that which of the following medications is a contraindication for receiving this medication? a. Furosemide b. Nitroglycerin c. Indomethacin d. Albuterol 5. A nurse is providing discharge dietary teaching to a client who has a new prescription for theophylline. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? a. <Avoid caffeinated beverages.= b. <Take the medication with meals.= c. <Restrict milk products.= d. <Limit your sodium intake.= 6. A nurse in the emergency department is admitting a client who has diabetic ketoacidosis and a blood glucose level of 800 mg/dL. Which of the following interventions should the nurse initiate first? a. Potassium chloride 10 mEq/hr b. Bicarbonate by IV infusion c. 0.9% sodium chloride 15 mL/kg/hr d. Subcutaneous insulin injections 7. A nurse is preparing to titrate a continuous nitroprusside infusion for a client. The nurse should plan to titrate the infusion according to which of the following assessments? a. Cardiac output b. Urine output c. Blood pressure d. Stroke volume 8. A nurse realizes that they failed to administer a medication that was due 4 hr ago to a client. Which of the following actions should be taken first? a. File an incident report. b. Report the missed dosage to the client9s provider. c. Determine factors that led to the omission. d. Assess the client for adverse reactions. 9. A nurse is completing a medication reconciliation for a client prior to his transfer to a long- term care facility. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. Include medications the client received in the acute setting but will no longer need after transfer. b. Remove duplicate medications of different dosages from the reconciliation list. c. Compare the current list of mediations to medications the client will receive after transfer. d. Omit over-the-counter medications from the at-home medication list. 10. A nurse recently administered filgrastim intravenously to a client who has cancer and is receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy. For which of the following data, discovered after the medication was administered, should the nurse file an incident report? a. The client has chemotherapy 12 hr before the medication was administered. b. The nurse flushed the client9s IV line dextrose 5% in water before and after medication was administered. c. The medication vial sat at room temperature for 2 hr before it was administered d. The client9s absolute neutrophil count was 2,500/mm3 before the medication was administered. 11. A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving ceftriaxone intravenously. Which of the following manifestations should the nurse identify as an allergic reaction? a. Polyuria b. Hypotension c. Nausea d. Bradycardia 12. A nurse is preparing to administer digoxin to a client who has heart failure. The nurse should withhold the medication for which of the following findings? a. BP 160/90 mm Hg b. Urinary output 30mL/hr c. Weight gain of 0.7 kg (1.5lb) in 24 hr d. Pulse rate 56/min 13. A nurse is preparing to administer medication to a client who has a prescription for epoetin alfa. Which of the following routes of administration should the nurse plan to use? a. Inhalation b. Oral c. Intravenous d. Transdermal 14. A nurse is caring for a group of clients. For which of the following situations should the nurse complete an incident report? a. A client received an infusion of lipids through a central line. b. A client who has asthma was administered tiotropium via inhalation. c. A client received 0900 medications at 0930. d. Answer is not here. Lololol 15. A nurse is reviewing a client9s laboratory results before administering furosemide 40 mg IV bolus. For which of the following values should the nurse withhold the medication and contract the provider? a. INR 1.0 b. Potassium 2.5 mEq/L c. WBC count 8,000/mm3 d. Sodium 141 mEq/L 16. A nurse is reviewing the laboratory data of a client who is receiving filgrastim. Which of the following laboratory values should the nurse monitor to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment? a. INR b. Potassium level c. BUN d. WBC count 17. A nurse is caring for a client who is taking lithium and reports starting a new exercise program. The nurse should assess the client for which of the following electrolyte imbalances? a. Hypokalemia b. Hypocalcemia c. Hypomagnesemia d. Hyponatremia 3 because of the loss of salt. Remember salt intakes have to be WDL. 18. A nurse is teaching a client9s partner how to administer an otic medication to the client. Which of the following statements by the client9s partner indicates an understanding of the teacher? a. <I will make sure the solution is cool prior to instilling the drops.= b. <I will have my partner tilt their head back while I am instilling the drops.= c. <I will have my partner lie down on their back while I am instilling the drops.= d. <I will pull the pinna upward and outward prior to instilling the drops.= 19. A nurse is caring for a client who has a peripheral IV catheter and a prescription for IV fluid replacement. The nurse should cover the insertion with which of the following types of dressing? a. Sterile gauze bandage b. Transparent membrane dressing c. Adhesive bandage d. Hydrocolloid dressing 20. A nurse is reviewing the laboratory results of a client who has atrial fibrillation and a prescription for warfarin. After informing the provider that the INR is 2.5, the nurse should expect which of the following prescriptions? a. Withhold the medication. b. Increase the dose of the medication. c. Administer the current dose of the medication. d. Decrease the dose of the medication. 