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Health The Basics, 13th Edition By Rebecca Donatelle (eBook PDF)

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Health The Basics BRIEF CONTENTS CONTENTS FEATURE BOXES PREFACE NEW TO THIS EDITION TEXT FEATURES AND LEARNING AIDS SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS CONTRIBUTORS TO THE 13TH EDITION REVIEWERS FOR THE ... 13TH EDITION REVIEWERS FOR MASTERING HEALTH PART ONE Finding the Right Balance 1 Accessing Your Health LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | WHY HEALTH, WHY NOW? Choose Health Now for Immediate Benefits Choose Health Now for Long-Term Rewards Personal Choices Influence Life Expectancy  Personal Choices Influence Healthy Life Expectancy  Your Health Is Linked to Societal Health LO 2 | WHAT IS HEALTH? Models of Health Medical Model  Public Health Model  Wellness and the Dimensions of Health LO 3 | WHAT INFLUENCES YOUR HEALTH? Individual Behavior Biology and Genetics Social Factors Economic Factors  The Built Environment  Pollutants and Infectious Agents  Access to High-Quality Health Services Policymaking LO 4 | HOW DOES MINDFULNESS INFLUENCE HEALTH? Definitions of Mindfulness Health Benefits of Mindfulness How to Practice Mindfulness Cultivate Compassion  Start Each Day with Intention  Examine the Way You Deal with Life’s Challenges  LO 5 | HOW DOES BEHAVIOR CHANGE OCCUR? Health Belief Model Social Cognitive Model Transtheoretical Model LO 6 | HOW CAN YOU IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH BEHAVIORS? Step One: Increase Your Awareness Step Two: Contemplate Change Examine Your Current Health Habits and Patterns  Identify a Target Behavior  Learn More about the Target Behavior  Assess Your Motivation and Your Readiness to Change  Develop Self-Efficacy  Cultivate an Internal Locus of Control  Step Three: Prepare for Change Set SMART Goals  Use Shaping  Anticipate Barriers to Change  Enlist Others as Change Agents  Sign a Contract  Step Four: Take Action to Change Visualize New Behavior  Learn to Counter  Control the Situation  Change Your Self-Talk  Reward Yourself  Journal  Deal with Relapse  Let’s Get Started! YOUR PLAN FOR CHANGE TODAY, YOU CAN: WITHIN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS, YOU CAN: BY THE END OF THE SEMESTER, YOU CAN: STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | Why Health, Why Now? LO 2 | What Is Health? LO 3 | What Influences Your Health? LO 4 | How Does Mindfulness Influence Health? LO 5 | How Does Behavior Change Occur? LO 6 | How Can You Improve Your Health Behaviors? POP QUIZ LO 1 | Why Health, Why Now? LO 2 | What Is Health? LO 3 | What Influences Your Health? LO 4 | How Does Mindfulness Influence Health? LO 5 | How Does Behavior Change Occur? LO 6 | How Can You Improve Your Health Behaviors? THINK ABOUT IT! LO 1 | Why Health, Why Now? LO 2 | What Is Health? LO 3 | What Influences Your Health? LO 4 | How Does Mindfulness Influence Health? LO 5 | How Does Behavior Change Occur? LO 6 | How Can You Improve Your Health Behaviors? ACCESS YOUR HEALTH ON THE INTERNET FOCUS ON Difference, Disparity, and Health: Achieving Health Equity LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | WHY HAS HEALTH EQUITY BECOME A CRITICAL ISSUE IN AMERICA? Health Equity Is Attainment of the Highest Level of Health for All America: A Country of Increasing Diversity Our Response to Difference Can Lead to Disparities in Health Certain Population Groups Are More Vulnerable to Health Disparities Health Disparities Incur Enormous Costs LO 2 | HOW DO THE SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH INFLUENCE HEALTH DISPARITIES IN AMERICA? Economic Stability and Educational Attainment Social Interactions and Community Context Neighborhood and Built Environment LO 3 | HOW CAN YOUR ACTIONS CONTRIBUTE TO HEALTH EQUITY? Use Mindfulness to Examine Your Assumptions and Biases Affirm the Benefits of Diversity Learn to Communicate across Differences Advocate for Yourself and Others LO 4 | HOW CAN SYSTEMIC CHANGE LEAD TO HEALTH FOR ALL? Increase Access to Health Care Reduce the Social Determinants That Contribute to Health Disparities Examples of Initiatives to Increase Health for All National Initiatives City, County, and State Initiatives Initiatives on Campus STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | Why Has Health Equity Become a Critical Issue in America? LO 2 | How Do the Social Determinants of Health Influence Health Disparities in America? LO 3 | How Can Your Actions Contribute to Health Equity? LO 4 | What Systemic Changes Support Health for All? POP QUIZ LO 1 | Why Has Health Equity Become a Critical Issue in America? LO 2 | How Do the Social Determinants of Health Influence Health Disparities in America? LO 3 | How Can Your Actions Contribute to Health Equity? LO 4 | What Systemic Changes Support Health for All? 2 Promoting and Preserving Your Psychological Health LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH? Mental Health Emotional Health Social Health Loneliness  Spiritual Health LO 2 | KEYS TO ENHANCING PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH Self-Efficacy and Self-Esteem Learned Helplessness versus Learned Optimism  Defense Mechanisms  Emotional Intelligence Personality Lifespan and Maturity Happiness and the Mind–Body Connection LO 3 | WHEN PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH DETERIORATES Mental Health Threats to College Students Mood Disorders Major Depression  Depression in College Students  Persistent Depressive Disorder  Bipolar Disorder  Seasonal Affective Disorder  What Causes Mood Disorders?  Anxiety Disorders Generalized Anxiety Disorder  Panic Disorder  Phobic Disorders  What Causes Anxiety Disorders?  Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Personality Disorders Schizophrenia LO 4 | SUICIDE: GIVING UP ON LIFE Risk Factors for Suicide Warning Signs of Suicide Preventing Suicide LO 5 | SEEKING PROFESSIONAL HELP Mental Illness Stigma Getting Evaluated for Treatment Mental Health Professionals What to Expect in Therapy Treatment Models  Pharmacological Treatment STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | What Is Psychological Health? LO 2 | Keys to Enhancing Psychological Health LO 3 | When Psychological Health Deteriorates LO 4 | Suicide: Giving Up on Life LO 5 | Seeking Professional Help POP QUIZ LO 1 | What Is Psychological Health? LO 2 | Keys to Enhancing Psychological Health LO 3 | When Psychological Health Deteriorates LO 4 | Suicide: Giving Up on Life LO 5 | Seeking Professional Help THINK ABOUT IT! LO 1 | What Is Psychological Health? LO 2 | Keys to Enhancing Psychological Health LO 3 | When Psychological Health Deteriorates LO 4 | Suicide: Giving Up on Life LO 5 | Seeking Professional Help ACCESS YOUR HEALTH ON THE INTERNET FOCUS ON Cultivating Your Spiritual Health LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | WHAT IS SPIRITUALITY? Spirituality and Religion Relationships, Values, and Purpose Relationships Values Purpose in Life Spiritual Intelligence LO 2 | THE BENEFITS OF SPIRITUAL HEALTH Physical Benefits Psychological Benefits LO 3 | CULTIVATING YOUR SPIRITUAL HEALTH Tune in to Yourself and Your Surroundings Contemplation Mindfulness Meditation Prayer Train Your Body Reach Out to Other People STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | What Is Spirituality? LO 2 | The Benefits of Spiritual Health LO 3 | Cultivating Your Spiritual Health POP QUIZ LO 1 | What Is Spirituality? LO 2 | The Benefits of Spiritual Health LO 3 | Cultivating Your Spiritual Health/ 3 Managing Stress and Coping with Life’s Challenges LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | WHAT IS STRESS? LO 2 | YOUR BODY’S STRESS RESPONSE Physiology/Systems Theory: The General Adaptation Syndrome Alarm Phase: The Body in “Protect Mode”  Resistance Phase: Mobilizing the Body’s Re­sources  Exhaustion Phase: Body Resources De­pleted  Psychological Theory: The Transactional Model of Stress and Coping Minority Stress Perspective Yerkes-Dodson Law of Arousal Do Men and Women Respond Differently to Stress? LO 3 | PHYSICAL EFFECTS OF STRESS Stress and Cardiovascular Disease Stress and Weight Gain Stress and Hair Loss: A Little Known Fact Stress and Diabetes Stress and Digestive Problems Stress and Impaired Immunity LO 4 | WHEN OVERWHELM STRIKES: THREATS TO MENTAL HEALTH Stress, Memory, and Concentration Psychological Effects of Stress LO 5 | WHAT CAUSES STRESS? College Students: Adjusting to Change Hassles: Little Things That Bug You Stress: The Toll of Relationships Money and Stress Stress, Frustration, and Conflict Overload Stressful Environments Bias and Discrimination LO 6 | INDIVIDUAL FACTORS THAT AFFECT YOUR STRESS RESPONSE Appraisal Self-Esteem Self-Efficacy Type A and Type B Personalities Thriving Type A: Hardiness, ­Psychological Resilience, and Grit  Type A and a Toxic Core  Broken Heart Syndrome  Type C and Type D Personalities Shift and Persist LO 7 | MANAGING STRESS IN COLLEGE: DEALING WITH OVERWHELM A Mindful Approach to Stress Assess Your Stressors to Solve Problems Mindfully  Change Your Inner Voice: Be Compassionate  Developing a Support Network Cultivating Your Spiritual Side Managing Emotional Responses Fight the Anger Urge  Learn to Laugh, Be Joyful, and Cry  Taking Physical Action Get Enough Exercise  Get Enough Sleep  Eat Healthfully  Managing Your Time Consider Downshifting Relaxation Techniques for Stress Management Yoga  Qigong and Tai Chi  Diaphragmatic or Deep Breathing  Meditation  Progressive Muscle Relaxation  Massage Therapy  Biofeedback  YOUR PLAN FOR CHANGE TODAY, YOU CAN: WITHIN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS, YOU CAN: BY THE END OF THE ­SEMESTER, YOU CAN: STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | What Is Stress? LO 2 | Body Responses to Stress LO 3 | Physical Effects of Stress LO 4 | When Overwhelm Strikes: Threats to Mental Health LO 5 | What Causes Stress? LO 6 | Individual Factors that Affect Your Stress Response LO 7 | Managing Stress in College: Dealing with Overwhelm POP QUIZ LO 1 | What Is Stress? LO 2 | Body Responses to Stress LO 3 | Physical Effects of Stress LO 4 | When Overwhelm Strikes: Threats to Mental Health LO 5 | What Causes Stress? LO 6 | Individual Factors That Affect Your Stress Response LO 7 | Managing Stress in College: Dealing with Overwhelm THINK ABOUT IT! LO 1 | What Is Stress? LO 2 | Body Responses to Stress LO 3 | Physical Effects of Stress LO 4 | When Overwhelm Strikes: Threats to Mental Health LO 5 | What Causes Stress? LO 6 | Individual Factors That Affect Your Stress Response LO 7 | Managing Stress in College: Dealing with Overwhelm ACCESS YOUR HEALTH ON THE INTERNET 4 Improving Your Sleep LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | SLEEPLESS IN AMERICA Sleepless on Campus: Tired and Dragged-Out Students? Why Are We So Sleep Deprived? LO 2 | THE IMPORTANCE OF SLEEP Sleep and Health LO 3 | THE PROCESSES OF SLEEP Stages and Cycles of Sleep Non-REM Sleep Is Restorative  REM Sleep Energizes  Your Sleep Needs Sleep Debt  Is Napping a Good Idea?  