Social Sciences > EXAM > CSAC Practice Exam Question and Answers all Marked 100% Correct (All)

CSAC Practice Exam Question and Answers all Marked 100% Correct

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What is the best definition of insight? - ANSWER A sudden understanding of self, or realization of how a problem can be solved. MAT refers to: - ANSWER The use of medications such as suboxone in th... e treatment of addiction A client asks you to recommend a therapist upon being discharged. What is this referred to as? - ANSWER A referral Which therapy is most directive, but has the greatest risk of abuse of power by the counselor? - ANSWER Gestalt therapy What is the primary purpose of professional credentialing for counselors? - ANSWER To protect public safety by ensuring that counselors meet minimum standards of competency. Which is not a CNS Depressant? - ANSWER Alcohol Xanax Nembutal Benzedrine NOT a CNS Depressant: Benzedrine Informed consent requires that clients should know their rights and obligations, therapeutic goals, fees for services and ___________ - ANSWER the limits of their confidentiality. Attitudes, policies, and practices that are destructive to other cultures and their members are examples of cultural ___________ - ANSWER competence. Restlessness, nervousness, flushed face, muscle twitching, tachycardia or cardiac arrhythmia are all signs or symptoms of: - ANSWER Caffeine intoxication. Which substance use disorder is typically not seen in older children or adults? - ANSWER Inhalant Use Disorder Needle exchange programs can best be described as: - ANSWER Autonomic hyperactivity, hand tremor, nausea or vomiting, psychomotor agitation, grand mal seizures are all signs or symptoms of: - ANSWER __________ involves making a client aware of resources in the community, as well as providing information related to substance abuse, HIV/AIDS and other STDs. - ANSWER Client education In the US, the population that experiences the lowest prevalence of alcohol use disorder is: - ANSWER Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Classical and operant conditioning are associated with __________ therapy. - ANSWER Behavior When a counselor makes arrangement for the client outside of his/her own practice, such as transportation to a clinic. This is best described as: - ANSWER Case management Counseling is most effective when: - ANSWER Culture and values are taken into account One basic principle of documentation requires the counselor to: - ANSWER Describe events in objective terms, using measurable language that can be easily understood. The __________ model of addiction explains addiction as a consequence of personal choice. - ANSWER Moral How does solution-focused brief therapy differ from many of the other approaches to counseling? - ANSWER Emphasis is placed on the present and future while devaluing the past. Case reviews: - ANSWER enable the counselor to assess progress and make any necessary changes in the treatment plan. The tendency of the family to try and maintain balance when dealing with a loved one's substance use disorder is called: - ANSWER Homeostasis You are less likely to be disciplined for the duty to warn when a client has - ANSWER Named a person he plans to harm A counselor, never having never worked with gay clients, should do what as a best course of action? - ANSWER Offer to refer the client to someone with experience in with special issues associated with the gay community Determining a client's eligibility and appropriateness for treatment occurs during the __________ process. - ANSWER Screening Highly structured daily routines, a system of rewards and punishments, and frequent group confrontation are characteristics of: - ANSWER Collateral interviews: - ANSWER Involve gathering information from other persons who are, or have been, associated with the person being assessed. A major criticism of the __________ is that the questions are so obvious that this test cannot possibly detect alcoholics who deny having a problem. - ANSWER MAST (Michigan Alcohol Screening Test ) The goal of complete abstinence is most consistent with the __________ model of addiction. - ANSWER __________ can develop between natural and synthetic opiates, but not between opiates and CNS depressants. - ANSWER Appropriate treatment goals must be: - ANSWER Observable and measurable, in order to facilitate monitoring progress. When is confrontation probably least appropriate? - ANSWER The goal of screening is to: - ANSWER Determine whether a client is appropriate and eligible for a particular treatment service. __________ drugs are used to treat mental disorders - ANSWER Psychotropic Jamal believes that he has everything he will ever need materially and financially, so he has decided to devote his time to music and other creative outlets for self-expression. Jamal's motivation is best accounted for by: - ANSWER Humanistic theories The idea that people have an in-born desire to self-actualize is associated with: - ANSWER Methadone, Tramadol and Morphine are all - ANSWER The central focus or charge of the twelfth step of Alcoholics Anonymous is: - ANSWER Service to others A counselor's personal values: - ANSWER Nonmaleficence is the ethical principle that means: - ANSWER Do no harm __________ interventions have been developed or are being sought to block the effects of abused drugs, reduce cravings for drugs and block the toxic effects of drugs. - ANSWER Pharmacological The terminology now being used in the DSM-5 for diagnostic categories is: - ANSWER Substance Use Disorders Which statement best describes the relevance of counselor self-exploration? - ANSWER Counselors can benefit greatly from being clients themselves, at some point. __________ is the term used to describe the mental activities