*NURSING > NCLEX > Pediatric Growth and Development: NCLEX Questions & Answers_ 2022. (All)

Pediatric Growth and Development: NCLEX Questions & Answers_ 2022.

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Pediatric Growth and Development: NCLEX Questions & Answers_ 2022. The nurse is aware that the age at which the posterior fontanelle closes is _____ months. a. 2 to 3 b. 3 to 6 c. 6 to 9 d. ... 9 to 12 Which stage of development is most unstable and challenging regarding development of personal identity? A) Adolescence B) Toddler hood C) Childhood D) Infancy A maternity nurse is providing instruction to a new mother regarding the psychosocial development of the newborn infant. Using Erikson's psychosocial development theory, the nurse would instruct the mother to A) Allow the newborn infant to signal a need B) Anticipate all of the needs of the newborn infant C) Avoid the newborn infant during the first 10 minutes of crying D) Attend to the newborn infant immediately when crying A mother of a 3-year-old tells a clinic nurse that the child is rebelling constantly and having temper tantrums. The nurse most appropriately tells the mother to: A) Punish the child every time the child says "no", to change the behavior B) Allow the behavior because this is normal at this age period C) Set limits on the child's behavior D) Ignore the child when this behavior occurs A nurse is evaluating the developmental level of a 2-year-old. Which of the following does the nurse expect to observe in this child? A) Uses a fork to eat B) Uses a cup to drink C) Uses a knife for cutting food D) Pours own milk into a cup A clinic nurse assesses the communication patterns of a 5-month-old infant. The nurse determines that the infant is demonstrating the highest level of developmental achievement expected if the infant: A) Uses simple words such as "mama" B) Uses monosyllabic babbling C) Links syllables together D) Coos when comforted A nurse is preparing to care for a 5-year-old who has been placed in traction following a fracture of the femur. The nurse plans care, knowing that which of the following is the most appropriate activity for this child? A) Large picture books B) A radio C) Crayons and coloring book D) A sports video A 16-year-old is admitted to the hospital for acute appendicitis, and an appendectomy is performed. Which of the following nursing interventions is most appropriate to facilitate normal growth and development? A) Allow the family to bring in the child's favorite computer games B) Encourage the parents to room-in with the child C) Encourage the child to rest and read D) Allow the child to participate in activities with other individuals in the same age group when the condition permits The mother of a toddler asks a nurse when it is safe to place the car safety seat in a face-forward position. The best nursing response is which of the following? A) When the toddler weighs 20 lbs B) The seat should not be placed in a face-forward position unless there are safety locks in the car C) The seat should never be place in a face-forward position because the risk of the child unbuckling the harness D) When the weight of the toddler is greater than 40 lbs A mother calls the pediatrician's office because her infant is "colicky." The helpful measure the nurse would suggest to the parent is to: a. sing songs to the infant in a soft voice. b. place the infant in a well-lit room. c. walk around and massage the infant's back. d. rock the fussy infant slowly and gently. The nurse teaches parents how to help their children learn impulse control and cooperative behaviors. This would occur during which of the stages of development defined by Erikson? A.Trust versus mistrust B.Initiative versus guilt C.Industry versus inferiority D.Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt The nurse knows that an infant's birth weight should be tripled by: a. 9 months. b. 1 year. c. 18 months. d. 2 years. The nurse is aware that the earliest age at which an infant is able to sit steadily alone is _____ months. a. 4 b. 5 c. 8 d. 15 The nurse is aware that the earliest age at which the infant should be able to walk independently is _____ months. a. 8 to 10 b. 12 to 15 c. 15 to 18 d. 18 to 21 The parent of a 3-month-old infant asks the nurse, "At what age do infants usually begin drinking from a cup?" The nurse would reply: a. 5 months. b. 9 months. c. 1 year. d. 2 years. The nurse would expect a 4-month-old to be able to: a. hold a cup. b. stand with assistance. c. lift head and shoulders. d. sit with back straight. The abnormal finding in an evaluation of growth and development for a 6-month-old infant would be: a. weight gain of 4 to 7 ounces per week. b. length increase of 1 inch in 2 months. c. head lag present. d. can sit alone for a few seconds. A parent brings a 6-month-old infant to the pediatric clinic for her well-baby examination. Her birth weight was 8 pounds, 2 ounces. The nurse weighing the infant today would expect her weight to be at least _____ pounds. a. 12 b. 16 c. 20 d. 24 The nurse would advise a parent when introducing solid foods to: a. begin with one tablespoon of food. b. mix foods together. c. eliminate a refused food from the diet. d. introduce each new food 4 to 7 days apart. When assessing development in a 9-month-old infant, the nurse would expect