*NURSING > ATI > ATI Care of Children RN 2019 Proctored Exam - Level 3!. Peds 2019. All 70 Questions with the Answers (All)

ATI Care of Children RN 2019 Proctored Exam - Level 3!. Peds 2019. All 70 Questions with the Answers

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ATI Care of Children RN 2019 Proctored Exam - Level 3! Peds 2019. All 70Questions with the Answers Higlighted Peds 2019 1. A nurse is assessing a school-age child who has heart failure and is ... taking furosemide. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as an indication that the medication is effective? 2. A nurse is assessing an infant who has acute otitis media. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect (select all that apply) 3. a nurse is providing teaching to the parents of an infant who is to undergo pilocarpine lontophoresis Testing for Cystic Fibrosis. Which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching? 4. A nurse in an urgent care clinic is prioritizing care for children. Which of the following children should the nurse assess first? 5 .A nurse is providing teaching to the parents of a toddler who is to undergo a sweat chloride test. Which of the following statements should the nurse include? 6. A nurse in the emergency department is caring for an adolescent who is requesting testing for STI. Which of the following action is appropriate for the nurse to take? 7. A nurse in the emergency department is assessing the toddler who has hyperpyrexia severe dyspnea and drooling which of the following actions should the nurse take first? 8. A nurse is providing teaching to a 10 year old child with scheduled for an arterial cardiac catheterization. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? 9. 10. A nurse is caring for a preschooler who is post-operative following a tonsillectomy. The child is now ready to resume oral intake which of the following dietary choices should the nurse offer the child? 11. A nurse is caring for an infant who has Patent ductus arteriosus. The nurse should identify that the defect is a switch of the following locations of the heart. ( you will find hot spots to select in the artwork below. Select only the hot spot that corresponds to your 12. A nurse is caring for a 10 month old child was brought to the emergency department by his parents following a head injury. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? 13. A charge nurse is planning care for an infant who has failure to thrive. Which of the following actions should the nurse include in the plan of care? 14. A nurse is providing teaching about home care to the parent of a child who has scabies. Which of the following instruction should the nurse include in the teaching? .............................................................................................continued,........................................................................................................... [Show More]

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