The Rare “Short Sleeper”  LO 4 | SLEEP DISORDERS Insomnia Symptoms and Causes of Insomnia  Treatment for Insomnia  Sleep Apnea Symptoms and Causes of Sleep Apnea  Treatment for Sleep Apnea  Restless Legs Syndrome Symptoms and Causes of Restless Legs Syndrome  Treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome  Narcolepsy Symptoms and Causes of Narcolepsy  Treatment for ­Narcolepsy ­ Other Parasomnias LO 5 | GETTING A GOOD Night’s SLEEP Create a Sleep-Promoting Environment Adjust Your Daytime Habits Get Adequate Daytime Light ­Exposure  Exercise in the Morning or Afternoon  Watch Your Diet, Particularly in the Hours before Bed  Avoid Common Sleep Disruptors YOUR PLAN FOR CHANGE Today, YOU CAN: WITHIN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS, YOU CAN: BY THE END OF THE SEMESTER, YOU CAN: STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | Sleepless in America LO 2 | The Importance of Sleep LO 3 | The Processes of Sleep LO 4 | Sleep Disorders LO 5 | Getting a Good Night’s Sleep POP QUIZ LO 1 | Sleepless in America LO 2 | The Importance of Sleep LO 3 | The Processes of Sleep LO 4 | Sleep Disorders LO 5 | Getting a Good Night’s Sleep THINK ABOUT IT! LO 1 | Sleepless in America LO 2 | The Importance of Sleep LO 3 | The Processes of Sleep LO 4 | Sleep Disorders LO 5 | Getting a Good Night’s Sleep ACCESS YOUR HEALTH ON THE INTERNET 5 Preventing Violence and Injury LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | WHAT IS VIOLENCE? Violence Overview Violence on U.S. Campuses LO 2 | FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO VIOLENCE What Makes Some Individuals Prone to Violence? Aggression and Anger  Substance Abuse  How Much Impact Do the Media Have? LO 3 | INTERPERSONAL AND COLLECTIVE VIOLENCE Homicide Hate Crimes and Bias-Motivated Crimes Gang Violence Cybercrime Terrorism Intimate Partner and Domestic Violence The Cycle of IPV  Child Abuse and Neglect Elder Abuse LO 4 | SEXUAL VICTIMIZATION Sexual Assault and Rape Acquaintance Rape  Reducing Rape on Campus  Marital Rape  Social Contributors to Sexual Violence  Sexual Harassment Traditional and Tech-Facilitated Stalking Child Sexual Abuse LO 5 | PREVENTING VIOLENCE Self-Defense against Personal Assault and Rape What to Do If Rape Occurs  Campus-Wide Responses to Violence Community Strategies for Preventing Violence LO 6 | UNINTENTIONAL INJURIES Motor Vehicle Safety Impaired Driving: Alcohol  Impaired Driving: ­Dro­wsiness  Impaired Driving: Distractions  Vehicle Safety Issues  Improve Your Driving Skills  Cycling Safety Stay Safe in the Water Drowning Risk Factors  Boating  Safety at Home Prevent Poisoning  Avoid Falls  Reduce Your Risk of Fire  STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | What Is Violence? LO 2 | Factors Contributing to Violence LO 3 | Interpersonal and Collective Violence LO 4 | Sexual Victimization LO 5 | Preventing Violence LO 6 | Unintentional Injuries POP QUIZ LO 1 | What Is Violence? LO 2 | Factors Contributing to Violence LO 3 | Interpersonal and Collective Violence LO 4 | Sexual Victimization LO 5 | Preventing Violence LO 6 | Unintentional Injuries THINK ABOUT IT! LO 1 | What Is Violence? LO 2 | Factors Contributing to Violence LO 3 | Interpersonal and Collective Violence LO 4 | Sexual Victimization LO 5 | Preventing Violence LO 6 | Unintentional Injuries ACCESS YOUR HEALTH ON THE INTERNET PART TWO Creating Healthy and Caring Relationships 6 Connecting and Communicating in the Modern World LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | THE VALUE OF RELATIONSHIPS LO 2 | INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS: WHEN CONNECTING GETS PERSONAL Caring for Yourself Family Relationships Friendships Romantic Relationships Theories of Love  Choosing a Romantic Partner  LO 3 | BUILDING COMMUNICATION SKILLS Learning Appropriate Self-Disclosure Becoming a Better Listener The Three Basic Listening Modes  Using Nonverbal Communication Connecting Digitally Managing Conflict through Communication LO 4 | RELATIONSHIPS: FOR BETTER AND WORSE Characteristics of Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships Confronting Couples Issues Jealousy  Sharing Power and Responsibilities  Unmet Expectations  When and Why Relationships End Coping with Failed Relationships LO 5 | PARTNERING AND SINGLEHOOD Marriage Cohabitation Gay and Lesbian Marriage and Partnerships Staying Single STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | The Value of Relationships LO 2 | Intimate Relationships: When Connecting Gets Personal LO 3 | Building Communication Skills LO 4 | Relationships: For Better and Worse LO 5 | Partnering and Singlehood POP QUIZ LO 1 | The Value of Relationships LO 2 | Intimate Relationships: When Connecting Gets Personal LO 3 | Building Communication Skills LO 4 | Relationships: For Better and Worse LO 5 | Partnering and Singlehood THINK ABOUT IT! LO 1 | The Value of Relationships LO 2 | Intimate Relationships: When Connecting Gets Personal LO 3 | Building Communication Skills LO 4 | Relationships: for Better and Worse LO 5 | Partnering and Singlehood ACCESS YOUR HEALTH ON THE INTERNET FOCUS ON 6A Understanding Your Sexuality LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | YOUR SEXUAL IDENTITY Sexual Orientation LO 2 | SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Female Sexual and Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology The Onset of Puberty and the Menstrual Cycle  Menstrual Problems  Menopause  Male Sexual and Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology LO 3 | HUMAN SEXUAL RESPONSE Sexual Dysfunction LO 4 | SEXUAL EXPRESSION AND BEHAVIOR Options for Sexual Expression Celibacy and Abstinence  Autoerotic Behaviors Kissing and Erotic Touching  Manual Stimulation  Oral-Genital Stimulation  Vaginal Intercourse  Anal Intercourse  Variant Sexual Behavior Drugs and Sex Recreational Use of Erectile Dysfunction Medications  Date Rape Drugs Responsible and Satisfying Sexual Behavior STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | Your Sexual Identity LO 2 | Sexual and Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology LO 3 | Human Sexual Response LO 4 | Sexual Expression and Behavior POP QUIZ LO 1 | Your Sexual Identity LO 2 | Sexual and Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology LO 3 | Human Sexual Response LO 4 | Sexual Expression and Behavior 7 Considering Your Reproductive Choices LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | BASIC PRINCIPLES OF CONTRACEPTION LO 2 | CONTRACEPTIVE METHODS Barrier Methods Male Condom  Female Condom  Jellies, Creams, Foams, Suppositories, and Film  Diaphragm with Spermicidal Jelly or Cream  Cervical Cap with Spermicidal Jelly or Cream  Contraceptive Sponge  Hormonal Methods Oral Contraceptives  Contraceptive Skin Patch  Vaginal Contraceptive Ring  Contraceptive Injections  Contraceptive Implants  Intrauterine Contraceptives Behavioral Methods Withdrawal  Abstinence and “Outercourse”  Fertility Awareness Methods  Emergency Contraception Permanent Methods of Birth Control Female Sterilization  Male Sterilization  LO 3 | CHOOSING A METHOD OF CONTRACEPTION LO 4 | ABORTION The Abortion Debate Emotional Aspects of Abortion Methods of Abortion Surgical Abortions  Medical Abortions  LO 5 | PREGNANCY Planning for Pregnancy and Parenthood Emotional Health  Financial Evaluation  Maternal Age  Physical Health: Maternal Health  Physical Health: Paternal Health  The Process of Pregnancy Pregnancy Testing  Early Signs of Pregna­ncy  The First Trimester  The Second Trimester  The Third Trimester  Prenatal Care Nutrition and Exercise  Avoiding Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Teratogens  Prenatal Testing and Screening  LO 6 | CHILDBIRTH Labor and Delivery Managing Labor  Cesarean Section (C-Section)  Complications of Pregnancy and Childbirth Preeclampsia and Eclampsia  Miscarriage  Ectopic Pregnancy  Stillbirth  The Postpartum Period Breastfeeding  Infant Mortality  LO 7 | INFERTILITY Causes in Women Causes in Men Infertility Treatments Fertility Drugs  Alternative Insemination and Assisted Re­­productive Technology  Surrogate Motherhood Adoption STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | Basic Principles of Contraception LO 2 | Contraceptive Methods LO 3 | Choosing a Method of Contraception LO 4 | Abortion LO 5 | Pregnancy LO 6 | Childbirth LO 7 | Infertility POP QUIZ LO 1 | Basic Principles of Contraception LO 2 | Contraception Methods LO 3 | Choosing a Method of Contraception LO 4 | Abortion LO 5 | Pregnancy LO 6 | Childbirth LO 7 | Infertility THINK ABOUT IT! LO 1 | Basic Principles of Contraception LO 2 | Contraceptive Methods LO 3 | Choosing a Method of Contraception LO 4 | Abortion LO 5 | Pregnancy LO 6 | Childbirth LO 7 | Infertility ACCESS YOUR HEALTH ON THE INTERNET PART THREE Avoiding Risks from Harmful Habits 8 Recognizing and Avoiding Addiction and Drug Abuse LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | WHAT IS ADDICTION? Common Characteristics of Addiction Addiction Affects Family and Friends LO 2 | ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS Gambling Disorder Compulsive Buying Disorder Exercise Addiction Technology Addictions Work Addiction Compulsive Sexual Behavior LO 3 | WHAT IS A DRUG? How Drugs Affect the Brain Routes of Drug Administration Drug Interactions LO 4 | DRUG MISUSE AND ABUSE Abuse of Over-the-Counter Drugs Nonmedical Use or Abuse of Prescription Drugs College Students and Prescription Drug Abuse  Use and Abuse of Illicit Drugs Illicit Drug Use on Campus  Why Do Some College Students Use Drugs? LO 5 | COMMON DRUGS OF ABUSE Stimulants Cocaine  Amphetamines  Bath Salts  Caffeine  Marijuana and Other Cannabinoids Methods of Use and Short-Term Physical Effects  Marijuana and Driving  Effects of Chronic Marijuana Use  Legalization of Marijuana and Medicinal Uses  Synthetic Marijuana  Depressants Benzodiazepines and Barbiturates  GHB  Opioids (Narcotics) Physical Effects of Opioids  Hallucinogens LSD  Ecstasy  PCP  Mescaline  Psilocybin  Ketamine  Salvia  Inhalants Anabolic Steroids Physical Effects of Steroids  Steroid Use and Society  LO 6 | TREATING AND REDUCING DRUG ABUSE Treatment Approaches 12-Step Programs  Recovery Coaching  Social, Recreational, and Social Media Support Systems  Vaccines against Addictive Drugs  Other Pharmacological Treat­ments  Drug Treatment and Recovery for College Students Addressing Drug Misuse and Abuse in the United States STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | What Is Addiction? LO 2 | Addictive Behaviors LO 3 | What Is a Drug? LO 4 | Drug Misuse and Abuse LO 5 | Common Drugs of Abuse LO 6 | Treating and Reducing Drug Abuse POP QUIZ LO 1 | What Is Addiction? LO 2 | Addictive Behaviors LO 3 | What Is a Drug? LO 4 | Drug Misuse and Abuse LO 5 | Common Drugs of Abuse LO 6 | Treating and Reducing Drug Abuse THINK ABOUT IT! LO 1 | What Is Addiction? LO 2 | Addictive Behaviors LO 3 | What Is a Drug? LO 4 | Drug Misuse and Abuse LO 5 | Common Drugs of Abuse LO 6 | Treating and Reducing Drug Abuse ACCESS YOUR HEALTH ON THE INTERNET 9 Drinking Alcohol Responsibly and Ending Tobacco Use LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | ALCOHOL: AN OVERVIEW The Chemistry and Potency of Alcohol Absorption and Metabolism Blood Alcohol Concentration LO 2 | ALCOHOL AND YOUR HEALTH Short-Term Effects of Alcohol Use Hangover  Alcohol and Injuries  Alcohol and Sexual Decision Making  Alcohol and Rape, Sexual Assault, and Dating Violence  Alcohol Poisoning  Drinking and Driving Long-Term Effects of Alcohol Effects on the Nervous System  Alcohol and Weight Gain  Cardiovascular Effects  Liver Disease  Cancer  Other Effects  Alcohol and Pregnancy LO 3 | ALCOHOL USE IN COLLEGE High-Risk Drinking and College Students Pregaming, Binge Drinking, and Calorie “Saving” A Dangerous Alternative: Alcohol Inhalation  Efforts to Reduce Student Drinking LO 4 | ALCOHOL ABUSE AND DEPENDENCE Identifying an Alcoholic Functional Alcoholics  The Causes of Alcohol Use Disorder Biological and Family Factors  Social and Cultural Factors  Alcohol Use Disorder in Women Alcohol and Prescription Drug Abuse Costs to Society Treatment and Recovery Private Treatment Facilities  Therapy  Relapse  LO 5 | TOBACCO USE IN THE UNITED STATES Tobacco and Social Issues Advertising  Financial Costs to Society  College Students and Tobacco Use Why Do College Students Smoke?  