to observe the infant: a. speaking in 2-word sentences. b. grasping objects with palmar grasp. c. creeping along the floor. d. beginning to use a spoon rather sloppily. The statement made by a parent that indicates correct understanding of infant feeding is: a. "I've been mixing rice cereal and formula in the baby's bottle." b. "I switched the baby to low-fat milk at 9 months." c. "The baby really likes little pieces of chocolate." d. "I give the baby any new foods before he takes his bottle." The nurse would advise a mother who is concerned because her 10-month-old is lethargic to__________. The nurse discusses child-proofing the home for safety with the mother of a 9-month-old. The statement made by the mother that indicates an unsafe behavior is: a. "I put covers on all of the electrical outlets." b. "In the car, she rides in a front-facing car seat." c. "There are locks on all of the cabinets in the house." d. "I have a gate at the top and bottom of the stairs." The nurse observes a 10-month-old infant using her index finger and thumb to pick up pieces of cereal. This behavior is evidence that the infant has developed: a. the pincer grasp. b. a grasp reflex. c. prehension ability. d. the parachute reflex. The most appropriate activity to recommend to parents to promote sensorimotor stimulation for a 1-year-old would be to: a. ride a tricycle. b. spend time in an infant swing. c. play with push-pull toys. d. read large picture books. The nurse explains that by the age of 6 months an iron-rich formula should be offered because the infant has: a. limited ability to produce red blood cells. b. ineffective digestive enzymes. c. exhausted maternal iron stores. d. need of the iron to support dentition. The nurse cautions that children who have unmet hunger needs will likely display which characteristic(s)? Select all that apply. a. Irritability b. Ineffective feeding patterns c. No predictable sleep-wake cycle d. Distrust e. Effective parent bonding What should the teaching plan include about infant fall precautions? Select all that apply. a. Remove all unsteady furniture. b. Keep crib rails up and in locked position. c. Steady infant with hand when on changing table. d. Use tray attachment on high chair as restraint. e. Keep infant seat on the floor. - ANS: A, B, C, E The tray attachment to a high chair is an inadequate restraint. All other options are good precautions to prevent an infant from a fall. The nurse explains that the second process of self-mobility an infant learns is seen at the age of 9 months, when the infant begins to ___________. - A 3-month-old infant, born at 38 weeks of gestation, will hold a rattle if it is put in her hands, but she will not voluntarily grasp it. The nurse should interpret this as: a. Normal development. b. Significant developmental lag. c. Slightly delayed development caused by prematurity. d. Suggestive of a neurologic disorder such as cerebral palsy. In terms of fine motor development, the infant of 7 months should be able to: a. Transfer objects from one hand to the other. b. Use thumb and index finger in crude pincer grasp. c. Hold crayon and make a mark on paper. d. Release cubes into a cup. In terms of gross motor development, what would the nurse expect a 5-month-old infant to do? a. Roll from abdomen to back. b. Roll from back to abdomen. c. Sit erect without support. d. Move from prone to sitting position. Most infants begin to fear strangers at age: a. 2 months c. 6 months b. 4 months d. 12 months In terms of gross motor development, what would the nurse expect a 5-month-old infant to do? Choose all that apply. a. Roll from abdomen to back b. Put feet in mouth when supine c. Roll from back to abdomen d. Sit erect without support e. Move from prone to sitting position f. Adjust posture to reach an object A parent of an 18-month-old boy tells the nurse that he says "no" to everything and has rapid mood swings. If he is scolded, he shows anger and then immediately wants to be held. The nurse's best interpretation of this behavior is that: a. This is normal behavior for his age. b. This is unusual behavior for his age. c. He is not effectively coping with stress. d. He is showing he needs more attention. A 17-month-old child would be expected to be in what stage according to Piaget? a. Trust b. Preoperations c. Secondary circular reaction d. Tertiary circular reaction What describes a toddler's cognitive development at age 20 months? a. Searches for an object only if he or she sees it being hidden b. Realizes that "out of sight" is not out of reach c. Puts objects into a container but cannot take them out d. Understands the passage of time such as "just a minute" and "in an hour" Although a 14-month-old girl received a shock from an electrical outlet recently, her parents find her about to place a paper clip in another outlet. The best interpretation of this behavior is: a. Her cognitive development is delayed. b. This is typical behavior because toddlers are not very developed. c. This is typical behavior because of inability to transfer knowledge to new situations. d. This is not typical behavior because toddlers should know better than to repeat an act that caused pain. Which statement is correct about toilet training? a. Bladder training is usually accomplished before bowel training. b. Wanting to please