21. A nurse is monitoring for an infusion reaction for a client who is receiving a dose of IV amphotericin B. Which of the following findings should indicate to the nurse that the client is experiencing an acute infusion reaction? a. Hyperglycemia b. Dry cough c. Pedal edema d. Fever 22. A nurse is reviewing the laboratory results of a client who is taking amitriptyline. Which of the following laboratory values should the nurse report to the provider? a. Potassium 4.2 mEq/L b. WBC count 5,000 mm3 c. Total bilirubin 1.5 mg/dL d. Hct 44% 23. A nurse is caring for a client who has diabetes insipidus and is receiving desmopressin by intermittent IV bolus. Which of the following manifestations should indicate to the nurse a therapeutic response to the mediation? a. Increase in WBC count b. Decrease in urine output c. Increase in serum glucose d. Decrease in blood pressure 24. A nurse is providing teaching to a client who want to stop smoking and has purchased a transdermal smoking patch. Which of the following information should the nurse provide? a. The transdermal patch releases nicotine rapidly. b. Rotate the application site every week. 3 c. The transdermal patch can cause insomnia. d. Leave the patch in place for 8 hr each day. 25. A nurse is preparing to administer amphotericin B lipid complex via intermittent IV bolus to a client who has infective endocarditis, which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. Use a gravity flow set. b. Administer the medication over 2 hr. c. Prime the tubing with 0.9% sodium chloride. d. Discard the medication if it is yellow. 26. A nurse is preparing to initiate IV therapy for a client. Which of the following sites should the nurse use to place the peripheral IV catheter? a. Nondominant dorsal venous arch b. Nondominant forearm basilic vein c. Dominant distal dorsal vein d. Dominant antecubital basilic vein 27. A nurse is client for a client who is receiving a continuous IV infusion of magnesium sulfate for preterm labor. The nurse should discontinue the infusion and prepare to administer calcium gluconate if the client demonstrates which of the following findings? (Select all that apply.) a. Systolic blood pressure 130 mm Hg b. Decreased level of consciousness c. Absence of deep-tendon reflexes d. Report of chills e. Urine output 80 mL in 4 hr 28. A nurse is providing a discharge teaching to a client who has a new prescription for furosemide. Which of the following instructions nurse include in the teaching? a. <Increase the amount of potassium in your diet.= b. <Take the medication before going to bed.= c. <Weigh yourself on the same day each week.= d. <This medication should be taken on an empty stomach.= 29. A nurse is applying a nitroglycerin transdermal patch for a client who has angina. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. Apply the patch to the same site every 24 hr. b. Apply the patch to a hairless area of the skin. c. Apply the patch to a bony prominence of on the chest. d. Apply a 4 x 4 dressing over the patch. 30. A nurse is reviewing the medical record of a client who is requesting an oral contraceptive. Which of the following findings is a contraindication for the use of oral contraceptives? a. Ovarian cysts b. Anxiety disorder c. Client age of 36 years d. History of deep-vein thrombosis 31. A nurse is providing teaching to a client who is to receive a series of allergy tests. The nurse should instruct the client to avoid the following medications for up to 4 weeks before the procedure. a. Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride b. Albuterol c. Acetaminophen d. Diphenhydramine 32. A nurse is reviewing the medication list of a client who has erectile dysfunction and is requesting a prescription for sildenafil. The nurse should identify that which of the following medications is a contraindication for receiving this medication? a. Furosemide b. Nitroglycerin c. Indomethacin d. Albuterol 33. A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new prescription for bumetanide for heart failure. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? a. <You should take the medication at bedtime.= b. <You should monitor for hearing difficulties.= c. <You should decrease your intake of foods high in potassium.= d. <You should take this medication on an empty stomach.= 34. A nurse is teaching a class about administering IV fluids to treat dehydration. The nurse should include in the teaching that which of the following laboratory values indicates effective treatment of dehydration? a. Serum hematocrit 55% b. BUN 28 mg/dL c. Serum Osmolarity 310 mOsm/L d. Urine specific gravity 1.020 35. A nurse is preparing to administer clindamycin to a client who states she forgot to report to the provider that she is allergic to penicillin, which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. Give the client the prescribed dose of clindamycin. b. Premedicate the client with epinephrine before administering the antibiotic. c. Obtain a prescription for an alternative antibiotic. d. Administer the clindamycin using a desensitization schedule. 