Medical Studies > EXAM > NUR 2311 Med Surg version 2 Exit_Hesi_2020 - Southeastern College | NUR2311 Med Surg version 2 Exit_ (All)

NUR 2311 Med Surg version 2 Exit_Hesi_2020 - Southeastern College | NUR2311 Med Surg version 2 Exit_Hesi_2020

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NUR 2311 Med Surg version 2 Exit_Hesi_2020 - Southeastern College A client arrives in the ED with slurred speech and right-sided weakness The community mental health nurse is planning to visit 4... clients with schizophrenia..see first The nurse is assessing several clients at a homeless shelter. Which client should the nurse refer for involuntary admission to a psych facility A 7-year-old child is admitted to the hospital with acute glomerulonephritis (AGN). When obtaining the nursing history, which finding should the nurse expect to obtain Beginning with the vena cava, what is the normal sequence of blood circulation through the heart (arrange from entry of the heart on top to exit of the heart on the bottom) The nurse is assessing the emotional status of a client with Parkinson’s disease. Which client finding is most helpful in planning goals to meet the client’s emotional needs What nursing intervention is particularly indicated for the second stage of labor A newborn is apneic for 20 seconds. What action should the nurse implement The nurse is completing a neurological assessment. Which observation indicates an abnormal pupil response The nurse manager is concerned about the number of falls that have occurred on the unit in the last month. Which action is most likely to decrease the number of falls The healthcare provider prescribes diltiazem (Cardizem ) for a child with hypertension who weighs 66 pounds. Based on the recommended dose of 3.5 mg/kg/day, how many mg should the child receive per day One year after being diagnosed with Pneumocystic carinii pneumonia, a client is admitted with respiratory failure. Respirations are shallow with periods of apnea. After the HCP delivers a grim prognosis to the client’s family, which intervention should the nurse implement first When preparing to start change-of-shift report, the charge nurse observes an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) walking in the hallway with a urine specimen that is not covered. After telling the UAP to cover the specimen, what intervention should the charge nurse implement In monitoring a client’s respiratory status, which symptom is characteristic of early acute (adult) respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) A client’s serum potassium test level is 6 mEq/L. The laboratory indicates, “Specimen is hemolyzed.” What action should the nurse take Which action should the nurse implement to reduce a clients risk for nosocomial infection During the admission interview, the nurse leader learns that a newly admitted adult client has a six month history if recurring somatic pain. Which problem is most important for the nurse to further explore with the client An older male adult resident of an extended care facility receives a prescription for diphenhydramine (Benadryl) 25 mg PO to treat generalized pruritis. Two hours after administration of the drug, he continues to experience itching, is confused, and has an unsteady gait. Which actions should the nurse implement first A female resident of a long-term care facility is being admitted to the medical department. The client has a fractured humerous and methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Which room should the charge nurse assign this client The healthcare provider is working with a client who was recently diagnosed with asthma. Which statement by the client indicates to the nurse that further teaching is needed The nurse is preparing to conduct discharge teaching for a client who had an anaphylactic reaction following administration of ampicillin (Omnipen-N). What instruction is essential for the nurse to provide this client prior to discharge What is the goal when planning nursing care for a client with edema and leg discoloration secondary to chronic venous insufficiency A client with a psychotic disorder is receiving haloperidol (Haldol) 3 mg IM q30 minutes x 3 hours for agitation control. The medication is available in 5mg/ml. How many ml will the client receive over the next 3 hours The nurse plans to administer 1 teaspoon of a liquid to a toddler. What is the most accurate way to administer the medication When assessing a client who had a supratentorial craniotomy, what action should the nurse implement when determining the client’s Glasgow coma scale (GCS) rating A client with a prescription for “do not resuscitate” (DNR) begins to manifest signs of impending death. After notifying the family of the client’s status, what priority action should the nurse implement In assessing a client 48 hours following a fracture, the nurse observes ecchymosis at the fracture site, and recognizes that hematoma formation at the bone fragment site has occurred. What action should the nurse implement A client who is admitted to the hospital is suspected of having meningitis. The nurse should plan to prepare the client for which diagnostic test The school nurse is planning to begin an obesity screening program in a school system. It is best to begin the screening program with which group During a home visit, the nurse determines that a male client is experiencing symptoms that should be controlled by his prescribed medication. The client states that he forgot when he was supposed to take his medications. What is the priority nursing problem when the nurse develops the plan of care for this client Immediately after an elective cardioversion for a rapid supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), a