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ANATOMY - BSC2346 Final Exam Questions & Answers, Latest all answers 100% correct; Rasmussen College.

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ANATOMY BSC2346 Final Exam Questions & Answers. • Question 1 Which of the following is NOT necessary for muscle contraction to occur? C. Sodium ions to bind to the thin filament A. ... Nerve impulse (action potential) B. Production and presence of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) C. Sodium ions to bind to the thin filament D. Acetylcholine to bind to the sarcolemma receptors • Question 2 This sensory region of the cerebrum is involved with the ability to understand written and spoken language? : A. Wernicke’s area A. Wernicke’s area B. Broca’s area C. Primary somatosensory cortex D. Olfaction area • Question 3 Which statement is NOT true regarding the meninges and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)? : D. An epidural procedure will extract CSF from the meninges A. CSF is reabsorbed back into the venous blood return within the venous sinuses B. CSF is found within the subarachnoid space of the meninges C. The dura mater is the thickest and most superficial layer of the meninges D. An epidural procedure will extract CSF from the meninges • Question 4 Which statement is correct regarding the dorsal horn of the spinal cord? : C. It receives afferent information from the peripheral nervous system A. It provides a pathway for information from the brain to the efferent peripheral nervous system B. It contains tracts that send impulses to the brain C. It receives afferent information from the peripheral nervous system D. It is composed of white matter • Question 5 Which statement is NOT true regarding myelin sheaths? : [None Given] A. Myelin sheaths are found on neurons in the central and peripheral nervous systems B. Myelin sheaths allow for action potentials to be transmitted faster within the dendrites of neurons C. Collections of myelin sheaths within the nervous system give nerve tissue a white appearance, which is referred as white matter D. The spaces between each myelin sheath is referred to as the “Node of Ranvier” • Question 6 Which endocrine hormone, in higher quantities, can suppress the function of the immune system and decrease inflammation of the body? : B. Cortisol A. Thyroid hormone B. Cortisol C. Aldosterone D. Epinephrine • Question 7 Addison’s disease is due to increased amounts of cortisol being secreted? : False True False • Question 8 Grey matter of nerve tissue is a region or collection of nerve cell bodies whose main function is to transmit nerve impulses from one region of the nervous system to another? : False True False • Question 9 Which statement is NOT true of dendrites? : B. They are the main input regions of the neurons A. Some neurons have hundreds to thousands of dendrite branches B. They are the main input regions of the neurons C. They transmit information to other neurons and/or cells D. The are found on all neurons • Question 10 What is NOT true of aerobic and anaerobic cellular respiration? : D. Cells can only perform aerobic respiration to make adenosine triphosphate (ATP) A. Aerobic respiration utilizes oxygen and glucose to make adenosine triphosphate (ATP) B. Aerobic respiration produces more adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecules compared to anaerobic respiration C. Anaerobic respiration produces the waste product lactic acid D. Cells can only perform aerobic respiration to make adenosine triphosphate (ATP) • Question 11 Hyperthyroidism is commonly caused by insufficient amounts of the element iodine within the body? : False True False • Question 12 Red bone marrow is only found in spongy bone and is involved in hemopoiesis? : True True False • Question 13 The cerebellum is primarily involved with conscious thought and emotions? : False True False • Question 14 What is NOT a symptom of hypothyroidism? : B. Increased heart rate A. Constipation B. Increased heart rate C. Fatigue D. Dry and itchy skin • Question 15 Which statement is true regarding the white matter of the spinal cord? : B. Each tract within the white matter carries a specific type(s) of stimuli A. The ventral column is located posteriorly in humans in the anatomical position B. Each tract within the white matter carries a specific type(s) of stimuli C. Ipsilateral refers to information that crosses over from one side of the white matter to the other side D. One side only contains ascending tracts and the other side contains only descending tracts • Question 16 What sense organ allows for detection of the position of the head in the gravitational field? : C. Macula A. Cristae ampullaris B. Olfactory bulb C. Macula D. Spiral organ • Question 17 A tendon is a band of connective tissue that attaches and stabilizes one bone to another within a joint? : False True False • Question 18 What statement is NOT true of epiphyseal plates? : A. Typically close around the age of 12 years of age A. Typically close around the age of 12 years of age B. Will not show on an X-ray C. Found in the epiphysis region of long bones D. If active, allows for continued longitudinal (lengthwise) growth of bone • Question 19 Which type of neuroglia cell forms myelin sheaths on axons within the peripheral nervous system? : C. Schwann cells A. Oligodendrocytes B. Ependymal cells C. Schwann cells D. Astrocytes • Question 20 The central nervous system provides neural integration of efferent information transmitted from the autonomic nervous system? : False True False • Question 21 What statement is true regarding reflexes? : A. The Babinski’s test is testing a specific reflex of the upper motor neurons A. The Babinski’s test is testing a specific reflex of the upper motor neurons B. The flexor/withdrawal reflex is commonly initiated with a reflex hammer in a neurological examination C. The sensory neuron of a reflex arc will transmit efferent impulses to the spinal cord D. Neural integration (processing) of all reflexes occurs in the brain • Question 22 Which statement is NOT true regarding skeletal muscle tissue? : B. The muscle cells need little to no adenosine triphosphate (ATP) A. The neuromuscular junction is where the neurotransmitters are released and bind to the muscle cell B. The muscle cells need little to no adenosine triphosphate (ATP) C. The thick and thin filament actually bind together to allow for muscle contraction to occur D. Muscle cells have the ability to contract and decrease in size • Question 23 Both aldosterone and antidiuretic hormones have indirect effects of increasing blood volume and blood pressure? : True True False • Question 24 This endocrine hormone is stored in the posterior pituitary and increases the amount of water reabsorbed in the kidneys increasing blood pressure and blood volume? : C. Antidiuretic hormone A. Oxytocin B. Cortisol C. Antidiuretic hormone D. Aldosterone • Question 25 What is not a symptom of diabetes mellitus? : B. Polydrosis A. Polyphagia B. Polydrosis C. Polyuria D. Polydipsia • Question 26 The melanocytes are the most common cell in the epidermis and produce melanin? : False True False • Question 27 What is not a function of cerebrospinal fluid? : C. Help transmit electrical impulses within the central nervous system A. Assist in the protection of the central nervous system B. Provide chemical stability to the central nervous system C. Help transmit electrical impulses within the central nervous system D. Provide buoyancy to the brain and spinal cord • Question 28 What statement is NOT true regarding the peripheral nervous system (PNS)? : C. The somatic division of the PNS refers to the innervation of the internal organs of the body A. The efferent division of the PNS is transmits information from the central nervous system out to the body B. The autonomic nervous system is a branch of the visceral efferent division of the PNS C. The somatic division of the PNS refers to the innervation of the internal organs of the body D. The dorsal root of the spinal nerve transmits afferent information to the spinal cord • Question 29 The parasympathetic nervous system is a branch of the somatic efferent peripheral nervous system while the sympathetic is a branch of the viscera efferent peripheral nervous system? : False True False • Question 30 A dermatome is associated with a specific cranial nerve that innervates the body’s skin? : False True False • Question 31 Which endocrine hormone influences the uterine contractions during pregnancy and stimulates breast milk ejection during breast-feeding? : A. Oxytocin A. Oxytocin B. Prolactin C. Luteinizing hormone D. Aldosterone • Question 32 Which statement is true regarding action potentials? : D. An action potential once started, cannot be stopped or negated A. The repolarization phase must occur prior to depolarization during an action potential B. The generation or creation of an action potential does not depend on the strength of the stimulus a neuron receives C. Action potentials travel slower in myelinated axons D. An action potential once started, cannot be stopped or negated • Question 33 Damage to a lower motor neuron can cause a positive Babinski’s sign? : False True False • Question 34 Which cranial nerve is not involved in motor control of eye movement? : C. CN II- Optic nerve A. CN IV- Trochlear nerve B. CN III- Oculomotor nerve C. CN II- Optic nerve D. CN VI- Abducens nerve • Question 35 Which statement is true regarding the neuron synapse? : A. Neurotransmitters can be degraded by enzymes within the synaptic cleft to terminate its effect A. Neurotransmitters can be degraded by enzymes within the synaptic cleft to terminate its effect B. A neural synapse consists of dendrites on a preganglionic neuron and the axon terminal of a postganglionic neuron C. The preganglionic and post ganglionic neurons physically touch D. Binding of a neurotransmitter on a postganglionic neuron always generates an action potential • Question 36 This type of bone cell will breakdown the matrix of the bone tissue and release calcium into the bloodstream? : B. Osteoclast A. Osteogenic B. Osteoclast C. Osteocyte D. Osteoblast • Question 37 The sense of taste depends upon the binding of food molecules dissolved in saliva onto sensory hair cells? : True True False • Question 38 The spinal cord travels from the foramen magnum of the occipital bone down to the sacrum region? : False True False • Question 39 Peripheral neuropathy can cause damage to axons of peripheral nerves leading to dysfunction of the conduction of an action potential? : True True False • Question 40 The nerve plexuses of the body allow for individual nerves to have axons from multiple nerve root levels? : True True False • Question 41 The spiral organ contains hair cells that form action potentials when stimulated to allow for the sense of smell to occur? : False True False • Question 42 What statement is NOT true regarding the special senses? : A. The blind spot of the eye contains a high concentration of rod cones A. The blind spot of the eye contains a high concentration of rod cones B. Damage to the olfactory bulb could