36. A nurse is assessing a client who is receiving heparin via continuous IV. The client has an aPTT of 90 seconds. The nurse should monitor for which of the following changes in their vital signs? a. Decreased temperature b. Increase pulse rate c. Decreased respiratory rate d. Increased blood pressure 37. A nurse is reviewing the medication administration record for a client who has cancer and is receiving morphine via a PCA pump. Which of the following prescription should the nurse clarify with the provider? a. Ondansetron b. Acetaminophen c. Nalbuphine d. Insulin glargine 38. A nurse is caring for an older adult client who is taking prednisone for a long-term treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. The nurse should monitor the client for which of the following adverse effects of this drug? a. Hemolytic anemia b. Hypoglycemia c. Bone loss d. Liver toxicity 39. A nurse is caring for a client who is taking azathioprine to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Which of the following laboratory values indicates an adverse effect of this medication? a. WBC 3,000/mm3 b. BUN 15 mg/dL c. Hct 45% d. Platelets 250,000/mm3 40. A nurse is teaching a client who is pregnant and has iron-deficiency anemia about taking ferrous sulfate elixir. Which of the following should the nurse include in the teaching? (Select all that apply.) a. <Drink the elixir using a straw to prevent staining your teeth.= b. <Increase your intake of dairy products to increase the absorption of this medication.= c. <Take the medication with an antacid if it upsets your stomach.= d. <Stop taking the medication if your stools become green or black.= e. <Increase your fiber intake to prevent constipation.= 41. A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new prescription for paroxetine. The nurse should instruct the client to monitor for which of the following adverse effects? a. Tinnitus b. Peripheral edema c. Drowsiness d. Alopecia 42. A nurse is teaching a client who has a prescription for ferrous gluconate. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. <I should take this medication with 8 ounces of milk.= b. <I should take an antacid with this medication to prevent stomach upset.= c. <I should notify my provider if my stools turn black.= d. <I should stay upright for at least 15 minutes after taking this medication.= 43. A nurse is assessing a client who has asthma and prescription for albuterol. The nurse should monitor the client for which of the following adverse effects? a. Drowsiness b. Fever c. Constipation d. Tachycardia 44. A nurse is assessing a client who is receiving intravenous therapy. The nurse should identify which of the following findings as a manifestation of fluid volume excess? a. Decreased bowel sounds b. Distended neck veins c. Bilateral muscle weakness d. Thread pulse 45. A nurse is teaching a client who has a new prescription for a nitroglycerin transdermal patch. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? a. <Discontinue the patch if you experience a headache.= b. <Apply a new patch if they have chest pain.= c. <Cover the patch with dry gauze when taking a shower.= d. <Remove the patch prior to going to bed.= 46. A nurse is caring for client who has heart failure and a new prescription for lisinopril. For which of the following adverse effects should the nurse monitor when administering lisinopril? a. Bradycardia b. Hypokalemia c. Tinnitus d. Hypotension 47. A nurse is preparing to administer the initial dose of penicillin G IM to a client. The nurse should monitor for which of the following as an indication of an allergic reaction following the injection? a. Urticaria b. Bradycardia c. Pallor d. Dyspepsia 48. A nurse is mixing a regular insulin and NPH insulin in the same syringe prior to administering it to a client who has diabetes mellitus following actions should the nurse take first? a. Withdraw the regular insulin from the viral b. Withdraw a NPH insulin from the vial c. Inject air into the NPH vial d. Inject air into the regular insulin vial 49. A nurse is caring for a client who has a prescription for amoxicillin. Which of the following findings indicates the client is experiencing an allergic reaction? a. Nausea b. Cardiac dysrhythmia c. Laryngeal edema d. Insomnia 50. A nurse is reviewing the laboratory values of a client who is taking atorvastatin. Which of the following laboratory values indicates the treatment has been effective? a. BUN 15 mg/dL b. Blood glucose 90 mg/dL c. Urine specific gravity 1.020 d. LDL 120 mg/dL 51. A nurse is planning to administer medication to an older client who has dysphagia. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? a. Tilt the clients head back when administering the medications. b. Mix the medications with a semisolid food for the client. c. Administer more than one pill to the client at a time. d. Place the medications on the back of the client9s tongue. 52. A nurse is caring for a client who is in shock and is receiving an infusion of albumin. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? a. Oxygen saturation 96% b. PaCO2 30 mm Hg c. Increase in BP d. Decrease in protein 53. A nurse is reviewing the laboratory data of a client prior to administering IV tobramycin. Which of the following laboratory values should the nurse report to the provider? a. Sodium 137 mEq/L b. Hct 43% c. Hgb 15 g/dL d. Creatinine 2.5 mg/dL 54. A nurse is preparing to administer enoxaparin to a client. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. Apply firm pressure to the injection site following administration b. Administer the medication into the client9s muscle c. Expel the air bubble from the syringe prior to injection d. Insert the syringe needle halfway into the client9s skin 55. A nurse is reviewing a client9s 0800 laboratory values at 1100. The nurse notes that the client received heparin at 1000. Which of the following laboratory values warrants an incident report? a. ePTT 90 seconds b. Hgb 16 g/dL c. INR 1.6 d. WBC 6,000/mm3 56. A nurse is monitoring laboratory values for a client who has chronic heart failure and is receiving digoxin. Which of the following values should the nurse report to the provider? a. Sodium 1chornic38 mEq/dL b. Magnesium 1.5 mEq/L c. BUN level 10 mg/dL d. Potassium 2.9 mEq/L 57. A nurse is consulting a formulary about a client9s new prescription for raloxifene. The nurse should identify that this medication is used to treat which of the following conditions? a. Osteoporosis b. Hypothyroidism c. Urinary tract infection d. Deep vein thrombosis 58. A nurse is teaching a client who has pernicious anemia to self-administer cyanocobalamin. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? a. Use nasal decongestion 15 mins before the medication if you have b. Stuffy nose Lie down for 1 hour after administering the medication c. Administer the medication into one nostril once per week d. Plan to self-administer this medication for the next 6 months 59. a nurse is assessing a client how received a dinoprostone gel to stimulate the cervical ripening. Which of the following is the nurse9s priority? a. Back pain b. Flushing c. Nausea d. Uterine tachysystole 60. A nurse is performing a return demonstration of an enoxaparin administration. Which of the following client actions indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. Messages the site to enhance absorption b. Injections the medication into a muscle c. Administers the medication into the abdomen d. Aspirates the medication after injection 61. A nurse is assessing a client how has been taking digoxin and && which of the following findings to the nurse indicates this client has developed digoxin toxicity? a. Ringing in the ears b. Hyperkalemia c. Blurred vision d. Hypertension 62. A nurse is caring for a client who has major depression and a new prescription for citalopram. Which of the following adverse effects is the priority for the nurse to report to the provider? a. Insomnia b. Bruxism c. Confusion d. Weight loss 63. A nurse is caring for a client who requires a re-insertion of a short peripheral venous catheter. In which of the following locations should the nurse place the catheter? a. A vein on the client9s wrist b. A vein in the client9s dominant arm c. A vein proximal to the previous site d. A vein that feels hard to the touch 64. A nurse is assessing a client who is in labor and is receiving epidural anesthesia. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as the priority? a. Leg weakness b. Urinary retention c. Hypotension d. Temp 39 C 65. A nurse is caring for a client who has acute heart failure and is receiving furosemide via IV bolus. The nurse should identify that which of the following findings indicates a desired therapeutic effect. (similar answer options, not exact) a. Decreased weight b. Decreased blood glucose level c. Increased blood pressure d. Increase sputum production 66. A nurse is caring for a client who has diabetes mellitus and is taking pioglitazone. The nurse should plan to monitor the client for which of the following adverse effects. a. Insomnia b. Tinnitus c. Orthostatic hypotension d. Fluid retention 67. A nurse receives a prescription to give tobramycin to a client daily. Which of the following laboratory values should the nurse report to the provider? a. Serum sodium 137 mEq/L b. Hgb 15 g/dL c. Hct 43% d. Serum creatinine 2.5 mg/dL 68. A nurse is assessing a client who is receiving heparin therapy for deep-vein thrombosis. Which of the following findings should indicate to the nurse that the therapy is effective? a. Reduced calf circumference b. Decreased INR c. Presence of pedal pulses bilaterally d. Platelets within the expected reference range 69. A nurse is preparing to administer nitroglycerin topical ointment to a client. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take? a. Spread the medication over 12.7 cm (5in) area of the client9s skin b. Measure the dosage of medication using the applicator paper c. Apply the medication to the same site for 3 consecutive days d. Cover the medication on the client9s skin with a sterile gauze pad 70. A client who has Graves9 disease is prescribed methimazole. Which of the following effects should the nurse expect to see after the client has taken the medication for 2 months? a. Weight loss b. Increase in pulse rate c. Increased sleeping d. Warmer skin 71. A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a prescription for omeprazole. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? a. Take the medication with evening meals b. Crush the medication for easier swallowing c. Long term use of the medication increases the risk of fractures d. This medication might cause drowsiness 72. A nurse is teaching a client who has a new prescription for nitroglycerin patches. The nurse should identify which of the following statements as an indication that the client understands the teaching? a. I will rotate the application site to avoid skin irritation b. I cannot take sublingual tablet of nitroglycerin after applying the patch c. I will move the patch to my leg if I get a headache d. I will apply a new patch if I have chest pain 73. A nurse in a provider9s office is preparing to teach a middle adult client of metabolic syndrome and an HbA1c of 6.5%. Which of the following medications should the nurse plan to teach the client about first? a. Metformin b. Exenatide c. Insulin glargine d. Regular insulin 74. A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving IV amphotericin B. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as an acute infusion reaction? a. Pedal edema b. Dry cough c. Hyperglycemia d. Fever I’ve given you all the different questions that ATI Pharm 2019 has had on the exam. All the answers are correct. good luck. [Show More]

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