male client who was premedicated with hydromorphone (Dilaudid) and midazolam (Versed) is difficult to arouse. His vital signs are: oxygen saturation 94% while receiving oxygen at 2L/minute per nasal cannula, heart rate 78 beats/minute, respirations 6 breaths/minute, and blood pressure 102/70. Which intervention should the nurse implement When completing a mental health assessment, the nurse wishes to obtain information about a client’s insight and judgment. Which interview technique is most useful in assessing these mental abilities An adult Muslim client with ulcerative colitis was admitted to the post-surgical unit earlier today following a bowel resection with temporary colostomy. Which intervention is most important for the nurse to implement The parents of a 6-year-old recently diagnosed with Duchene muscular dystrophy tell the nurse that their child wants to continue attending swimming classes. How should the nurse respond The nurse initiates a one-to-one relationship with a 35-year-old depressed female client who was recently admitted to the psychiatric facility. Which nursing action is most effective in promoting the development of a therapeutic relationship An 18-year-old female client is admitted to the unit after ingesting an overdose of Phenobarbital (Luminal). She is unresponsive and ABG results are: pH 7.18, PaCO2 60 mmHg, and HCO3 26 mEq/L. Which interpretation of the client’s ABG results by the nurse is accurate A male client with multiple myeloma is admitted with pneumonia and pancytopenia. The nurse reviews the complete blood cell count findings and identifies a platelet count of 20,000 cells/mm3. Which intervention should the nurse include in the client’s plan of care A client’s left femoral artery is difficult to palpate. To compare pulses bilaterally, where should the nurse palpate As a means of relieving a client’s pain associated with osteoarthritis, the nurse plans to provide local rest. To implement this intervention, which action should the nurse take The healthcare provider prescribes isosorbibide (Isordil) 40 mg every 8 hours for a male client with acute angina pectoris. Which finding should the nurse report to the healthcare provider prior to administering Isordil A client is admitted with syncopal episodes related to a third degree heart block. After the placement of a transcutaneous pacemaker, the nurse observes several episodes of the pacemaker’s failure to sense. What action should the nurse take A 60-year-old male client with cancer of the liver has been in a hepatic coma for the past 24 hours. On admission, the client signed a release of information to his family. His oldest son arrives from out of town and asks the nurse how his father is doing. Which response is best for the nurse to provide The nurse is preparing a client for a scheduled cesarean section. In what order should the nurse perform these actions (place the first action on top and the last action on the bottom) A client receives a prescription for bacitracin 20,000 units every 12 hours IM. The medication is available in a vial that contains 50,000 units and includes reconstitution instructions: “Use 4.8 ml diluent to yield a total volume of 5 ml.” how many ml should the nurse administer The nurse identifies which recent event as placing a client at high risk for cardiogenic shock The unit manager of an acute care unit evaluates the time management skills of the nursing staff and determines that one staff nurse is consistently behind in meeting the needs of assigned clients. What action should the unit manager take The nurse plans to collect a 24-hour urine specimen for a creatinine clearance test. Which instruction should the nurse provide to the adult male client Which assessment finding has the highest priority when planning nursing care for a client with peptic ulcer disease (PUD) The nurse is obtaining a blood sample via venipuncture from a preschool-aged child. Which intervention should the nurse implement A 3-year-old boy is brought to the emergency department after the mother found the child in the back yard holding a piece of a toy in his hand and in respiratory distress. The child is dusky with a loud, inspiratory stridor and weak attempts to cough. Which actions should the nurse implement The nurse plans to obtain a urine specimen for culture from a client’s indwelling catheter. The nurse enters the room with the syringe and notes there is 100ml of urine in the drainage bag, but no urine is in the tubing. What action should the nurse take The scrub nurse places the fenestrated drapes to expose the operative area for a client who is having a hepatic tumor removed. The scrub nurse should assist with applying the sterile impermeable adhesive drape or surgical skin barrier to which area An elderly client is experiencing disturbed sleep patterns. Which intervention should the nurse implement to help the client attain maximal sleep function Assess daytime somnolence A 58-year-old male client with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is receiving aluminum hydroxide (Amphojel). He tells the nurse that since he does not have indigestion there is no need for him to take the antacid with his meals. Which response is best for the nurse to provide A client slips and falls while getting out of bed and the charge nurse instructs the nurse who is caring for the client to complete an incident report. What is the main purpose in having the nurse complete the incident report The registered nurse (RN) is observing a newly hired practical nurse (PN) give a newborn a vitamin K (AquaMEPHYTON) injection. The PN uses a filter needle to draw 0.25 mg of AquaMEPHYTON into the syringe, cleanses the thigh with alcohol in a circular motion, and prepares to inject the