Social Smoking  Tobacco Use and Prevention Policies LO 6 | TOBACCO AND ITS EFFECTS Nicotine Tar and Carbon Monoxide Tobacco Use Disorder Tobacco Products Cigarettes  E-Cigarettes  Cigars  Bidis  Pipes and Hookahs  Smokeless Tobacco  LO 7 | HEALTH HAZARDS OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS Cancer Cardiovascular Disease Respiratory Disorders Sexual Dysfunction and Fertility Problems Other Health Effects Environmental Tobacco Smoke Risks from Environmental Tobacco Smoke  LO 8 | QUITTING SMOKING Benefits of Quitting How Can You Quit? Breaking the Nicotine Addiction Nicotine ­Replacement Products  Smoking-Cessation Medications  STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | Alcohol: An Overview LO 2 | Alcohol and Your Health LO 3 | Alcohol Use in College LO 4 | Alcohol Abuse and Dependence LO 5 | Tobacco Use in the United States LO 6 | Tobacco and Its Effects LO 7 | Health Hazards of Tobacco Products LO 8 | Quitting Smoking POP QUIZ LO 1 | Alcohol: An Overview LO 2 | Alcohol and Your Health LO 3 | Alcohol Use in College LO 4 | Alcohol Abuse and Dependence LO 5 | Tobacco Use in the United States LO 6 | Tobacco and Its Effects LO 7 | Health Hazards of Tobacco Products LO 8 | Quitting Smoking THINK ABOUT IT! LO 1 | Alcohol: An Overview LO 2 | Alcohol and Your Health LO 3 | Alcohol Use in College LO 4 | Alcohol Abuse and Dependence LO 5 | Tobacco Use in the United States LO 6 | Tobacco and Its Effects LO 7 | Health Hazards of Tobacco Products LO 8 | Quitting Smoking ACCESS YOUR HEALTH ON THE INTERNET PART FOUR Building Healthy Lifestyles 10 Nutrition: Eating for a Healthier You LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS FOR HEALTH Recommended Intakes for Nutrients Calories Water: A Crucial Nutrient Proteins Carbohydrates Simple Carbohydrates  Complex Carbohydrates: Starches and Gly­cogen  Complex Carbohydrates: Dietary Fiber  Fats Types of Dietary Fats  Avoiding Trans Fatty Acids  Fat Intake Recommendations  Vitamins Vitamin D  Folate  Minerals Sodium  Calcium  Iron  Beneficial Non-Nutrient Components of Foods LO 2 | NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES Dietary Guidelines for Americans MyPlate Food Guidance System LO 3 | HOW CAN I EAT MORE MINDFULLY AND HEALTHFULLY? Read Food Labels Front of Package Labeling  Understand Serving Sizes Vegetarianism: A Healthy Diet? Supplements: Research on the Daily Dose Eating Well in College LO 4 | FOOD SAFETY: A GROWING CONCERN Choosing Organic or Locally Grown Foods Foodborne Illnesses Avoiding Risks in the Home Food Sensitivities, Allergies, and Intolerances Genetically Modified Food Crops STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | Essential Nutrients for Health LO 2 | Nutritional Guidelines LO 3 | How Can I Eat More Healthfully? LO 4 | Food Safety: A Growing Concern POP QUIZ LO 1 | Essential Nutrients for Health LO 2 | Nutritional Guidelines LO 3 | How Can I Eat More Healthfully? LO 4 | Food Safety: A Growing Concern THINK ABOUT IT! LO 1 | Essential Nutrients for Health LO 2 | Nutritional Guidelines LO 3 | How Can I Eat More Healthfully? LO 4 | Food Safety: A Growing Concern ACCESS YOUR HEALTH ON THE INTERNET 11 Reaching and Maintaining a Healthy Weight LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY: A GROWING HEALTH THREAT Overweight and Obesity in the United States An Obesogenic World Health Risks of Excess Weight LO 2 | FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY Physiological, Genetic, and Hormonal Factors FTO, Ghrelin, and Leptin: Genes and Hormones at Work?  Thrifty and Spendthrift: Impact on Weight Loss  Metabolic Rates  Fat Cells and Predisposition to Fatness  Environmental Factors Greater Access to High-Calorie Foods  Lack of Physical Activity  Psychosocial and Socioeconomic Factors Emerging Theories on Obesity Risks Pathogens and Environmental Toxins  Drugs  Sleep Deprivation  LO 3 | ASSESSING BODY WEIGHT AND BODY COMPOSITION Body Mass Index (BMI) Limitations of BMI  Youth and BMI  Waist Circumference and Ratio Measurements Measures of Body Fat LO 4 | MANAGING YOUR WEIGHT: INDIVIDUAL ROLES Understanding Calories and Energy Balance Diet and Eating Behaviors Being Mindful of Your Eating Triggers  Choosing a Diet Plan  Including Exercise Keeping Weight Control in Perspective Considering Drastic Weight-Loss Measures? Very-Low-Calorie Diets  Weight-Loss Supplements and Over-the-Counter Drugs  Prescription Weight-Loss Drugs  Surgery  Things to Consider when Considering Surgery Trying to Gain Weight STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | Overweight and Obesity: A Growing Health Threat LO 2 | Factors Contributing to Overweight and Obesity LO 3 | Assessing Body Weight and Body Composition LO 4 | Managing Your Weight: Individual Roles POP QUIZ LO 1 | Overweight and Obesity: A Growing Health Threat LO 2 | Factors Contributing to Overweight and Obesity LO 3 | Assessing Body Weight and Body Composition LO 4 | Managing Your Weight: Individual Roles THINK ABOUT IT! LO 1 | Overweight and Obesity: A Growing Health Threat LO 2 | Factors Contributing to Overweight and Obesity LO 3 | Assessing Body Weight and Body Composition LO 4 | Managing Your Weight: Individual Roles ACCESS YOUR HEALTH ON THE INTERNET FOCUS ON Enhancing Your Body Image LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | WHAT IS BODY IMAGE? Many Factors Influence Body Image The Media and Popular Culture Family, Community, and Cultural Groups Physiological and Psychological Factors Building a Positive Body Image Body Dysmorphic Disorder LO 2 | DISORDERED EATING AND EATING DISORDERS Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Binge-Eating Disorder Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder Orthorexia Nervosa Treatment for Eating Disorders Helping Someone with Disordered Eating LO 3 | CAN TOO MUCH EXERCISE BE UNHEALTHY? Compulsive Exercise Muscle Dysmorphia The Female Athlete Triad Health at Every Size STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | What Is Body Image? LO 2 | Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders LO 3 | Can Too Much Exercise Be Unhealthy? POP QUIZ LO 1 | What Is Body Image? LO 2 | Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders LO 3 | Can Too Much Exercise Be Unhealthy? 