involved in acquiring, retaining and using any type of knowledge. - ANSWER Cognition In the DSM-5, for a substance use disorder severity indicator of mild, how many criteria must be present? - ANSWER Two to three In which situation is it acceptable to release confidential information without prior consent from the client? - ANSWER When the client admits to abusing a child. Substance __________ is a syndrome that develops temporarily after ingestion of a psychoactive substance. - ANSWER Intoxication CASE STUDY: The client's level of motivation to receive treatment and her presumed diagnosis make her __________ for admission for this particular facility. - ANSWER appropriate CASE STUDY: If you chose to seek additional information from the client's estranged husband or her employer, when would be the most appropriate time to do so? - ANSWER As part of the assessment CASE STUDY: During the treatment planning process, you inform the client that she should abstain from all mind or mood altering chemicals. In her case, this poses a particular problem because she does not believe that alcohol is an issue. When seeking to resolve this issue, what is the most important principle of treatment planning that you must consider here? - ANSWER The client and counselor must agree on the goals to be set during treatment and clearly the client does not agree. Referral means: - ANSWER Assisting a client to utilize the support systems and community resources available. __________ are a problem associated with consuming alcohol and Valium together. - ANSWER Synergistic effects __________ is the belief that one's own culture is superior to others. - ANSWER Ethnocentrism Excessive use of alcohol is a result of personal choice and therefore should be punished. This statement is consistent with the __________ model of addiction. - ANSWER Moral A common problem for beginning counselors is: - ANSWER A counselor wants to record a counseling session with a client so that the counselor could listen to the tape, along with her supervisor, as part of ongoing training. According to ethical best practices, the counselor's plan are: - ANSWER Ethical, as long as the client granted permission beforehand. A major criticism of self-report instruments is that the questions are so obvious that these tests cannot possibly detect alcoholics who deny having a problem. This issue is the dilemma of __________ questions. - ANSWER A mental status exam does NOT assess: - ANSWER Abstinence is to harm reduction as: - ANSWER Appropriate treatment goals must be: - ANSWER Agree upon by the client and counselor. Arbitrary inferences and selective abstractions are examples of: - ANSWER Client education on HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases: - ANSWER Completing necessary documentation for admission to a particular treatment program occurs during the __________ process. - ANSWER Concise and accurate reporting is necessary in order to: - ANSWER Counselor self-disclosure is best limited to: - ANSWER Drowsiness of coma, slurred speech, impairment in attention or memory are all signs or symptoms of: - ANSWER Generally, the Tarasoff requirement has been interpreted as: - ANSWER In his second counseling session, a client reveals to the counselor that he is HIV positive. The counselor's best course of action is to: - ANSWER Discuss the client's case with a clinical supervisor in order to meet the needs of the client. In which situation is it NOT acceptable to release confidential information without prior consent from the client? - ANSWER Jackie is recently discharged from the Air Force. His counselor suspects that he has PTSD, due to his experiences during active duty in Afghanistan. The counselor contacted the Veteran's Administration and located a clincic in the area with special groups for Vets with PTSD. The counselor then made arrangements for Jackie to be attend these groups while he is still in primary treatment for substance abuse. The counselor's actions are best described as: - ANSWER Methadone maintenance programs can best be described as: - ANSWER Niko is a client who has been gaining weight steadily since entering treatment. When confronted about his constant snacking and lack of activity, he told his counselor that he needed to eat this way in order to keep his mind off of his drug of choice. He felt that he deserved to indulge, since he was giving up the primary source of satisfaction he had used for years. The counselor would rightly conclude that the ego defense mechanism of __________ is at work here. - ANSWER One basic principle of documentation requires the counselor to: - ANSWER record material in a manner that allows a new counselor to understand the general progress of any client Rajish is avoiding social situations which involve drinking or drugs. He is worried that others may encourage him to drink. The counselor suggests that they act-out such a situation in order to develop responses if such a situation arises. This counseling technique is: - ANSWER Rates of opioid use are higher in ___________ than in __________. - ANSWER Reinforcement and punishment are associated with __________ Therapy. - ANSWER Some researchers have concluded that no one pattern of dysfunctional substance abuse exists. They also conclude that there is ore than one personality type that happens to be more prone to addiction than some others. This multivariate focus is most consistent with the: - ANSWER Studies have linked substance abuse among African Americans to three factors: economic deprivation, stress and __________. - ANSWER The concept of informed consent requires that before agreeing to accept treatment, clients should know __________, their rights and obligations, fees for services and limits of confidentiality. - ANSWER The cultural philosophy