needle at a 90 degree angle in the left vastus lateralis. What action should the RN take At bedtime, an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) is positioning a client with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). The UAP elevates the head of the bed and encourages the client to turn on side. In supervising the UAP, what action should the nurse take Following laser trabeculoplasty surgery for open-angle glaucoma, the client reports acute pain deep within the eye. What action should the nurse take An elderly male client tells the nurse that he often wakes up during the night. What action should the nurse implement first During assessment of a 2-month-old infant, the nurse notices a bluish-black discoloration over the lumbosacral area. Which action should the nurse take Dinoprostone (Prostin E-2) is prescribed for primigravada who had a missed spontaneous abortion. An increase in which finding should the nurse expect Which client should the charge nurse on the oncology unit assign to an RN, rather than a practical nurse (PN) A client taking tamoxifen citrate following a lumpectomy reports several problems to the nurse. It is most important for the nurse to follow-up on which reported problem During morning rounds, the nurse finds a client who has no spontaneous respirations and does not respond to shaking. The nurse activates the “Code-Blue” system. While waiting for the code team to arrive, what action should the nurse implement The nurse learns that a client in a semi-private room has a postoperative wound that is colonized with a multi-drug resistant organism. What action should the nurse implement The healthcare provider prescribes digoxin (Lanoxin) 0.5 mg PO daily for a client with heart failure. When the nurse scans the medication label, “digoxin 0.25 mg/tablet,” using an electronic scanner, a “pop-up” window in the electronic medical record indicates, “Error in dose.” What action should the nurse take The nurse in the outpatient department is caring for a client who had a right femoral cardiac catheterization two hours ago. What assessment finding requires immediate intervention Before placing a client’s dentures in the sink for cleansing, what action should the nurse take The nurse assesses the perineum of a client who is complaining of perineal pain 6 hours after a normal delivery and finds small perineal (vulvar) hematomas. Based on this assessment finding, which treatment should the nurse implement A nurse is caring for an elderly client who recently attempted suicide with an overdose of sedatives. Which conclusions regarding this client’s achievement of normal development is accurate An infant has a medical diagnosis of tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF). What nursing intervention is indicated for this infant prior to surgical repair A male client with chronic renal failure (CRF) is admitted to the intensive care unit after missing his last three appointments at the dialysis center. His arterial blood gas (ABG) results are: pH 7.32; PaCO2 32 mmHg; HCO3 18 mEq/L. Which assessment finding should the nurse expect this client to exhibit A community health nurse is concerned about the incidence of asthma among preschool aged children in a metropolitan area. Which intervention reflects a primary prevention strategy the nurse might initiate to combat this chronic illness The nurse caring for a client with dysphagia is attempting to insert a nasogastric tube (NGT), but the client will not swallow and is not gagging. What action should the nurse implement to facilitate the NGT passage into the esophagus What is the primary purpose for initiating nursing interventions that promote good nutrition, rest and exercise, and stress reduction for clients diagnosed with an HIV infection A client receives a prescription for an intramuscular pain medication. The nurse uses the Z-track method to administer the injection. Which rationale supports the nurse’s use of this method A female client is seen in the Emergency Department with a broken arm. She is visibly anxious and tells the nurse “I am afraid my husband is going to kill me. The beatings are getting worse, and everyone says I should leave him, but I am afraid of what he will do to me and the children if I do leave.” What question is most important for the nurse to ask this client The charge nurse is establishing priorities of client needs at the beginning of the morning shift. Which client situation has the highest priority for immediate care Two months after treatment with radioactive iodine (I131) (RAI) for hyperthyroidism, a male client reports the onset of extreme fatigue, depression, and hair loss. What action should the nurse take A client with dementia who is cared for at home by her husband becomes increasingly confused in the evening. Her husband reports to the home health care nurse that his wife often believes that she is waiting for the oil to be changed in her car and insists on leaving. Which recommendation should the nurse provide to this husband A female client receives a prescription for alendronate sodium (Fosamax) to treat her newly diagnosed osteoporosis. What instruction should the nurse include in the client’s teaching plan After receiving a prescribed dose of quinapril (Accupril), losartan (Cozaar), and clonidine (Catapres), a female client tells the nurse that she usually takes Accupril at 0800, Cozaar at 1600, and Clonidine at 2200 at home. The nurse informs the charge nurse that an error was made during the morning medication administration. What action should the charge nurse implement first Which symptom is characteristic of ureteral colic in the client diagnosed with renal calculi A home health nurse is visiting a client with a history