12 Improving Your Personal Fitness LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | PHYSICAL ACTIVITY FOR HEALTH Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases Reduced Risk of Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes Reduced Cancer Risk Improved Bone Mass and Reduced Risk of Osteoporosis Improved Weight Management Improved Immunity Improved Mental Health and Stress Management Longer Lifespan LO 2 | PHYSICAL ACTIVITY FOR FITNESS AND PERFORMANCE Health-Related Components of Physical Fitness Cardiorespiratory Fitness  Muscular Strength  Muscular Endurance  Flexibility  Body Composition  Skill-Related Components of Physical Fitness LO 3 | COMMITTING TO PHYSICAL FITNESS What If I Have Been Inactive for a While? Overcoming Common Obstacles to Physical Activity Incorporating Physical Activity in Your Life, Mindfully LO 4 | CREATING YOUR OWN FITNESS PROGRAM Set SMART Goals Use the FITT Principle The FITT Principle for Cardiorespiratory Fitness Frequency  Intensity  Time  Type  The FITT Principle for Muscular Strength and Endurance Frequency  Intensity  Time  Type  The FITT Principle for Flexibility Frequency  Intensity  Time  Type  LO 5 | IMPLEMENTING YOUR FITNESS PROGRAM Develop a Progressive Plan Design Your Exercise Session Warm-Up  Cardiorespiratory and/or Resistance Training  Cool-Down and Stretching  Explore Activities That Develop Multiple Components of Fitness Core Strength Training  Yoga  Tai Chi  Pilates  Assess Your Social Environment LO 6 | TAKING IN PROPER NUTRITION FOR EXERCISE Foods for Exercise and Recovery Fluids for Exercise and Recovery LO 7 | PREVENTING AND TREATING FITNESS-RELATED INJURIES Preventing Injuries Appropriate Footwear  Appropriate Protective Equipment  Exercising in the Heat  Exercising in the Cold  Treating Injuries STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | Physical Activity for Health LO 2 | Physical Activity for Fitness and Performance LO 3 | Committing to Physical Fitness LO 4 | Creating Your Own Fitness Program LO 5 | Implementing Your Fitness Program LO 6 | Taking in Proper Nutrition for Exercise LO 7 | Preventing and Treating Fitness-Related Injuries POP QUIZ LO 1 | Physical Activity for Health LO 2 | Physical Activity for Fitness and Performance LO 3 | Committing to Physical Fitness LO 4 | Creating Your Own Fitness Program LO 5 | Implementing Your Fitness Program LO 6 | Taking in Proper Nutrition for Exercise LO 7 | Preventing and Treating Fitness-Related Injuries THINK ABOUT IT! LO 1 | Physical Activity for Health LO 2 | Physical Activity for Fitness and Performance LO 3 | Committing to Physical Fitness LO 4 | Creating Your Own Fitness Program LO 5 | Implementing Your Fitness Program LO 6 | Taking in Proper Nutrition for Exercise LO 7 | Preventing and Treating ­Fitness-Related Injuries ACCESS YOUR HEALTH ON THE INTERNET PART FIVE Preventing and Fighting Disease 13 Reducing Your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE IN THE UNITED STATES LO 2 | UNDERSTANDING THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM The Heart: A Mighty Machine Heart Function  LO 3 | THE MAJOR CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES Hypertension Atherosclerosis Peripheral Artery Disease Coronary Heart Disease Arrhythmias Angina Pectoris Cardiomyopathy and Heart Failure Stroke LO 4 | REDUCING YOUR RISKS Metabolic Syndrome: Quick Risk Profile Modifiable Risks for CVD Avoid Tobacco Changing Fat and Cholesterol Recommendations  Strive for a Heart-Healthy Diet  Maintain a Healthy Weight  Exercise Regularly  Control Diabetes  Control Your Blood Pressure  Manage Stress and Get More Sleep  Nonmodifiable Risks Other Risk Factors Being Studied Inflammation and C-Reactive Protein  Homocysteine  LO 5 | DIAGNOSING AND TREATING CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE Techniques for Diagnosing Cardiovascular Disease Surgical Options: Bypass Surgery, Angioplasty, and Stents Changing Aspirin Recommendations and Other Treatments LO 6 | AN OVERVIEW OF CANCER How Does Cancer Develop? How Is Cancer Classified? LO 7 | WHAT CAUSES CANCER? Lifestyle Risks Tobacco Use  Alcohol and Cancer Risk  Poor Nutrition, Physical Inactivity, and Obesity  Stress and Psychosocial Risks  Genetic and Physiological Risks Reproductive and Hormonal Factors  Inflammation and Cancer Risks  Occupational and Environmental Risks Radiation  Chemicals in Foods  Infectious Diseases and Cancer Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and Liver Cancer  Human Papillomavirus and Cervical Cancer  Helicobacter Pylori and Stomach Cancer LO 8 | TYPES OF CANCERS Lung Cancer Detection, Symptoms, and Treatment  Risk Factors and Prevention  Breast Cancer Detection, Symptoms, and Treatment  Risk Factors and Prevention  Colon and Rectal Cancers Detection, Symptoms, and Treatment  Risk Factors and Prevention  Skin Cancer Detection, Symptoms, and Treatment  Risk Factors and Prevention  Prostate Cancer Detection, Symptoms, and Treatment  Risk Factors and Prevention  Ovarian Cancer Cervical and Endometrial (Uterine Corpus) Cancer Testicular Cancer Pancreatic Cancer: Deadly and on the Rise LO 9 | FACING CANCER Cancer Treatments STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | Cardiovascular Disease in the United States LO 2 | Understanding the