of "noninterference" is associated with alcohol-related problems among: - ANSWER The DSM-5 includes criteria sets specific to intoxication for each substance category except for __________. - ANSWER The first step of Alcoholics Anonymous requires: - ANSWER The initial stage of crisis intervention involves: - ANSWER The primary goal of a mental status exam is to measure the client's orientation to __________, __________, or __________. - ANSWER The primary principles behind Alcoholics Anonymous are spirituality, self-improvement and __________. - ANSWER Service to others Which core function of counseling is related to the term "didactic?" - ANSWER Which neurotransmitter is most closely associated with feelings of well-being, appetite and mental alertness? - ANSWER Which of the following is a CNS depressant? - ANSWER Xanax Nicotine Adderall Benzedrine Answer: Which of the following is an SSRI (___________)? - ANSWER Cylert Ritilin Prozac Valium Which of the following is most closely associated with involuntary confinement, such as a prison setting? - ANSWER Which of the following is the best definition of a "slip"? - ANSWER Which of the following is the best definition of denial? - ANSWER Which of these is the best example of a substance-induced disorder? - ANSWER Which statement is TRUE regarding counselor self-exploration? - ANSWER With the new DSM-5 nomenclature, clinicians will now specify severity of the addiction using ratings of: - ANSWER Mild, moderate, and severe. You are seeing a patient whom you suspect may be suicidal. Which of the following factors most suggests that the risk of suicide is high? - ANSWER CASE STUDY: What part of the treatment process was interrupted by the client's wife? - ANSWER CASE STUDY: What in this case suggests to you that this client is in a crisis? - ANSWER CASE STUDY: During the group process, what counseling principle was best demonstrated when the counselor asked clients to give examples of times they had acted impulsively and later regretted it? - ANSWER Which of the following is the best definition of a "relapse"? - ANSWER An episode of substance abuse followng a period of abstinence. When a drug initiates a physiological response when attaching to a receptor site in the brain, it is best classified as: - ANSWER A harm-reduction program is designed to: - ANSWER During treatment, Vic started having painful urination and feared he might have a sexually transmitted disease. Vic had not been to a doctor in at least ten years and did not have a regular doctor to call. The counselor gave him the name of a local physician who would treat a new patient on short notice. This process is best viewed as an example of: - ANSWER A major focus of the principle of anonymity in the AA fellowship is directed specifically at __________ - ANSWER Which of the following is the best definition of transference? - ANSWER Unconscious shifting of feelings and fantasies from significant others to the therapist. __________ includes the identification and ranking of problems needing resolution. - ANSWER Appropriate documentation in the client's chart includes incidents, reports and __________. - ANSWER Which statement about counseling is TRUE? - ANSWER When an actively-using, alcohol-dependent client presents with depressive symptoms: - ANSWER One method for increasing the effectiveness of counseling for Latino clients is: - ANSWER Methadone is a drug used in: - ANSWER Bertrand qualifies for job re-training because of a disability. His counselor made an appointment with the state rehabilitation commission to evaluate the type of training that might be beneficial for Bertrand. The counselor also made arrangements for Bertrand to be transported to the appointment, although he was still in primary treatment. The counselor's actions are best described as: - ANSWER One major problem associated with victimology and recovery is that: - ANSWER Mike and his client have developed a personal attraction to one another. The best course of action for him is to: - ANSWER What best represents the information that should be kept in a client's treatment record? - ANSWER African Americans generally do not view alcohol as a prerequisite to fun because: - ANSWER A client presents with non-healing ulcers, abscesses, brittle fingernails, and bruxism. Abuse of which classification of drugs is most likely? - ANSWER Juanita has been seeing a counselor for several weeks and has recently started responding in an argumentative fashion. Last time, she told the counselor, "you are just like my father, always on my case!" This situation best exemplifies: - ANSWER A client must be told the limits of confidentiality before the first therapy session, along with the cost of the services. These issues are part of the process known as: - ANSWER The most popular and yet most controversial theory of addiction views: - ANSWER Nervousness or anxiety, sleep difficulty (e.g., insomnia, disturbing dreams), decreased appetite or weight loss, depressed mood are all signs or symptoms of: - ANSWER According to the DSM-5 standards, controlled use of __________ during religious observances is not to be considered a diagnosable condition. - ANSWER __________ symptoms are the most common psychiatric symptoms seen in AOD abusers - ANSWER Rational emotive behavior therapy is considered to be a __________ approach to counseling. - ANSWER Maslow's Hierarch of Needs suggests taht: - ANSWER Bethany acknowledged in a group session that she was unfaithful to her husband for several months. Although she has ended the affair, she is now convinced that her husband is cheating on her. The counselor would rightly conclude that the ego defense mechanism of __________ is at work here. - ANSWER [Show More]

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