of heart failure (HF). When interviewing the client, which question provides the most useful information for the nurse An older male client diagnosed with end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is on strict bed rest, and asks the nurse, “Why can’t I get out of bed?” what response for the nurse to provide At 1000 the healthcare provider prescribes an increased in the dosage of a client’s loop diuretic from 40 mg to 80 mg a day. The nurse has already administered today’s 40 mg dose of the loop diuretic at 0600. Which action should the nurse implement Which client situation requires the most immediate intervention by the nurse A terminally ill client on a palliative care unit has an advanced directive stipulating comfort measures only. The client has not taken oral fluids in the last 36 hours and is not receiving intravenous fluids. The client’s blood pressure is 64/38 and urinary output is 50 ml for the last 12 hours. What is the priority nursing intervention A client in the third trimester of pregnancy reports that she feels some “lumpy places” in her breasts and that her nipples sometimes leak a yellowish fluid. She has an appointment with her healthcare provider in two weeks. What action should the nurse take A frail, elderly female with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) complains to the nurse that the weight of the sheets on her legs hurts all the time. Which action should the nurse implement After administering a proton pump inhibitor (PPI), which action should the nurse take to evaluate the effectiveness of the medication The nurse on a busy surgical unit is assigning client care to a registered nurse (RN) and a practical nurse (PN). Which client is best to assign to the PN The nurse manager of a pediatric unit needs to assign a room for a 6-month-old diagnosed with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Which room assignment is best for the nurse manager to make To assess for the presence of diaphragmatic breathing, what action should the nurse take The nurse and a social worker are talking when a male client with psychosis angrily shouts at the nurse, “Stop talking about me.” The nurse should document the client is exhibiting which symptom Before administering a parenteral nutrition solution through a central vein, the nurse should confirm information from which sources A male client with chronic asthma tells the nurse that he is having more episodes of bronchoconstiction and increased mucous production. Which action should the nurse implement The nurse plans to administer 5,000 units of heparin, an anticoagulant. Which procedure should the nurse implement when administering this drug A new mother tells the nurse that she does not want her newborn to receive any immunizations. It is the hospital’s policy to routinely administer immunizations to all newborns. What intervention should the nurse implement A client is correctly receiving an infusion labeled Heparin Sodium 25,000 units in 5% Dextrose Injection 500 ml at 14 ml/hour. A prescription is received to change the rate of the infusion to 900 units of Heparin per hour. The nurse should set the infusion pump to deliver how many ml/hour At 1615, prior to ambulating a postoperative client for the first time, the nurse reviews the client’s medical record. Based on data contained in the record, what action should the nurse take before assisting the client with ambulation (click on each chart tab for additional information, be sure to scroll to the bottom right corner of each tab to view all information contained in the client’s medical record) A client with dyspnea is being admitted to the medical unit. To best prepare for the client’s arrival, the nurse should ensure that the client’s bed is in which position An adult make who returned from a vacation in Mexico three weeks ago calls the clinic complaining of abdominal pain, weight loss, and diarrhea. What action should the nurse take A newly graduated and licensed registered nurse (RN) is in the second day of orientation to the hospital unit. The education director tells the charge nurse that the new graduate should be assigned to care for one client. Which client is best for the nurse to assign to this new graduate A female who was admitted for alcohol detoxification is nauseated and describes feeling like roaches are crawling all over her. She is tremulous, and her blood pressure is 146/92; her pulse rate is 94 beats/minute; and her temperature is 100.8oF. Which PRN medication should the nurse administer A male client with bipolar disorder has difficulty concentrating and plans to attend group for the first time. He tells the nurse that he will try to stay for the music relaxation group. After 20 minutes in the group, he becomes restless and begins to leave. What should the nurse do A male client with Addison’s disease tells the nurse that he is taking hydrocortisone in a divided daily dose. He reports increasing fatigue and weakness. What action should the nurse take The charge nurse in the Labor and Delivery Unit makes assignments for a nurse and unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP). A client in labor is admitted with contractions occurring every 3 to 5 minutes. Which task should be assigned to the UAP With the client’s eyes closed, the nurse places a common object in the client’s hand and asks the client to describe the object. The client accurately names the object. How should the nurse document the assessment finding After a 92-year-old client fractured a hip trying to get out of bed, a nurse is accused of failing to notify the healthcare provider that the client was disoriented. In determining whether the nurse is guilty, a jury would consider which standard A 15-year-old