Cardiovascular System LO 3 | The Major Cardiovascular Diseases LO 4 | Reducing Your Risks LO 5 | Diagnosing and Treating Cardiovascular Disease LO 6 | An Overview of Cancer LO 7 | What Causes Cancer? LO 8 | Types of Cancers LO 9 | Facing Cancer POP QUIZ LO 1 | Cardiovascular Disease in the United States LO 2 | Understanding the Cardiovascular System LO 3 | The Major Cardiovascular Diseases LO 4 | Reducing Your Risks LO 5 | Diagnosing and Treating Cardiovascular Disease LO 6 | An Overview of Cancer LO 7 | What Causes Cancer? LO 8 | Types of Cancers LO 9 | Facing Cancer THINK ABOUT IT! LO 1 | Cardiovascular Disease in the United States LO 2 | Understanding the Cardiovascular System LO 3 | The Major Cardiovascular Diseases LO 4 | Reducing Your Risks LO 5 | Diagnosing and Treating Cardiovascular Disease LO 6 | An Overview of Cancer LO 7 | What Causes Cancer? LO 8 | Types of Cancers LO 9 | Facing Cancer ACCESS YOUR HEALTH ON THE INTERNET FOCUS ON Minimizing Your Risk for Diabetes LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | WHAT IS DIABETES? Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes Development of Type 2 Diabetes Nonmodifiable Risk Factors Modifiable Risk Factors Prediabetes Gestational Diabetes LO 2 | WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF DIABETES? Complications of Diabetes Diagnosing Diabetes LO 3 | PREVENTING AND TREATING DIABETES Lifestyle Changes Losing Weight Adopting a Healthy Diet Increasing Physical Fitness Medical Interventions Oral Medications Weight Loss Surgery Insulin Injections New Research in the Battle to Cure TD2 STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | What Is Diabetes? LO 2 | What Are the Symptoms of Diabetes? LO 3 | Preventing and Treating Diabetes POP QUIZ LO 1 | What Is Diabetes? LO 2 | What Are the Symptoms of Diabetes? LO 3 | Preventing and Treating Diabetes 14 Protecting Against Infectious Diseases and Sexually Transmitted Infections LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | THE PROCESS OF INFECTION Routes of Transmission: How Do Pathogens Gain Entry? Risk Factors You Can Control Hard to Control Risk Factors LO 2 | YOUR Body’s DEFENSES AGAINST INFECTION Physical and Chemical Defenses The Immune System: Your 24/7 Protector When the Immune System Misfires: Autoimmune Diseases Inflammatory Response, Pain, and Fever Vaccines Bolster Immunity LO 3 | TYPES OF PATHOGENS AND THE DISEASES THEY CAUSE Bacteria Staphylococcal Infections  Clostridium difficile  Streptococcal Infections  Meningitis  Pneumonia  Tuberculosis  The Rise of The Ticks: ­Multiple Disease Threats  Escherichia coli O157:H7  Viruses The Common Cold  Influenza  Hepatitis  Zika  Other Pathogens Fungi  Protozoans  Parasitic Worms  Prions  Emerging and Resurgent Diseases Measles and Mumps  West Nile Virus  Avian (Bird) Flu and Swine (Pig) Flu  Powassan Virus  Mindfulness: A New Ally in Bolstering Defenses? LO 4 | SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS What’s Your Risk? Routes of Transmission LO 5 | COMMON TYPES OF SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS Chlamydia Signs and Symptoms  Complications  Diagnosis and Treatment  Gonorrhea Signs and Symptoms  Complications  Diagnosis and Treatment  Syphilis Signs and Symptoms  Complications  Diagnosis and Treatment  Herpes Signs and Symptoms  Complications  Diagnosis and Treatment  Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Genital Warts Signs and Symptoms  Complications  Diagnosis and Treatment  Candidiasis (Moniliasis) Signs and Symptoms  Diagnosis and Treatment  Trichomoniasis Signs and Symptoms  Diagnosis and Treatment  Pubic Lice Signs and Symptoms  Diagnosis and Treatment  LO 6 | HIV/AIDS How HIV Is Transmitted Engaging in High-Risk Behaviors  Mother-to-Child (Perinatal) Transmision  Signs and Symptoms of HIV/AIDS Testing for HIV: Newer Options Antibody Tests  Combo or Fourth-Generation Tests  Nucleic Acid Tests (NAT) and HIV p24 Antigen Test  New Hope and Treatments Preventing HIV Infection Newer Prevention Strategies for Persons at High Risk for HIV Infection  Where to Go for Help  STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | The Process of Infection LO 2 | Your Body’s Defenses against Infection LO 3 | Types of Pathogens and the Diseases They Cause LO 4 | Sexually Transmitted Infections LO 5 | Common Types of Sexually Transmitted Infections LO 6 | HIV/AIDS POP QUIZ LO 1 | The Process of Infection LO 2 | Your Body’s Defenses against Infection LO 3 | Types of Pathogens and the Diseases They Cause LO 4 | Sexually Transmitted Infections LO 5 | Common Types of Sexually Transmitted Infections LO 6 | HIV/AIDS THINK ABOUT IT! LO 1 | The Process of Infection LO 2 | Your Body’s Defenses against Infection LO 3 | Types of Pathogens and the Diseases They Cause LO 4 | Sexually Transmitted Infections LO 5 | Common Types of Sexually Transmitted Infections LO 6 | HIV/AIDS ACCESS YOUR HEALTH ON THE INTERNET PART SIX Facing Life's Changes FOCUS ON Reducing Risks for Chronic Diseases and Conditions LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | COPING WITH CHRONIC LOWER RESPIRATORY (LUNG) DISEASES Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Bronchitis Emphysema Asthma LO 2 | COPING WITH ALLERGIES Hay Fever LO 3 | COPING WITH NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS Headaches Tension-Type Headaches Migraine Headaches Cluster Headaches Seizure Disorders LO 4 | COPING WITH DIGESTION-RELATED DISORDERS AND DISEASES Irritable Bowel Syndrome Inflammatory Bowel Disease Ulcerative Colitis Crohn’s Disease LO 5 | COPING WITH MUSCULOSKELETAL DISEASES Arthritis Low Back Pain Repetitive Strain/Motion Injuries STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | Chronic Lower Respiratory (Lung) Diseases LO 2 | Coping with Allergies LO 3 | Coping with Neurological Disorders LO 4 | Coping with