will cause a decreased ability to taste food C. The macula is the sense organ for the utricle and saccule D. The cristae ampullaris contains the sensory hair cells that when stimulated, detect rotational movement of the head • Question 43 What statement is true regarding the eye? : D. The fovea centralis region has a high concentration of cone cells A. The blind spot of the eye has a high concentration of rod cells B. The cornea provides the eye with the ability adjust the amount of light coming into the eye C. The choroid of the eye is where the photoreceptor cells are found D. The fovea centralis region has a high concentration of cone cells • Question 44 The autonomic nervous system will innervate both internal organs and skeletal muscles? : False True False • Question 45 One of the main functions of the gyri and sulci is to allow for increased surface area of the cerebral cortex? : True True False • Question 46 Which eye condition best describes the vision impairment that occurs when individuals age and the lens becomes less flexibility which causes the refracted light to fall behind the retina? : B. Presbyopia A. Myopia B. Presbyopia C. Hyperopia D. Glaucoma • Question 47 Both the epidermis and dermis contain blood vessels? : False True False • Question 48 What statement is NOT true regarding the endocrine system? : C. The adrenal medulla secretes hormones such as cortisol that assist in reducing inflammation of the body A. The hormone melatonin assists in the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle B. Glucagon will stimulate an increase in the blood sugar levels C. The adrenal medulla secretes hormones such as cortisol that assist in reducing inflammation of the body D. Hormonal effects can occur immediately or over a few days to weeks • Question 49 Blockage of the auditory (Eustachian) tube can result in conductive hearing loss? : True True False • Question 50 Which statement is NOT true regarding the special senses? : B. The cornea, pupil, and lens are the structures of the eye that refract incoming light A. Rod and cone cells are the only two types of photoreceptor cells B. The cornea, pupil, and lens are the structures of the eye that refract incoming light C. Sensory hair cells of the olfactory bulb bind molecules within the nose that ultimately allow for the sense of smell D. The vestibular apparatus within the inner ear allows for the sense of equilibrium • Question 51 What statement is NOT true of otitis media? : C. Antibiotics should always be prescribed for this condition A. It can result from a throat or nasal infection B. The tympanic membrane can be possibly be damaged C. Antibiotics should always be prescribed for this condition D. It is inflammation of the middle ear • Question 52 Which statement is NOT true regarding the CNS? : C. Damage to the primary somatosensory center of the brain will result in an inability to move skeletal muscles A. The spinal cord terminates around L1-L2 region B. The left hemisphere of the cerebrum primarily controls the right side of the body C. Damage to the primary somatosensory center of the brain will result in an inability to move skeletal muscles D. The cerebral cortex is only found in the cerebrum • Question 53 What is NOT true of the ciliary body and ciliary processes of the eye? : C. It is involved in controlling the amount of light that is allowed into the eye A. It produces an aqueous humor that fills the anterior and posterior chamber of the eye B. The suspensory ligaments are attached to the ciliary processes C. It is involved in controlling the amount of light that is allowed into the eye D. It contains muscles that help assist in control the thickness and size of the lens • Question 54 Which statement is NOT true regarding a spinal (peripheral) nerve? : D. They will innervate all regions of the body including the head A. Consist of groups of axons that are bundled in fascicles B. They can contain both afferent and efferent axons C. There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves D. They will innervate all regions of the body including the head • Question 55 Which statement is NOT true regarding neurons? : B. All neurons have myelin sheaths A. Dendrites receive information (nerve impulses) coming from the preganglionic neurons B. All neurons have myelin sheaths C. Neurons are found in both the central and peripheral nervous systems D. The cell body of the neuron contains the nucleus • Question 56 This organelle is responsible for producing adenosine triphosphate (ATP)? : C. Mitochondria A. Lysosome B. Nucleus C. Mitochondria D. Ribosome • Question 57 Which endocrine hormone is involved with increasing the blood calcium levels of the body? : D. Parathyroid hormone A. Calcitonin B. Thyroid hormone C. Melatonin D. Parathyroid hormone • Question 58 Which region of the brain stem is associated with nuclei centers that control various autonomic activities such as sneezing, coughing and respiration rate? : A. Medulla oblongata A. Medulla oblongata B. Midbrain C. Diencephalon D. Pons • Question 59 A neurotransmitter bound to a postsynaptic neuron membrane will affect its permeability of certain ions that will either cause an increase OR decrease ability to initiate an action potential? : True True False • Question 60 Which of the following is not an effect of the parasympathetic nervous system? : A. Increased respiration rate A. Increased respiration rate B. Increased blood flow to the digestive system C. Constriction of the pupils D. Decreased heart rate [Show More]

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