the parent helps motivate the child to use the toilet. c. Watching older siblings use the toilet confuses the child. d. Children must be forced to sit on the toilet when first learning. Which characteristic best describes the gross motor skills of a 24-month-old child? a. Skips b. Rides tricycle c. Broad jumps d. Walks up and down stairs The parents of a 2-year-old tell the nurse that they are concerned because the toddler has started to use "baby talk" since the arrival of their new baby. The nurse should recommend that the parents: a. Ignore the "baby talk." b. Explain to the toddler that "baby talk" is for babies. c. Tell the toddler frequently, "You are a big kid now." d. Encourage the toddler to practice more advanced patterns of speech. What would the nurse expect of a healthy 3-year-old child? a. Jump rope b. Ride a two-wheel bicycle c. Skip on alternate feet d. Balance on one foot for a few seconds a. Use magical thinking. b. Think abstractly. c. Understand conservation of matter. d. Be unable to comprehend another person's perspective. A 4-year-old boy is hospitalized with a serious bacterial infection. He tells the nurse that he is sick because he was "bad." The nurse's best interpretation of this comment is that it is: a. A sign of stress. b. Common at this age. c. Suggestive of maladaptation. d. Suggestive of excessive discipline at home. Which type of play is most typical of the preschool period? a. Solitary c. Associative b. Parallel d. Team The parent of a 4-year-old son tells the nurse that the child believes "monsters and boogeyman" are in his bedroom at night. The nurse's best suggestion for coping with this problem is to: a. Insist that the child sleep with his parents until the fearful phase passes. b. Suggest involving the child to find a practical solution such as a night light. c. Help the child understand that these fears are illogical. d. Tell the child frequently that monsters and boogeyman do not exist. Which statement accurately describes physical development during the school-age years? a. The child's weight almost triples. b. A child grows an average of 2 inches per year. c. Few physical differences are apparent among children at the end of middle childhood. d. Fat gradually increases, which contributes to the child's heavier appearance. Generally the earliest age at which puberty begins is: a. 13 years in girls, 13 years in boys b. 11 years in girls, 11 years in boys c. 10 years in girls; 12 years in boys d. 12 years in girls, 10 years in boys The role of the peer group in the life of school-age children is that it: a. Gives them an opportunity to learn dominance and hostility. b. Allows them to remain dependent on their parents for a longer time. c. Decreases their need to learn appropriate sex roles. d. Provides them with security as they gain independence from their parents. A group of boys ages 9 and 10 years have formed a "boys-only" club that is open to neighborhood and school friends who have skateboards. This should be interpreted: a. Behavior that encourages bullying and sexism. b. Behavior that reinforces poor peer relationships. c. Characteristic of social development of this age. d. Characteristic of children who later are at risk for membership in gangs. What is descriptive of the play of school-age children? a. Individuality in play is better tolerated than at earlier ages. b. Knowing the rules of a game gives an important sense of belonging. c. They like to invent games, making up the rules as they go. d. Team play helps children learn the universal importance of competition and winning. Which statement best describes fear in school-age children? a. They are increasingly fearful for body safety. b. Most of the new fears that trouble them are related to school and family. c. They should be encouraged to hide their fears to prevent ridicule by peers. d. Those who have numerous fears need continuous protective behavior by parents to eliminate these fears. a. Children in 5th grade are too young for sex education. b. Children should be discouraged from asking too many questions. c. Correct terminology should be reserved for children who are older. d. Sex can be presented as a normal part of growth and development. An adolescent boy tells the nurse that he has recently had homosexual feelings. The nurse's response should be based on knowledge that: a. This indicates that the adolescent is homosexual. b. This indicates that the adolescent will become homosexual as an adult. c. The adolescent should be referred for psychotherapy. d. The adolescent should be encouraged to share his feelings and experiences. The most common cause of death in the adolescent age-group involves: a. Drownings. b. Firearms. c. Drug overdoses. d. Motor vehicles. An adolescent girl tells the nurse that she is very suicidal. The nurse asks her if she has a specific plan. Asking this should be considered: a. An appropriate part of the assessment. b. Not a critical part of the assessment. c. Suggesting that the adolescent needs a plan. d. Encouraging the adolescent to devise a plan. What represents the major stressor of hospitalization for children from middle infancy throughout the preschool years? a. Separation anxiety b. Loss of control c. Fear of bodily injury d. Fear of pain [Show More]

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