Digestion-Related Disorders and Diseases LO 5 | Coping with Musculoskeletal Diseases POP QUIZ LO 1 | Chronic Lower Respiratory (Lung) Diseases LO 2 | Coping with Allergies LO 3 | Coping with Neurological Disorders LO 4 | Coping with ­Digestion-Related Disorders and Diseases LO 5 | Coping with Musculoskeletal Diseases 15 Making Smart Health Care Choices LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR HEALTH CARE Self-Care When to Seek Help Assessing Health Professionals Your Rights as a Patient LO 2 | CONVENTIONAL HEALTH CARE Conventional Health Care Practitioners Conventional Medication Prescription Drugs  Over-the-Counter Drugs  LO 3 | HEALTH INSURANCE Private Health Insurance Managed Care Health Maintenance Organizations  Preferred Provider Organization  Point of Service  Other Types of Managed Care  Government-Funded Programs Medicare  Medicare Supplemental Plans  Medicaid  Insurance Coverage by the Numbers LO 4 | ISSUES FACING TODAY’S HEALTH CARE SYSTEM Access Access to Providers, Facilities, and Treatments  Access to High-Quality Health Insurance  Cost Quality STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | Taking Responsibility for Your Health Care LO 2 | Conventional Health Care LO 3 | Health Insurance LO 4 | Issues Facing Today’s Health Care System POP QUIZ LO 1 | Taking Responsibility for Your Health Care LO 2 | Conventional Health Care LO 3 | Health Insurance LO 4 | Issues Facing Today’s Health Care System THINK ABOUT IT! LO 1 | Taking Responsibility for Your Health Care LO 2 | Conventional Health Care LO 3 | Health Insurance LO 4 | Issues Facing Today’s Health Care System ACCESS YOUR HEALTH ON THE INTERNET FOCUS ON Understanding Complementary and Integrative Health LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | WHAT ARE COMPLEMENTARY, ALTERNATIVE, AND INTEGRATIVE HEALTH APPROACHES? LO 2 | COMPLEMENTARY MEDICAL SYSTEMS Traditional Chinese Medicine Ayurveda Homeopathy Naturopathy LO 3 | MIND AND BODY PRACTICES Manipulative Therapies Chiropractic Medicine Massage Therapy Movement Therapies Energy Therapies Acupuncture Acupressure Other Forms of Energy Therapy LO 4 | NATURAL PRODUCTS STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | What Are Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Health Approaches? LO 2 | Complementary Medical Systems LO 3 | Mind and Body Practices LO 4 | Natural Products POP QUIZ LO 1 | What Are Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Health Approaches? LO 2 | Complementary Medical Systems LO 3 | Mind and Body Practices LO 4 | Natural Products FOCUS ON Aging, Death, and Dying LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | AGING Older Adults: A Growing Population Health Issues for an Aging Society Health Care Costs Housing and Living Arrangements Physical and Mental Changes of Aging The Skin Bones and Joints The Urinary Tract The Senses Sexual Function Mental Function and Memory LO 2 | STRATEGIES FOR HEALTHY AGING Improve Fitness Eat for Longevity Develop and Maintain Healthy Relationships Enrich the Spiritual Side of Life LO 3 | UNDERSTANDING THE FINAL TRANSITIONS: DYING AND DEATH Defining Death The Process of Dying Kübler-Ross and the Stages of Dying Social Death Coping with Loss What Is “Typical” Grief? Worden’s Model of Grieving Tasks LO 4 | LIFE-AND-DEATH DECISION MAKING The Right to Die Rational Suicide and Euthanasia LO 5 | MAKING FINAL ARRANGEMENTS Hospice Care: Positive Alternatives Making Funeral Arrangements Wills Organ Donation STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | Aging LO 2 | Strategies for Healthy Living LO 3 | Understanding the Final Transitions: Dying and Death LO 4 | Life-and-Death Decision Making LO 5 | Making Final Arrangements POP QUIZ LO 1 | Aging LO 2 | Strategies for Healthy Living LO 3 | Understanding the Final Transitions: Dying and Death LO 4 | Life-and-Death Decision Making LO 5 | Making Final Arrangements 16 Promoting Environmental Health LEARNING OUTCOMES LO 1 | OVERPOPULATION: THE PLANET’S GREATEST THREAT Global Population Growth Measuring the Impact of People LO 2 | AIR POLLUTION Components of Air Pollution Photochemical Smog Air Quality Index Acid Deposition Indoor Air Pollution Ozone Layer Depletion LO 3 | CLIMATE CHANGE Scientific Evidence of Climate Change and Human-Caused Global Warming Reducing the Threat of Global Warming LO 4 | WATER POLLUTION AND SHORTAGES Water Contamination LO 5 | LAND POLLUTION Solid Waste Hazardous Waste LO 6 | RADIATION Nonionizing Radiation Ionizing Radiation Nuclear Power Plants STUDY PLAN CHAPTER REVIEW LO 1 | Overpopulation: The Planet’s Greatest Threat LO 2 | Air Pollution LO 3 | Climate Change LO 4 | Water Pollution and Shortages LO 5 | Land Pollution LO 6 | Radiation POP QUIZ LO 1 | Overpopulation: The Planet’s Greatest Threat LO 2 | Air Pollution LO 3 | Climate Change LO 4 | Water Pollution and Shortages LO 5 | Land Pollution LO 6 | Radiation THINK ABOUT IT! LO 1 | Overpopulation: The Planet’s Greatest Threat LO 2 | Air Pollution LO 3 | Climate Change LO 4 | Water Pollution and Shortages LO 5 | Land Pollution LO 6 | Radiation ACCESS YOUR HEALTH ON THE INTERNET APPENDIX A POP QUIZ ANSWERS REFERENCES PHOTO CREDITS Chapter 1  Focus On: Difference, Disparity, and Health: Achieving Health Equity  Chapter 2  Focus On: Cultivating Your Spiritual Health  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Focus On: Understanding Your Sexuality  Chapter 7  Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11  Focus On: Enhancing Your Body Image  Chapter 12  Chapter 13  Focus On: Minimizing Your Risk for Diabetes  Chapter 14  Focus On: Reducing Risks for Chronic Diseases and Conditions  Chapter 15  Focus On: Understanding Complementary and Integrative Health  Focus On: Aging, Death, and Dying  Chapter 16  INDEX [Show More]

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