client with a spinal cord injury develops spastic leg tremors, sweating, and a headache. Which action should the nurse implement The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet is prescribed for a client with uncontrolled hypertension. Which dietary choices should the nurse instruct the client to eat An adult female client is admitted to the psychiatric unit because of a complex hand washing ritual she performs daily that takes two hours or longer to complete. She worries about staying clean and refuses to sit on any of the chairs in the day area. This client’s hand washing is an example of which clinical behavior The nurse should instruct the parents of an 11-year-old with Type I diabetes mellitus to carefully watch their child for the symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis. In which situation is the child most at risk for becoming ketoacidotic A man who has a known problem with alcohol is accused of stealing from his employer. When he returns home that evening, he accuses his son of stealing from school, and physically abuses the child for what the father describes as the child’s dishonest behavior. Which two defense mechanisms are being used by the father A client with an electrical burn is admitted to the Emergency Department on a backboard with a cervical collar. Which intervention should the nurse implement A male client with chronic alcohol use is admitted with signs of early cirrhosis. Which nursing action should the nurse delegate to the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) Which instruction regarding immediate postoperative care should the nurse plan to include in the preoperative teaching for a client scheduled for an incisional rotator cuff repair A client who is experiencing panic attacks receives a prescription for the benzodiazepine alprazolam (Xanax). Which instruction should the nurse provide this client The nurse is assessing an infant on admission to the newborn nursery and finds that both brachial pulses are bounding, but bilateral femoral pulses are only slightly palpable. Which assessment should the nurse implement next What diet modification is most important for the nurse to recommend to a client with high cholesterol The nurse is managing four clients who are mechanically ventilated. The client with which assessment finding requires the most immediate intervention by the nurse A client with chronic kidney disease is being discharged with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). What is the priority nursing diagnosis the nurse should use when developing a discharge teaching plan for this client The nurse is preparing to administer 1.6 ml of medication IM to a 4-month-old infant. Which intervention should the nurse implement The nurse is giving medications to an older client who has a percutaneous esophageal gastrostomy (PEG) tube in place. Which medication drug form should the nurse question Assessment of the fetal heart rate is an important finding when caring for a laboring client. Decelerations in fetal heart rate that are of most concern occur at what time during the contraction cycle Sodium nitroprusside (Nipride) at 0.8 mcg/kg/minute is prescribed for a client who weighs 65kg. The available IV solution is labeled Nipride 50 mg in 500 ml D5W. The nurse should program the infusion pump to deliver how many ml/hour The home health nurse visits a client with heart failure (HF). Assessment findings include: temperature 97.6oF, pulse 116 beats/minute, respiratory rate 36 breaths/minute, blood pressure 140/70, pulse oximeter 86% on 2 L/min of oxygen, and crackles are heard throughout the lung fields. Which intervention has the highest priority Following a devastating hurricane, a client is admitted for dehydration as the result of vomiting and diarrhea that occurred after ingesting contaminated water. The client expresses feelings of fear and anger about the destruction of homes, the loss of property due to the storm, and the looting that occurred following the storm. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, what priority need should be addressed first About 85 victims of a train derailment are brought to the Emergency Department of a small rural hospital. An older male with extensive crush injuries to his lower extremities and pelvis has a blood pressure of 42/28, a thread pulse of 120 beats/minute, and a respiratory rate of 10 breaths/minute with periods of apnea. Using the disaster triage system, which action should the nurse take A father brings his pre-school-aged son to the rural urgent care clinic because the child fell from a horse earlier today. Which finding indicates to the nurse that further assessment is required for possible abuse or neglect While caring for a client with a new onset of diabetes mellitus, which intervention is most important for the nurse to include in the client’s plan of care A client with Type I diabetes mellitus (DM) is admitted for an emergency cholecystectomy. To prevent diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), which intervention is most important for the nurse to implement A client with metastatic cancer who was taking hydromorphone (Dilaudid) PO at home is not receiving the medication IV while in the hospital. To evaluate if the client is receiving an equianalgesic dose of the Dilaudid, what assessment should the nurse complete The nurse observes a newly-employed unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) taking an elderly client’s blood pressure. The nurse says, “You need to start over. The blood pressure reading you obtained was falsely high for that client.” What is the most likely explanation for the erroneous reading Which activity is best for the nurse to initiate with a depressed client