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Human Growth and Development Final Exam(Questions and Answers)

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Human Growth and Development Final Exam Changes in emotion, self-perception, and interpersonal relationships with families, peers, and friends are part of the __________ domain. - ANSWER Psychosoci... al Changes in intelligence, wisdom, perception, problem-solving, memory, and language are part of the ________ domain. - ANSWER Cognitive Changes in height and weight, sensory capabilities, the nervous system, and the propensity for disease and illness are part of the ___________ domain. - ANSWER Physical Appreciating cultural differences and understanding that cultural practices are best understood from the standpoint of that particular culture is called - ANSWER Cultural relativity The number of years since your birth is your: - ANSWER Chronological age Our cognitive capacity, adaptability, and emotional beliefs about aging are part of our: - ANSWER Psychological age Someone who is 70 years old would be classified as: - ANSWER Young-old The question of whether biological or environmental factors are stronger influences on our development is the debate called: - ANSWER Nature vs. nurture The question of whether humans play an active role in shaping their development or are at the mercy of uncontrollable forces is the debate called: - ANSWER Active vs. passive Which of the following statements about Freud's theory of development is FALSE? - ANSWER It has been thoroughly tested scientifically and found to be valid According to Erikson's theory, successful development involves: - ANSWER Dealing with and resolving the goals and demands of psychosocial crises in a positive way A key idea of behaviorism is that because _____________ can't be objectively studied, psychologists should limit their attention to the study of observable behavior. - ANSWER the mind Bandura's studies with the "Bobo doll" indicated that: - ANSWER All of the above During Piaget's formal operational stage, the primary skill obtained by the child is: - ANSWER Think systematically and reason about abstract concepts like ethics In Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory, the chronosystem represents the: - ANSWER historical context in which our experiences occur Research designed to discover relationships among variables and to allow the prediction of future events from present knowledge is called: - ANSWER correlation Dr. Smartypants designs a research study in which she recruits a group of 60-year-olds, a group of 70-year-olds, and a group of 80-year-olds and interviews them about their health status every 5 years over time. What kind of study has she done? - ANSWER Sequential Although we inherit all of our genetic material from our parents, not all of the possible features are expressed. The features that are actually expressed constitutes that person's: - ANSWER phenotype Monozygotic twins are formed when: - ANSWER A fertilized egg splits apart during the first two weeks of development Who is at greater risk for sex-linked disorders due to a recessive gene? - ANSWER Males because they have only one X chromosome Common reasons for seeking genetic counseling are: - ANSWER all of the above Environmental factors, such as nutrition, stress, and teratogens, are thought to change gene expression by switching genes on and off. These gene changes can then be inherited by daughter cells and affect genetic expression as people age. The study of these changes is called: - ANSWER epigenetics The first chance of survival outside the womb, known as the age of ___________, is reached at about 24 weeks gestational age. - ANSWER viability The primary way that smoking tobacco affects prenatal development is by: - ANSWER Reducing the amount of oxygen available to the fetus Which of the following emotional states is NOT mentioned in your book as a cause of problems during prenatal development? - ANSWER Schizophrenia The ___________ is a test in which a needle is used to withdraw a small amount of amniotic fluid and cells from the sac surrounding the fetus and later tested. - ANSWER Amniocentesis ___________ is a complication of pregnancy in which the fertilized egg implants itself outside of the uterus. - ANSWER Ectopic pregnancy The first stage of labor involves: - ANSWER Uterine contractions that increase in duration and frequency The second stage of labor involves: - ANSWER Passage of the baby through the birth canal The third stage of labor involves: - ANSWER Delivery of the placenta Which term refers to the brain's ability to change, both physically and chemically, to enhance its adaptability to environmental change and compensate for injury? - ANSWER neuroplasticity Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is identified when: - ANSWER The death of a healthy infant occurs suddenly and unexpectedly, and medical and forensic investigation findings (including an autopsy) are inconclusive Reflexes are useful because they: - ANSWER All of the above Using a spoon is an example of a ________ motor skill. - ANSWER fine Which of the following senses appears to be least developed at birth? - ANSWER vision Newborns can distinguish between sour, bitter, sweet, and salty flavors and show a preference for_________ flavors. - ANSWER sweet According to your textbook, which of the following is NOT a sign that an infant is ready for solid foods? - ANSWER Has developed at least four teeth Which of the following statements about introducing solid foods to babies is FALSE? - ANSWER Honey is a safe natural sweetener for babies Malik has a dog at home and so is familiar with what a dog is. He sees a bear for the first time and says "Doggie!" What process is he using? - ANSWER Assimilation Rahul has a basic understanding that objects can be used as symbols and can solve problems using mental strategies, remember and repeat something heard days before, and engage in pretend play. Which of Piaget's substages is he in? - ANSWER Beginning of representational thought The inability to recall memories from the first few years of life is called: - ANSWER Infantile amnesia Susie thinks that all women are called "Mama" regardless of her relation to them. This is called: - ANSWER Overextension The ability to experience emotions such as shame and pride requires the development of: - ANSWER A self concept Freud believed that infants became attached to their mothers because: - ANSWER He believed that infants gained pleasure from sucking and mouthing objects, so the person who fed them would become their source of security and comfort According to Bowlby, which of the following is NOT required in order for infants to form healthy attachments with their parents? - ANSWER The infant must successfully resolve the crisis of Trust vs. Mistrust Roberta has a job teaching pre-school. She normally works with 3-years-old, but another teacher is out sick, so she's covering the 2-years-old class. What fine motor skill will she NOT see among the 2-year-olds? - ANSWER Drawing a person with 3 parts A sign that a child is ready for toilet training is that they: - ANSWER All of the above Sexual behavior such as masturbation is not unusual in young children. - ANSWER True Which of the following is NOT recommended for encouraging the development of healthy eating habits in children? - ANSWER Use dessert as a way to get children to eat healthy foods Jamal is not to be able to take the perspective of others, and instead thinks that everyone sees, thinks, and feels just as they do. This is known as - ANSWER Egocentrism Alex has a scoop of ice cream in a small bowl. Daniel has the same amount of ice cream, but in a larger bowl, so the ice cream takes up less space in the bowl. Daniel is upset because he thinks Alex has more ice cream. Daniel is having a problem with: - ANSWER Conservation Vygotsky believed that children talked to thems [Show More]

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