Identify the location of the lobule on the pinnae. (click the chosen location. To change, click on the new location) An adolescent male is transferred from the medical unit to the mental health unit because his condition is stable after taking an assortment of prescription drugs. Based on the admission interview, the nurse determines that the client is still having suicidal ideations. What intervention is most important for the nurse to implement A male client with hepatitis A is admitted with elevated hepatic enzymes and jaundice. Which intervention should the nurse implement The nurse observes that a client with COPD is exhibiting fingernail clubbing. What action should the nurse take The nurse is assessing a 4-year-old girl with eczema. Her skin is dry and scaly, and the mother reports that she frequently scratches her skin to the point of causing bleeding. Which guideline is indicated for care of this child A female client who had a total thyroidectomy several weeks ago is admitted with myxedema coma. Which finding indicates that the client has been noncompliant with her postoperative treatment plan The nurse is assessing a 9-year-old boy who is experiencing an acute asthma attack. When auscultating this child’s breath sounds, which finding is the nurse most likely to obtain Thirty-six hours after a cesarean delivery, a client complains of nausea and bloating. Assessment reveals a distended abdomen and no bowel movement since delivery. What intervention should the nurse implement first The nurse who is performing blood sugar and cholesterol screenings at a community health fair determines that a female client’s blood sugar is 59 mg/dl at 10:00 a.m. Which nursing intervention is most important for the nurse to implement The nurse is responding to telephone messages at a psychiatric day clinic. Which client situation requires immediate intervention by the nurse A mother reports to the nurse that the thick-honey-colored crusts on her child’s legs began as flat red spots. This is highly indicative of what condition A young woman is preparing to leave for a 7-day boat trip. She requests a prescription for motion sickness so the healthcare provider prescribes meclizine (Antivert). Which instruction should the nurse include in this client’s teaching A female client who has been taking diclofenac (Zipsor) for the past month is admitted with right upper quadrant tenderness, jaundice, and flu-like symptoms. She is also complaining of fatigue, diarrhea, and pruritis. Which intervention is most important to include in this client’s plan of care? What intervention should the nurse implement to prevent edema and promote healing of a client’s incision resulting from an above-the-knee amputation A relative comes into the Emergency Department asking for information about a female adult client who was admitted in stable condition following a motor vehicle collision. What action should the triage nurse take The nurse observes and unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) applying an alcohol-based hand rub while leaving a client’s room after taking vital signs. What action should the nurse take The nurse administers the opioid antagonist naloxone HCI (Narcan) to a young adult client who overdosed on hydromorphone (Dilaudid). Which assessment data indicates that the naloxone is effective The nurse is auscultating a client’s heart sounds. Which description should the nurse use to document this sound (listen to the audio file to select the option that applies) The nurse is caring for six clients on a medical-surgical unit. Which interventions should the nurse delegate to the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) An emergency department nurse is giving discharge instructions to the wife of a young adult male client who sustained a concussion after a fall. The nurse should provide the wife with what instruction as part of the discharge teaching plan Tell the wife to bring her husband back to the emergency department if he has projectile vomiting or an In monitoring a client receiving propylthiouracil (PTU) for hyperthyroidism, an increase in which finding indicates that the medication is producing the desired effect The nurse is investigating a client injury that occurred when a mechanical lift malfunctioned while moving a client from the bed to an orthopedic-chair. Which question should the nurse ask first Which menu selection by a male client indicates to the nurse that he understands the dietary management of Crohn’s disease An unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) is teamed with a nurse who is caring for four clients. Client A is admitted to the medical unit for heart failure (HF). Client B has just returned from surgery. Client C, with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), needs new oxygen tubing. Client D is waiting to be discharged. Which activity should the nurse delegate to the UAP as having the highest priority [Show More]

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 Health Care> EXAM > 2022 HESI Med Surg Version 1 exit exam Brand New Guaranteed Pass A+ Actual Screenshots Questions & Answers Included Exam Taken: 4/14/2022 I SCORED (1030) (All)

2022 HESI Med Surg Version 1 exit exam Brand New Guaranteed Pass A+ Actual Screenshots Questions & Answers Included Exam Taken: 4/14/2022 I SCORED (1030)

2022 HESI Med Surg Version 1 exit exam Brand New Guaranteed Pass A+ Actual Screenshots Questions & Answers Included Exam Taken: 4/14/2022 I SCORED (1030)2022 HESI Med Surg Version 1 exit exam Bra...

By Otieno , Uploaded: Jan 04, 2023





By BESTGRADE01 , Uploaded: Jan 26, 2024



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Aug 05, 2020





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